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  • LPC4300系列ARM双核微控制器产品数据手册

    The LPC4350/30/20/10 are ARM Cortex-M4 based microcontrollers for embeddedapplications. The ARM Cortex-M4 is a next generation core that offers systemenhancements such as low power consumption, enhanced debug features, and a highlevel of support block integration.The LPC4350/30/20/10 operate at CPU frequencies of up to 150 MHz. The ARMCortex-M4 CPU incorporates a 3-stage pipeline, uses a Harvard architecture withseparate local instruction and data buses as well as a third bus for peripherals, andINcludes an internal prefetch unit that supports speculative branching. The ARMCortex-M4 supports single-cycle digital signal processing and SIMD instructions. Ahardware floating-point processor is integrated in the core.The LPC4350/30/20/10 INclude an ARM Cortex-M0 coprocessor, up to 264 kB of datamemory, advanced configurable peripherals such as the State Configurable Timer (SCT)and the Serial General Purpose I/O (SGPIO) interface, two High-speed USB controllers,Ethernet, LCD, an external memory controller, and multiple digital and analog peripherals

    标签: 4300 LPC ARM 双核微控制器

    上传时间: 2013-10-28


  • LPC315x系列ARM微控制器用户手册

    The NXP LPC315x combine an 180 MHz ARM926EJ-S CPU core, High-speed USB 2.0OTG, 192 KB SRAM, NAND flash controller, flexible external bus interface, an integratedaudio codec, Li-ion charger, Real-Time Clock (RTC), and a myriad of serial and parallelinterfaces in a single chip targeted at consumer, industrial, medical, and communicationmarkets. To optimize system power consumption, the LPC315x have multiple powerdomains and a very flexible Clock Generation Unit (CGU) that provides dynamic clockgating and scaling.The LPC315x is implemented as multi-chip module with two side-by-side dies, one fordigital fuctions and one for analog functions, which INclude a Power Supply Unit (PSU),audio codec, RTC, and Li-ion battery charger.

    标签: 315x LPC 315 ARM

    上传时间: 2014-01-17


  • Algorithms(算法概论)pdf

    This book evolved over the past ten years from a set of lecture notes developed while teaching the undergraduate Algorithms course at Berkeley and U.C. San Diego. Our way of teaching this course evolved tremendously over these years in a number of directions, partly to address our students' background (undeveloped formal skills outside of programming), and partly to reect the maturing of the eld in general, as we have come to see it. The notes increasingly crystallized into a narrative, and we progressively structured the course to emphasize the “story line” implicit in the progression of the material. As a result, the topics were carefully selected and clustered. No attempt was made to be encyclopedic, and this freed us to INclude topics traditionally de-emphasized or omitted from most Algorithms books.

    标签: Algorithms 算法

    上传时间: 2013-11-11


  • 基于单片机的简单电子琴(源代码)

    简单电子琴的51单片机程序 #INclude<reg51.h>       //包含51单片机寄存器定义的头文件 sbit P14=P1^4;     //将P14位定义为P1.4引脚 sbit P15=P1^5;          //将P15位定义为P1.5引脚 sbit P16=P1^6;     //将P16位定义为P1.6引脚 sbit P17=P1^7;     //将P17位定义为P1.7引脚 unsigned char keyval;   //定义变量储存按键值 sbit sound=P2^0;     //将sound定义为P2.0 unsigned int C;     //全局变量,储存定时器的定时常数 unsigned int f;     //全局变量,储存音阶的频率 //以下是C调低音的音频宏定义 #define l_dao 262     //将“l_dao”宏定义为低音“1”的频率262Hz #define l_re 294     //将“l_re” 宏定义为低音“2”的频率294Hz #define l_mi 330     //将“l_mi” 宏定义为低音“3”的频率330Hz #define l_fa 349        //将“l_fa” 宏定义为低音“4”的频率349Hz #define l_sao 392       //将“l_sao”宏定义为低音“5”的频率392Hz #define l_la 440        //将“l_la” 宏定义为低音“6”的频率440Hz #define l_xi 494        //将“l_xi” 宏定义为低音“7”的频率494Hz //以下是C调中音的音频宏定义 #define dao 523     //将“dao”宏定义为低音“1”的频率Hz #define re 587 //将“re” 宏定义为低音“2”的频率Hz #define mi 659 //将“mi” 宏定义为低音“3”的频率Hz #define fa 698 //将“fa” 宏定义为低音“4”的频率Hz #define sao 784 //将“sao”宏定义为低音“5”的频率Hz #define la 880 //将“la” 宏定义为低音“6”的频率Hz #define xi 988 //将“xi” 宏定义为低音“7”的频率Hz

    标签: 单片机 电子琴 源代码

    上传时间: 2013-11-09


  • C语言程序设计入门(中文版)及软件下载

    解压包包含了C语言入门经典教程和Visuak c++软件 【基本简介】 Visual C++是一个功能强大的可视化软件开发工具。自1993年Microsoft公司推出Visual C++1.0后,随着其新版本的不断问世,Visual C++已成为专业程序员进行软件开发的首选工具。 虽然微软公司推出了Visual C++.NET(Visual C++7.0),但它的应用的很大的局限性,只适用于Windows 2000,Windows XP和Windows NT4.0。所以实际中,更多的是以Visual C++6.0为平台。 Visual C++6.0不仅是一个C++编译器,而且是一个基于Windows操作系统的可视化集成开发环境(integrated development environment,IDE)。Visual C++6.0由许多组件组成,包括编辑器、调试器以及程序向导AppWizard、类向导Class Wizard等开发工具。 这些组件通过一个名为Developer Studio的组件集成为和谐的开发环境。 在Visual C++ 6.0 企业版的基础上集成官方的SP6升级补丁制作而成!免序列号,安装完即可使用,无需再打补丁! 【使用方法】 有些朋友反应在安装后出现 "Error spawning error" 可以看看下面绿色软件找到的一些解决方案:  点击VC“TOOLS(工具)”—>“Option(选择)”—>“Directories(目录)”重新设置“Excutable Fils、INclude Files、Library Files、Source Files”的路径。很多情况可能就一个盘符的不同(例如你的VC装在C,但是这些路径全部在D),改过来就OK了。

    标签: C语言 程序设计 软件

    上传时间: 2013-10-09


  • C语言函数大全(语法着色版)

        C语言函数大全,已包含绝大部分的函数。每个函数包含函数名,功能,用法,举例,内容详尽。希望对大家有所帮助~~   函数名: abort   功 能: 异常终止一个进程   用 法: void abort(void);   程序例:   #INclude   #INclude   int main(void)   {   printf("Calling abort()\n");   abort();   return 0; /* This is never reached */   }   函数名: abs   功 能: 求整数的绝对值   用 法: int abs(int i);   程序例:   #INclude   #INclude   int main(void)   {   int number = -1234;   printf("number: %d absolute value: %d\n", number, abs(number));   return 0;   }

    标签: C语言 函数

    上传时间: 2013-12-06


  • 旋转led时钟程序

    #INclude<reg51.h> unsigned char miao=0,fen=0,shi=0; unsigned  char  miao1=0,miao2=0; unsigned  char  fen1=0,fen2=0; unsigned  char  shi1=0,shi2=0;

    标签: led 旋转 时钟程序

    上传时间: 2013-11-04


  • 飞思卡尔智能车的舵机测试程序

    飞思卡尔智能车的舵机测试程序 #INclude <hidef.h>      /* common defines and macros */#INclude <MC9S12XS128.h>     /* derivative information */#pragma LINK_INFO DERIVATIVE "mc9s12xs128" void SetBusCLK_16M(void)             {       CLKSEL=0X00;        PLLCTL_PLLON=1;          //锁相环电路允许位    SYNR=0x00 | 0x01;        //SYNR=1    REFDV=0x80 | 0x01;          POSTDIV=0x00;            _asm(nop);              _asm(nop);    while(!(CRGFLG_LOCK==1));       CLKSEL_PLLSEL =1;          } void PWM_01(void) {     //舵机初始化   PWMCTL_CON01=1;    //0和1联合成16位PWM;    PWMCAE_CAE1=0;    //选择输出模式为左对齐输出模式    PWMCNT01 = 0;     //计数器清零;    PWMPOL_PPOL1=1;    //先输出高电平,计数到DTY时,反转电平    PWMPRCLK = 0X40;    //clockA 不分频,clockA=busclock=16MHz;CLK B 16分频:1Mhz     PWMSCLA = 0x08;    //对clock SA 16分频,pwm clock=clockA/16=1MHz;         PWMCLK_PCLK1 = 1;   //选择clock SA做时钟源    PWMPER01 = 20000;   //周期20ms; 50Hz;    PWMDTY01 = 1500;   //高电平时间为1.5ms;     PWME_PWME1 = 1;   

    标签: 飞思卡尔智能车 舵机 测试程序

    上传时间: 2013-11-04


  • cs5460a程序(C程序源代码)

    #INclude <reg51.h>#INclude <main.h>#INclude <interrupt.h> cs5460a应用电路(含源程序)bit code table_odd_even_bit[16]={0,1,1,0,1,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,0,1,1,0}; extern uchar rs485_timeout,pointer_buf485;extern uchar rs485_buf[MAX_485_LEN];extern uchar idata spi_buf[MAX_SPI_LEN];extern uchar pointer_send,send_len; extern uchar count_1s;//extern uint count_2min;extern uint count_10s;extern uchar oper_len,send_offset,chk_sum,send_i;extern bit flag_send_data,flag_level,flag_drdy,flag_data_ok;

    标签: 5460a 5460 cs C程序

    上传时间: 2014-01-24


  • c8051f330 C程序源代码

    //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//此程序为ADC转换程序,可以选择向ADC0BUSY写1或用定时器0,1,2,3作为ADC的启动信号。////------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//头文件定义//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//#INclude <c8051f330.h>               #INclude <stdio.h> //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------// 定义16位特殊功能寄存器//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sfr16 ADC0     = 0xbd;                sfr16 TMR0RL   = 0xca;                                                                                               sfr16 TMR1RL   = 0xca;                 sfr16 TMR2RL   =0xca;                 sfr16 TMR3RL   =0xca;               sfr16 TMR0     = 0xCC;              sfr16 TMR1     = 0xCC;                sfr16 TMR2     = 0xcc;               sfr16 TMR3     = 0xcc;               //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------// 全局变量定义//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------char i;int result;                       //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------//定义常量//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------#define SYSCLK       49000000        #define SAMPLE_RATE  50000             //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// 定义函数//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------void SYSCLK_Init (void);void PORT_Init (void);void Timer0_Init (int counts);void Timer1_Init (int counts);void Timer2_Init (int counts);void Timer3_Init (int counts);void ADC0_Init(void);void ADC0_ISR (void);void ADC0_CNVS_ADC0h(void);//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// 主程序//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void main (void) {       int ADCRESULT[50] ;  int k;                     PCA0MD &= ~0x40;                       // 禁止看门狗                   SYSCLK_Init ();                        PORT_Init ();    Timer0_Init (SYSCLK/SAMPLE_RATE);     //Timer1_Init (SYSCLK/SAMPLE_RATE);     //选择相应的启动方式   //Timer2_Init (SYSCLK/SAMPLE_RATE);    //Timer3_Init (SYSCLK/SAMPLE_RATE);          ADC0_Init();   EA=1;   while(1)            {     //ADC0_CNVS_ADC0h();  k=ADC0;    ADCRESULT[i]=result;                   //此处设断点,观察ADCRESULT的结果          }   }

    标签: c8051f330 C程序 源代码

    上传时间: 2013-10-13
