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  • AVR单片机数码管秒表显示

    #INclude<iom16v.h> #INclude<macros.h> #define uint unsigned int #define uchar unsigned char uint a,b,c,d=0; void delay(c) { for for(a=0;a<c;a++) for(b=0;b<12;b++); }; uchar tab[]={ 0xc0,0xf9,0xa4,0xb0,0x99,0x92,0x82,0xf8,0x80,0x90,

    标签: AVR 单片机 数码管

    上传时间: 2013-10-21


  • 100个单片机实例

    #INclude<reg51.h> //包含单片机寄存器的头文件 /******************************************************* 函数功能:主函数 (C 语言规定必须有也只能有1 个主函数) ********************************************************/ void main(void) { while(1) //无限循环 { P1=0xff; // P1=1111 1111B,熄灭LED P0=P1; // 将 P1 口状态送入P0 口 P2=P1; // 将 P1 口状态送入P2 口 P3=P1; // 将 P1 口状态送入P3 口

    标签: 100 单片机

    上传时间: 2013-10-26


  • c51流水灯仿真与程序

    对应程序: #INclude<reg52.h> #define uint unsigned int #define uchar unsigned char uchar code tab[]={ 0x81, 0x42, 0x24, 0x18, }; void delay(uint z) { uint i,j; for(i=z;i>0;i--) for(j=120;j>0;j--); } void init() { P0=0x00; }

    标签: c51 流水灯 仿真 程序

    上传时间: 2014-01-17


  • 51单片机实现的RS485通讯程序

      #ifndef __485_C__   #define __485_C__   #INclude   #INclude   #define unsigned char uchar   #define unsigned int uint   /* 通信命令 */   #define __ACTIVE_ 0x01 // 主机询问从机是否存在   #define __GETDATA_ 0x02 // 主机发送读设备请求   #define __OK_ 0x03 // 从机应答   #define __STATUS_ 0x04 // 从机发送设备状态信息   #define __MAXSIZE 0x08 // 缓冲区长度   #define __ERRLEN 12 // 任何通信帧长度超过12则表示出错   uchar dbuf[__MAXSIZE]; // 该缓冲区用于保存设备状态信息   uchar dev; // 该字节用于保存本机设备号   sbit M_DE = P1^0; // 驱动器使能,1有效   sbit M_RE = P1^1; // 接收器使能,0有效

    标签: 485 RS 51单片机 通讯程序

    上传时间: 2014-12-26


  • ds18b20程序

      /通过DS18B20测试当前环境温度, 并通过数码管显示当前温度值, 目前显示范围: 0.0~ +99.9度   #INclude   #INclude   #define uchar unsigned char   #define uint unsigned int   #define DATAPORT P0 //定义P0口为Led数据口   //#define SETTEMP P1 //定义P1口为设定温度   #define SELECT P2 //定义P2口为选择信号   sbit L1 = P1^1; //灯作为电机   sbit L2 = P1^2;   sbit L3 = P1^3;

    标签: 18b b20 ds 18

    上传时间: 2013-11-04


  • SN65LBC170,SN75LBC170,pdf(TRIP

    The SN65LBC170 and SN75LBC170 aremonolithic integrated circuits designed forbidirectional data communication on multipointbus-transmission lines. Potential applicationsINclude serial or parallel data transmission, cabledperipheral buses with twin axial, ribbon, ortwisted-pair cabling. These devices are suitablefor FAST-20 SCSI and can transmit or receivedata pulses as short as 25 ns, with skew lessthan 3 ns.These devices combine three 3-state differentialline drivers and three differential input linereceivers, all of which operate from a single 5-Vpower supply.The driver differential outputs and the receiverdifferential inputs are connected internally to formthree differential input/output (I/O) bus ports thatare designed to offer minimum loading to the buswhenever the driver is disabled or VCC = 0. Theseports feature a wide common-mode voltage rangemaking the device suitable for party-lineapplications over long cable runs.

    标签: 170 LBC SN TRIP

    上传时间: 2013-10-13


  • FET430PIF自制资料

    The MSP-FET430PIF is a Parallel Port interface (does not INclude target board) that is used to program and debug MSP430 FET tools and test boards through the JTAG interface. This interface is INcluded in our FET tools, but sold without the development board. This interface uses a Parallel PC Port to communicate to the Debugger Software (IAR Kickstart software INcluded) running on the PC. The interface uses the standard 14 pin header to communicate to the MSP430 device using the standard JTAG protocol. The flash memory can be erased and programmed in seconds with only a few keystrokes, and since the MSP430 flash is extremely low power, no external power supply is required. The tool has an integrated software environment and connects directly to the PC which greatly simplifies the set-up and use of the tool. The flash development tool supports development with all MSP430 flash parts. Features MSP430 debugging interface to connect a MSP430-Flash-device to a Parallel port on a PC Supports JTAG debug protocol (NO support for Spy-Bi-Wire (2-wire JTAG) debug protocol, Spy-Bi-Wire (2-wire JTAG) is supported by MSP-FET430UIF) Parallel Port cable and a 14-conductor target cable Full documentation on CD ROM Integrated IAR Kickstart user interface which INcludes: Assembler Linker Limulator Source-level debugger Limited C-compiler Technical specifications: Backwardly compatable with existing FET tool boards.

    标签: FET 430 PIF

    上传时间: 2013-10-26


  • lpc2478完全使用手册

    NXP Semiconductor designed the LPC2400 microcontrollers around a 16-bit/32-bitARM7TDMI-S CPU core with real-time debug interfaces that INclude both JTAG andembedded Trace. The LPC2400 microcontrollers have 512 kB of on-chip high-speedFlash memory. This Flash memory INcludes a special 128-bit wide memory interface andaccelerator architecture that enables the CPU to execute sequential instructions fromFlash memory at the maximum 72 MHz system clock rate. This feature is available onlyon the LPC2000 ARM Microcontroller family of products. The LPC2400 can execute both32-bit ARM and 16-bit Thumb instructions. Support for the two Instruction Sets meansEngineers can choose to optimize their application for either performance or code size atthe sub-routine level. When the core executes instructions in Thumb state it can reducecode size by more than 30 % with only a small loss in performance while executinginstructions in ARM state maximizes core performance.

    标签: 2478 lpc 使用手册

    上传时间: 2013-11-15


  • PICkit™ 2 Microcontrolle

    PICkit™ 2 Microcontroller Programmer USER’S GUIDE This chapter contains general information that will be useful to know before using thePICkit™ 2 Microcontroller Programmer. Items discussed in this chapter INclude:• Document Layout• Conventions Used in this Guide• Warranty Registration• Recommended Reading• The Microchip Web Site• Development Systems Customer Change Notification Service• Customer Support• Document Revision History

    标签: Microcontrolle PICkit 8482

    上传时间: 2013-11-05


  • PCA9534—带中断的低功耗8位I2C和SMBus IO口

    The PCA9534 is a 16-pin CMOS device that provide 8 bits of General Purpose parallel Input/Output (GPIO) expansion for I2C-bus/SMBus applications and was developed to enhance the NXP Semiconductors family of I2C-bus I/O expanders. The improvements INclude higher drive capability, 5 V I/O tolerance, lower supply current, individual I/O configuration, 400 kHz clock frequency, and smaller packaging. I/O expanders provide a simple solution when additional I/O is needed for ACPI power switches, sensors, push buttons, LEDs, fans, etc.

    标签: SMBus 9534 PCA I2C

    上传时间: 2013-11-17
