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  • 《ASP网站QQ在线咨询插件》 作者:国子(参考腾讯技术文档编写) QQ:895731 演示网址:http://www.wubaidu.com 转载请完整保留此说明文档,谢谢 使用方法: 将所有文件拷

    《ASP网站QQ在线咨询插件》 作者:国子(参考腾讯技术文档编写) QQ:895731 演示网址:http://www.wubaidu.com 转载请完整保留此说明文档,谢谢 使用方法: 将所有文件拷贝到网站目录,使用INclude方法将本文件包含到index.asp中,即在index.asp的最后添加一行<!--#INclude file="ask-qq.asp"--> 添加客服QQ方法: 修改ask-qq.asp中的“adm_qq=”后面引号中的QQ号,多个QQ号用西文逗号隔开,QQ数量不限。 如果你的ASP网站的数据库中保存有QQ号,也可直接读取数据库中的QQ 修改在线咨询浮动面板位置的方法: 修改ask-qq.asp中“startX =650”(水平)、“startY = 150”(垂直)中的数字即可。

    标签: wubaidu 895731 http ASP

    上传时间: 2013-12-23


  • eGroupWare is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite developed on a custom set of PHP-based APIs. C

    eGroupWare is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite developed on a custom set of PHP-based APIs. Currently available modules INclude: email, addressbook, calendar, infolog (notes, to-do s, phone calls), content management, forum, bookmarks, wiki

    标签: eGroupWare multi-user developed PHP-based

    上传时间: 2015-02-20


  • 开发工具EVC3.0 按下面做然后编译 是一个字典程序 请解压缩到D盘根目录,在eMbedded Visual C++ 3.0 的Tools=>Options菜单项Directories选择卡中

    开发工具EVC3.0 按下面做然后编译 是一个字典程序 请解压缩到D盘根目录,在eMbedded Visual C++ 3.0 的Tools=>Options菜单项Directories选择卡中加入头文件路径: D:\JFDict200\SourceCode\libxml\INclude D:\JFDict200\SourceCode\libxslt 和正确的库文件路径,对于Pocket PC为: D:\JFDict200\SourceCode\_libfiles\WCE300\Pocket_PC\ARMRel

    标签: Directories 3.0 eMbedded Options

    上传时间: 2015-03-11


  • This matrix C++ template class library is for performing common matrix operations in your C++ progra

    This matrix C++ template class library is for performing common matrix operations in your C++ program like any other built-in data types. To install the package, just copy MATRIX.H file into the INclude directory of your compiler and INclude this header file in your program source file

    标签: matrix performing operations template

    上传时间: 2013-12-21


  • The ability to create groups of reports, and grant users access to reports by group. The ability to

    The ability to create groups of reports, and grant users access to reports by group. The ability to generate reports as PDF, XLS, HTML, and CSV files. The ability to generate bar, pie and xy charts for inclusion in reports. The ability to schedule and email PDF, XLS, and CSV reports. The ability to define reusable report parameters. Available parameter types INclude Date, Text, and Query Parameters. The ability to create multiple DataSources for use in generating reports. Support for JNDI DataSources and internal connection pooling via Commons-DBCP is INcluded. The ability to upload and hot deploy new reports. Web based administration of users, groups, reports, parameters, and datasources. Cross platform database support via Hibernate based persistence layer. Available in a preconfigured bundle with Apache Tomcat.

    标签: ability reports The to

    上传时间: 2014-01-14


  • 浮点数基本运算 浮点数的基本运算主要有四则运算、符号处理、大小比较

    浮点数基本运算 浮点数的基本运算主要有四则运算、符号处理、大小比较,以及浮点数分柝等。 包含头文件 "fn.hpp" #INclude "fn.hpp" 浮点数基本运算 浮点数的基本运算中有加、减、乘、除、取负、绝对值、相等比较等。 加减乘除 加、减、乘、除四个运算极为相似,都是需要两个参数,结果当然也是浮点数了。 例子: // 加 减 乘 除 btil::fn::plus<f1, f2>::value // f1+f2 的结果 btil::fn::minus<f1, f2>::value // f1-f2 的结果 btil::fn::multiplies<f1, f2>::value // f1*f2 的结果 btil::fn::divides<f1, f2>::value // f1/f2 的结果 plus<f1, f2>::value::f_val // f1+f2 的结果的值 struct one { static const double f_val = 1.0 } // 两个浮点数 struct two { static const double f_val = 2.0 } minus<two, plus<divides<one, two>::value, one>::value >::value::f_val == 0.5 取负 取负运算就是取一个浮点数的负数。

    标签: 浮点数 运算 四则运算 比较

    上传时间: 2014-12-06


  • 自己用C编写的小游戏

    自己用C编写的小游戏,DOS界面哦,可以运行。 浮点数基本运算 浮点数的基本运算主要有四则运算、符号处理、大小比较,以及浮点数分柝等。 包含头文件 "fn.hpp" #INclude "fn.hpp" 浮点数基本运算 浮点数的基本运算中有加、减、乘、除、取负、绝对值、相等比较等。 加减乘除 加、减、乘、除四个运算极为相似,都是需要两个参数,结果当然也是浮点数了。 例子: // 加 减 乘 除 btil::fn::plus<f1, f2>::value // f1+f2 的结果 btil::fn::minus<f1, f2>::value // f1-f2 的结果 btil::fn::multiplies<f1, f2>::value // f1*f2 的结果 btil::fn::divides<f1, f2>::value // f1/f2 的结果 plus<f1, f2>::value::f_val // f1+f2 的结果的值 struct one { static const double f_val = 1.0 } // 两个浮点数 struct two { static const double f_val = 2.0 } minus<two, plus<divides<one, two>::value, one>::value >::value::f_val == 0.5 取负 取负运算就是取一个浮点数的负数。

    标签: 编写 小游戏

    上传时间: 2014-12-06


  • 基于matlab的mp3的读写函数Mp3 toolbox for Matlab. Alfredo Fernandez Franco Aalborg University Departament of

    基于matlab的mp3的读写函数Mp3 toolbox for Matlab. Alfredo Fernandez Franco Aalborg University Departament of Acoustics M.Sc. Student aberserk@yahoo.com INcludes 2 functions to write and read MP3 files. It works like the commands WAVWRITE and WAVREAD. 1.- Just unpack in the toolbox folder under the MATLAB directory. 2.- Set the MATLAB search path to INclude that folder. This version was made in MATLAB for WINDOWS only. I ll probably will make the UNIX version later. 01-11-2004.

    标签: Departament University Fernandez Alfredo

    上传时间: 2014-12-02


  • 3. Distribution of this core must be free of charge. Charging is -- allowed only for value added ser

    3. Distribution of this core must be free of charge. Charging is -- allowed only for value added services. Value added services -- would INclude copying fees, modifications, customizations, and -- inclusion in other products.

    标签: Distribution Charging allowed charge

    上传时间: 2013-12-05


  • Overview In this chapter I introduce Borland C++Builder (BCB) and explain what it is about. I also d

    Overview In this chapter I introduce Borland C++Builder (BCB) and explain what it is about. I also devote considerable time to explaining the purpose of this book and the philosophy behind my approach to technical writing. Technical subjects covered in this chapter INclude Creating a simple Multimedia RAD program that plays movies, WAV files, and MIDI files. Shutting down the BCB RAD programming tools and writing raw Windows API code instead. Creating components dynamically on the heap at runtime. Setting up event handlers (closures) dynamically at runtime. A brief introduction to using exceptions. This topic is covered in more depth in Chapter 5, "Exceptions." A brief introduction to ANSI strings. This subject is covered in more depth in Chapter 3, "C++Builder and the VCL." Using the online help. Greping through the INclude and source files that come with the product and with this book.

    标签: introduce Overview Borland Builder

    上传时间: 2014-01-04
