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  • 将您的微控制器ADC升级至真正的12位性能

      Many 8-bit and 16-bit microcontrollers feature 10-bitinternal ADCs. A few INclude 12-bit ADCs, but these oftenhave poor or nonexistent AC specifi cations, and certainlylack the performance to meet the needs of an increasingnumber of applications. The LTC®2366 and its slowerspeed versions offer a high performance alternative, asshown in the AC specifi cations in Table 1. Compare theseguaranteed specifi cations with the ADC built into yourcurrent microcontroller.

    标签: ADC 微控制器 性能

    上传时间: 2013-10-26


  • 数据采集电路分析

      This application note features 8-, 10-, and 12-bit dataacquisition components in various circuit configurations.The circuits INclude battery monitoring, temperature sensing,isolated serial interfaces, and microprocessor andmicrocontroller serial and parallel interfaces. Also INcludedare voltage reference circuits (Application Note 42contains more voltage reference circuits).

    标签: 数据采集 电路分析

    上传时间: 2014-01-15


  • ADC转换器技术用语 (A/D Converter Defi

    ANALOG INPUT BANDWIDTH is a measure of the frequencyat which the reconstructed output fundamental drops3 dB below its low frequency value for a full scale input. Thetest is performed with fIN equal to 100 kHz plus integer multiplesof fCLK. The input frequency at which the output is −3dB relative to the low frequency input signal is the full powerbandwidth.APERTURE JITTER is the variation in aperture delay fromsample to sample. Aperture jitter shows up as input noise.APERTURE DELAY See Sampling Delay.BOTTOM OFFSET is the difference between the input voltagethat just causes the output code to transition to the firstcode and the negative reference voltage. Bottom Offset isdefined as EOB = VZT–VRB, where VZT is the first code transitioninput voltage and VRB is the lower reference voltage.Note that this is different from the normal Zero Scale Error.CONVERSION LATENCY See PIPELINE DELAY.CONVERSION TIME is the time required for a completemeasurement by an analog-to-digital converter. Since theConversion Time does not INclude acquisition time, multiplexerset up time, or other elements of a complete conversioncycle, the conversion time may be less than theThroughput Time.DC COMMON-MODE ERROR is a specification which appliesto ADCs with differential inputs. It is the change in theoutput code that occurs when the analog voltages on the twoinputs are changed by an equal amount. It is usually expressed in LSBs.

    标签: Converter Defi ADC 转换器

    上传时间: 2013-11-12


  • 为您的FPGA选择合适的电源

    Abstract: There are many things to consider when designing a power supply for a field-programmablegate array (FPGA). These INclude (but are not limited to) the high number of voltage rails, and thediffering requirements for both sequencing/tracking and the voltage ripple limits. This application noteexplains these and other power-supply considerations that an engineer must think through whendesigning a power supply for an FPGA.

    标签: FPGA 电源

    上传时间: 2013-11-12


  • DN443 2.2V降压型同步控制器

      Many telecommunications and computing applicationsneed high effi ciency step-down DC/DC converters thatcan operate from a very low input voltage. The highoutput power synchronous controller LT3740 is idealfor these applications, converting input supplies rangingfrom 2.2V to 22V to outputs as low as 0.8V with loadcurrents from 2A to 20A. Applications INclude distributedpower systems, point-of-load regulation and conversionof logic supplies.

    标签: 443 2.2 DN 降压型

    上传时间: 2013-11-05


  • 如何制作使用μModule降压稳压器的输入输出电压

      Linear Technology’s DC/DC step-down μModule®regulators are complete switchmode power supplies in asurface-mount package. They INclude the DC/DC controller,inductor, power switches and supporting circuitry.These highly integrated regulators also provide an easysolution for applications that require negative outputvoltages. In other words, these products can operate asinverting buck-boost regulators. As a result, the lowestpotential in the circuit is not the standard 0V, but –VOUT,which must be tied to the μModule regulator’s GND. Allsignals are now referred to –VOUT.

    标签: Module 如何制作 降压稳压器 输入输出

    上传时间: 2013-10-22


  • Designing Linear Circuits for 5V Operation

      In predominantly digital systems it is often necessaryto INclude linear circuit functions. Traditionally, separatepower supplies have been used to run the linear components(see Box, “Linear Power Supplies—Past, Present,and Future”).

    标签: Designing Operation Circuits Linear

    上传时间: 2013-11-04


  • 用键盘控制的LED灯


    标签: LED 键盘控制

    上传时间: 2013-11-01


  • TLC2543 中文资料

    TLC2543是TI公司的12位串行模数转换器,使用开关电容逐次逼近技术完成A/D转换过程。由于是串行输入结构,能够节省51系列单片机I/O资源;且价格适中,分辨率较高,因此在仪器仪表中有较为广泛的应用。 TLC2543的特点 (1)12位分辩率A/D转换器; (2)在工作温度范围内10μs转换时间; (3)11个模拟输入通道; (4)3路内置自测试方式; (5)采样率为66kbps; (6)线性误差±1LSBmax; (7)有转换结束输出EOC; (8)具有单、双极性输出; (9)可编程的MSB或LSB前导; (10)可编程输出数据长度。 TLC2543的引脚排列及说明    TLC2543有两种封装形式:DB、DW或N封装以及FN封装,这两种封装的引脚排列如图1,引脚说明见表1 TLC2543电路图和程序欣赏 #INclude<reg52.h> #INclude<intrins.h> #define uchar unsigned char #define uint unsigned int sbit clock=P1^0; sbit d_in=P1^1; sbit d_out=P1^2; sbit _cs=P1^3; uchar a1,b1,c1,d1; float sum,sum1; double  sum_final1; double  sum_final; uchar duan[]={0x3f,0x06,0x5b,0x4f,0x66,0x6d,0x7d,0x07,0x7f,0x6f}; uchar wei[]={0xf7,0xfb,0xfd,0xfe};  void delay(unsigned char b)   //50us {           unsigned char a;           for(;b>0;b--)                     for(a=22;a>0;a--); }  void display(uchar a,uchar b,uchar c,uchar d) {    P0=duan[a]|0x80;    P2=wei[0];    delay(5);    P2=0xff;    P0=duan[b];    P2=wei[1];    delay(5);   P2=0xff;   P0=duan[c];   P2=wei[2];   delay(5);   P2=0xff;   P0=duan[d];   P2=wei[3];   delay(5);   P2=0xff;   } uint read(uchar port) {   uchar  i,al=0,ah=0;   unsigned long ad;   clock=0;   _cs=0;   port<<=4;   for(i=0;i<4;i++)  {    d_in=port&0x80;    clock=1;    clock=0;    port<<=1;  }   d_in=0;   for(i=0;i<8;i++)  {    clock=1;    clock=0;  }   _cs=1;   delay(5);   _cs=0;   for(i=0;i<4;i++)  {    clock=1;    ah<<=1;    if(d_out)ah|=0x01;    clock=0; }   for(i=0;i<8;i++)  {    clock=1;    al<<=1;    if(d_out) al|=0x01;    clock=0;  }   _cs=1;   ad=(uint)ah;   ad<<=8;   ad|=al;   return(ad); }  void main()  {   uchar j;   sum=0;sum1=0;   sum_final=0;   sum_final1=0;    while(1)  {              for(j=0;j<128;j++)          {             sum1+=read(1);             display(a1,b1,c1,d1);           }            sum=sum1/128;            sum1=0;            sum_final1=(sum/4095)*5;            sum_final=sum_final1*1000;            a1=(int)sum_final/1000;            b1=(int)sum_final%1000/100;            c1=(int)sum_final%1000%100/10;            d1=(int)sum_final%10;            display(a1,b1,c1,d1);           }         } 

    标签: 2543 TLC

    上传时间: 2013-11-19


  • MEGA16制作的电子时钟(附仿真图+源代码)

    #INclude <iom16v.h> #INclude <macros.h> #define uchar unsigned char #define uint unsigned int uchar num,miao,fen,shi,miaoge,miaoshi,fenge,fenshi,shig

    标签: MEGA 16 电子时钟 仿真图

    上传时间: 2013-10-14
