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  • 6位数微电脑型计数器(48*96mm)

    特点 最高輸入頻率 10KHz 计数速度 50/10000脈波/秒可选择 四种输入模式可选择(加算,減算,加減算,90度相位差加減算) 90度相位差加減算具有提高解析度4倍功能 输入脈波具有预设刻度功能 计数暂时停止功能 3组报警功能 15BIT类比输出功能 数位RS-485界面 2:主要規格 脈波輸入型式: Jump-pin selectable current sourcing(NPN) or current sinking (PNP) 脉波触发电位: HI bias (CMOS) (VIH=7.5V, VIL=5.5V) LO bias (TTL) (VIH=3.7V, VIL=2.0V) 最高输入频率: <10KHz (up,down,up/down mode) <3KHz (quadrature mode) 输出动作时间 : 0.1 to 99.9 second adjustable 输出复归方式: Manual(N) or automatic (R or C) can be modif 继电器容量: AC 250V-5A, DC 30V-7A 显示值范围: -199999 to 999999 类比输出解析度: 15 bit DAC 输出反应速度: < 1/f+10ms(0-90%) 输出负载能力: < 10mA for voltage mode < 10V for current mode <[(V+)-7.5V]/20mA for two-wire mode 输出之涟波: < 0.1% F.S. 通讯位址: "01"-"FF" 传输速度: 19200/9600/4800/2400 selective 通信协议: Modbus RTU mode 显示幕: Red high efficiency LEDs high 14.22mm (.56") 参数设定方式: Touch switches 感应器电源: 12VDC +/-3%(<60mA) 记忆方式: Non-volatile E2PROM memory 绝缘耐压能力: 2KVac/1 min. (input/output/power) 1600Vdc (input/output) 使用环境条件: 0-50℃(20 to 90% RH non-condensed) 存放环境条件: 0-70℃(20 to 90% RH non-condensed) CE认证: EN 55022:1998/A1:2000 Class A EN 61000-3-2:2000 EN 61000-3-3:1995/A1:2001 EN 55024:1998/A1:2001

    标签: 48 96 mm 微电脑

    上传时间: 2013-11-23


  • 微电脑型类比隔离传送器

    特点 精确度0.1%滿刻度 可輸入交直流電流/交直流电压/電位計/傳送器...等信号 16 BIT类比输出功能 输入与输出绝缘耐压2仟伏特/1分钟 宽范围交直流兩用電源设计 尺寸小,穩定性高 2主要規格 精确度: 0.1% F.S. (23 ±5℃) 显示值范围: 0-±19999 digit adjustable 类比输出解析度: 16 bit DAC 输出反应速度: < 250 ms (0-90%)(>10Hz) 输出负载能力: < 10mA for voltage mode < 10V for current mode 输出之涟波: < 0.1% F.S. 归零调整范围: 0- ±9999 Digit adjustable 最大值调整范围: 0- ±9999 Digit adjustable 温度系数: 50ppm/℃ (0-50℃) 显示幕: Red high efficiency LEDs high 10.16mm (0.4") 隔离特性: Input/Output/Power/Case 参数设定方式: Touch switches 记忆方式: Non-volatile E2PROM memory 绝缘抗阻: >100Mohm with 500V DC 绝缘耐压能力: 2KVac/1 min. (input/output/power) 1600Vdc (input/output) 使用环境条件: 0-60℃(20 to 90% RH non-condensed) 存放环境条件: 0-70℃(20 to 90% RH non-condensed) 安装方式: Socket/plugin type with barrier terminals CE认证: EN 55022:1998/A1:2000 Class A EN 61000-3-2:2000 EN 61000-3-3:1995/A1:2001 EN 55024:1998/A1:2001

    标签: 微电脑 隔离传送器

    上传时间: 2014-01-05


  • 线性低压差 (LDO) 稳压器解决方案

    We offer a broad line of high performance low dropout (LDO) linear regulators with fasttransient response, excellent line and load regulation, and very wide input voltage rangefrom 0.9V to 100V. Output currents range from 20mA to 10A, with positive, negative andmultiple output versions available. Many devices offer output voltage operation <0.8V andsome feature operation as low as 0V, even with a single supply. Most are stable with ceramicoutput capacitors. LDO regulators can be applied in virtually any application.

    标签: LDO 线性 低压差 稳压器

    上传时间: 2013-11-15


  • RT9005/RT9005A/RT9005B datasheet pdf

    The RT9005A/B is a dual-output Linear regulator for DDR-SDRAM VDDQ supply and termination voltage VTT supply.

    标签: 9005 datasheet RT

    上传时间: 2013-11-13


  • XAPP440 - Xilinx CPLD的上电性能

    Applying power to a standard logic chip, SRAM, or EPROM, usually results in output pinstracking the applied voltage as it rises. Programmable logic attempts to emulate that behavior,but physics forbids perfect emulation, due to the device programmability. It requires care tospecify the pin behavior, because programmable parts encounter unknown variables – yourdesign and your power environment.

    标签: Xilinx XAPP CPLD 440

    上传时间: 2013-11-24


  • 基于EKF的异步电机直接转矩控制系统

    为了提高直接转矩控制(DTC)系统定子磁链估计精度,降低电流、电压测量的随机误差,提出了一种基于扩展卡尔曼滤波(EKF)实现异步电机转子位置和速度估计的方法。扩展卡尔曼滤波器是建立在基于旋转坐标系下由定子电流、电压、转子转速和其它电机参量所构成的电机模型上,将定子电流、定子磁链、转速和转子角位置作为状态变量,定子电压为输入变量,定子电流为输出变量,通过对磁链和转速的闭环控制提高定子磁链的估计精度,实现了异步电机的无速度传感器直接转矩控制策略,仿真结果验证了该方法的可行性,提高了直接转矩的控制性能。 Abstract:  In order to improve the Direct Torque Control(DTC) system of stator flux estimation accuracy and reduce the current, voltage measurement of random error, a novel method to estimate the speed and rotor position of asynchronous motor based on extended Kalman filter was introduced. EKF was based on d-p axis motor and other motor parameters (state vector: stator current, stator flux linkage, rotor angular speed and position; input: stator voltage; output: staror current). EKF was designed for stator flux and rotor speed estimation in close-loop control. It can improve the estimated accuracy of stator flux. It is possible to estimate the speed and rotor position and implement asynchronous motor drives without position and speed sensors. The simulation results show it is efficient and improves the control performance.

    标签: EKF 异步电机 直接转矩 控制系统

    上传时间: 2015-01-02


  • 微电脑型单相交流集合式电表(单相二线系统)

    微电脑型单相交流集合式电表(单相二线系统) 特点: 精确度0.25%满刻度±1位数 可同时量测与显示交流电压,電流,頻率,瓦特,(功率因數/視在功率) 交流電壓,電流,瓦特皆為真正有效值(TRMS) 交流電流,瓦特之小數點可任意設定 瓦特單位W或KW可任意設定 CT比可任意設定(1至999) 輸入與輸出絕緣耐压 2仟伏特/1分鐘( 突波測試強度4仟伏特(1.2x50us) 數位RS-485界面 (Optional) 主要规格: 精确度: 0.1% F.S.±1 digit (Frequency) 0.25% F.S.±1 digit(ACA,ACV,Watt,VA) 0.25% F.S. ±0.25o(Power Factor) (-.300~+.300) 输入负载: <0.2VA (Voltage) <0.2VA (Current) 最大过载能力: Current related input: 3 x rated continuous 10 x rated 30 sec. 25 x rated 3sec. 50 x rated 1sec. Voltage related input: maximum 2 x rated continuous 过载显示: "doFL" 显示值范围: 0~600.0V(Voltage) 0~999.9Hz(Frequency)(<20% for voltage input) 0~19999 digit adjustable(Current,Watt,VA) 取样时间: 2 cycles/sec. RS-485通讯位址: "01"-"FF" RS-485传输速度: 19200/9600/4800/2400 selective RS-485通信协议: Modbus RTU mode 温度系数: 100ppm/℃ (0-50℃) 显示幕: Red high efficiency LEDs high 10.16 mm(0.4") 参数设定方式: Touch switches 记忆型式: Non-volatile E²PROM memory 绝缘抗阻: >100Mohm with 500V DC 绝缘耐压能力: 2KVac/1 min. (input/output/power) 1600 Vdc (input/output) 突波测试: ANSI c37.90a/1974,DIN-IEC 255-4 impulse voltage 4KV(1.2x50us) 使用环境条件: 0-50℃(20 to 90% RH non-condensed) 存放环境条件: 0-70℃(20 to 90% RH non-condensed) CE认证: EN 55022:1998/A1:2000 Class A EN 61000-3-2:2000 EN 61000-3-3:1995/A1:2001 EN 55024:1998/A1:2001

    标签: 微电脑 单相交流 单相 电表

    上传时间: 2015-01-03


  • 集合式直流电能表(小功率的)

    集合式直流电能表(小功率的) 特点: 精确度0.05%满刻度±1位数 可同时量测与显示/直流电压/电流/瓦特(千瓦)/瓦特小时(千瓦小时) 电压输入(DC0-99.99V/0-600.0V)自动变档功能 显示范围0-9999(电流/瓦特/千瓦),0至99999999(八位數瓦特小时)可任意规划 数位RS-485 界面 (Optional) 主要规格: 辅助电源消耗功率:<0.35VA(DC12V/DC24V) <0.5VA(DC48V) <1.5VA(AC90-240V(50/60Hz)) 精确度: 0.05% F.S. ±1 digit (23 ±5℃) 输入范围:Auto range(DC0-99.99V/0-600.0V(DC voltage)) 输入抗阻:>5MΩ(DC voltage) 取样时间:10 cycles/second(total) 过载显示: " doFL " 显示值范围: 0-9999 digit(DCA/W(KW)) 0-9999999.999 digit(WH/(KWH)) RS-485传输速度: 19200/9600/4800/2400 selective RS-485通讯位址: "01"-"FF"(0-255) RS-485通信协议: Modbus RTU mode 温度系数: 50ppm/℃ (0-50℃) 显示幕:Bight Red LEDs high 10.16 mm(0.4") 参数设定方式: Touch switches 记忆方式: Non-volatile E²PROM memory 绝缘耐压能力:2KVac/1min.(input/output)(RS-485(Isolating)) 1600 Vdc (input/output) (RS-485(Isolating)) 使用环境条件: 0-50℃(20 to 90% RH non-condensed) 存放环境条件: 0-70℃(20 to 90% RH non-condensed) CE认证: EN 55022:1998/A1:2000 Class A EN 61000-3-2:2000 EN 61000-3-3:1995/A1:2001 EN 55024:1998/A1:2001

    标签: 直流 电能表 小功率

    上传时间: 2013-11-20


  • 如何测试稳压器的负载瞬态响应

      Semiconductor memory, card readers, microprocessors,disc drives, piezoelectric devices and digitally based systemsfurnish transient loads that a voltage regulator mustservice. Ideally, regulator output is invariant during a loadtransient. In practice, some variation is encountered andbecomes problematic if allowable operating voltage tolerancesare exceeded. This mandates testing the regulatorand its associated support components to verify desiredperformance under transient loading conditions. Variousmethods are employable to generate transient loads, allowingobservation of regulator response

    标签: 如何测试 稳压器 瞬态响应 负载

    上传时间: 2013-11-21


  • 基于Multisim 10的矩形波信号发生器仿真与实现

    在Multisim 10软件环境下,设计一种由运算放大器构成的精确可控矩形波信号发生器,结合系统电路原理图重点阐述了各参数指标的实现与测试方法。通过改变RC电路的电容充、放电路径和时间常数实现了占空比和频率的调节,通过多路开关投入不同数值的电容实现了频段的调节,通过电压取样和同相放大电路实现了输出电压幅值的调节并提高了电路的带负载能力,可作为频率和幅值可调的方波信号发生器。Multisim 10仿真分析及应用电路测试结果表明,电路性能指标达到了设计要求。 Abstract:  Based on Multisim 10, this paper designed a kind of rectangular-wave signal generator which could be controlled exactly composed of operational amplifier, the key point was how to implement and test the parameter indicators based on the circuit diagram. The duty and the frequency were adjusted by changing the time constant and the way of charging and discharging of the capacitor, the width of frequency was adjusted by using different capacitors provided with multiple switch, the amplitude of output voltage was adjusted by sampling voltage and using in-phase amplifier circuit,the ability of driving loads was raised, the circuit can be used as squarewave signal generator whose frequency and amplitude can be adjusted. The final simulation results of Multisim 10 and the tests of applicable circuit show that the performance indicators of the circuit meets the design requirements.

    标签: Multisim 矩形波 信号发生器 仿真

    上传时间: 2014-01-21
