题目:利用条件运算符的嵌套来完成此题:学习成绩>=90分的同学用A表示,60-89分之间的用B表示,60分以下的用C表示。 1.程序分析:(a>b)?a:b这是条件运算符的基本例子。
上传时间: 2015-01-08
模拟退火算法 模拟退火算法(Simulated Annealing,简称SA算法)是模拟加热熔化的金属的退火过程,来寻找全局最优解的有效方法之一。 模拟退火的基本思想和步骤如下: 设S={s1,s2,…,sn}为所有可能的状态所构成的集合, f:S—R为非负代价函数,即优化问题抽象如下: 寻找s*∈S,使得f(s*)=min f(si) 任意si∈S (1)给定一较高初始温度T,随机产生初始状态S (2)按一定方式,对当前状态作随机扰动,产生一个新的状态S’ S’=S+sign(η).δ 其中δ为给定的步长, η为[-1,1]的随机数
标签: Simulated Annealing 模拟退火算法 模拟
上传时间: 2014-01-02
设T 是一棵带权树,树的每一条边带一个正权。又设S 是T 的顶点集,T/S 是从树T 中 将S中顶点删去后得到的森林。如果T/S中所有树的从根到叶的路长都不超过d ,则称T/S 是一个d 森林。 (1)设计一个算法求T的最小顶点集S,使T/S是d 森林。(提示:从叶向根移动) (2)分析算法的正确性和计算复杂性。 (3)设T中有n 个顶点,则算法的计算时间复杂性应为O(n)。
标签: 树
上传时间: 2015-05-31
The government of a small but important country has decided that the alphabet needs to be streamlined and reordered. Uppercase letters will be eliminated. They will issue a royal decree in the form of a String of B and A characters. The first character in the decree specifies whether a must come ( B )Before b in the new alphabet or ( A )After b . The second character determines the relative placement of b and c , etc. So, for example, "BAA" means that a must come Before b , b must come After c , and c must come After d . Any letters beyond these requirements are to be excluded, so if the decree specifies k comparisons then the new alphabet will contain the first k+1 lowercase letters of the current alphabet. Create a class Alphabet that contains the method choices that takes the decree as input and returns the number of possible new alphabets that conform to the decree. If more than 1,000,000,000 are possible, return -1. Definition
标签: government streamline important alphabet
上传时间: 2015-06-09
电力系统在台稳定计算式电力系统不正常运行方式的一种计算。它的任务是已知电力系统某一正常运行状态和受到某种扰动,计算电力系统所有发电机能否同步运行 1运行说明: 请输入初始功率S0,形如a+bi 请输入无限大系统母线电压V0 请输入系统等值电抗矩阵B 矩阵B有以下元素组成的行矩阵 1正常运行时的系统直轴等值电抗Xd 2故障运行时的系统直轴等值电抗X d 3故障切除后的系统直轴等值电抗 请输入惯性时间常数Tj 请输入时段数N 请输入哪个时段发生故障Ni 请输入每时段间隔的时间dt
上传时间: 2015-06-13
问题描述 假设停在铁路调度站入口处的车厢序列的编号依次为1,2,3..n。设计一个程序,求出所有可能由此输出的的长度为n的车厢序列。 基本要求 在栈的顺序存储结构SqStack之上实现栈的五种基本要求,即实现栈类型。除了栈初始化操作之外,都要按函数实现。Push(s,x)是一个布尔函数,当且仅当栈s上溢出时返回“假“值;再说明一个ElemType型的常量StackEmptyMark,操作pop(s)和top(s)遇到栈s为空的情况时返回值StackEmptyMark。程序对栈的任何存取必须借助于基本操作要求。
上传时间: 2015-08-24
http://www.bc-cn.net/Article/kfyy/cyy/jc/200409/5_4.html float aver(float a[5]) { int i float av,s=a[0] for(i=1 i<5 i++) s=s+a[i] av=s/5 return av } void main() { float sco[5],av int i
标签: float Article 200409 bc-cn
上传时间: 2014-01-08
We have a group of N items (represented by integers from 1 to N), and we know that there is some total order defined for these items. You may assume that no two elements will be equal (for all a, b: a<b or b<a). However, it is expensive to compare two items. Your task is to make a number of comparisons, and then output the sorted order. The cost of determining if a < b is given by the bth integer of element a of costs (space delimited), which is the same as the ath integer of element b. Naturally, you will be judged on the total cost of the comparisons you make before outputting the sorted order. If your order is incorrect, you will receive a 0. Otherwise, your score will be opt/cost, where opt is the best cost anyone has achieved and cost is the total cost of the comparisons you make (so your score for a test case will be between 0 and 1). Your score for the problem will simply be the sum of your scores for the individual test cases.
标签: represented integers group items
上传时间: 2016-01-17
UCS (Ultra Corba Simulator) is one more powerful corba client/servant simulator tool than other similar products(e.g. Telcopro s MtSim, or OpenFusion s Corba Explorer, or eaiBridge s CAST). It doesn t need idl-related helper class or IR service.
标签: Simulator simulator powerful servant
上传时间: 2016-01-17
由三星的2442修改而来,正确引导eboot,请注意用三星公版的硬件配置,具体可以参考QQ2440,因为我在些平台上跑过,具体操作 1.target settings : post-linker:选择为 ARM fromELF 2.ARM assembler与 ARM c Compiler 的 architecture or processor 选择为:ARM920T 3.ARM linker的 output:RO base为 0x00000000 (当仿真时为:0x30000000),layout的 object/sysmbol:为2440init.o section:Init 4.ARM fromELF 的 output:format:plain binary , output file name:nboot.bin 下面为全部源码,注意用ADS编译 2442addr.h 2442addr.inc 2442init.s 2442lib.c 2442lib.h 2442loader-1208.c 2442slib.h 2442slib.s Def.h k9s1208_s.s Memcfg.inc Nand.h Nand_mini.c Option.h Option.inc
标签: post-linker settings target eboot
上传时间: 2016-05-06