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  • The many variants of the Unix operating system require use of a mode of thought that s significantly

    The many variants of the Unix operating system require use of a mode of thought that s significantly different from the one that s required by simpler operating systems. Think Unix introduces readers to important fundamental and intermediate Unix commands and, in the process, inculcates them in the Unix way of thinking. It s a worthy goal in a world with more Linux users than ever, and author Jon Lasser accomplishes it. He s both a capable writer and a knowledgeable user of Unix shell commands. Lasser uses bash under Red Hat Linux in most examples--which usually apply equally well to other Unix variants--and makes asides about other shells and environments, as needed.

    标签: significantly operating variants of

    上传时间: 2017-09-04


  • When C++ was first introduced many benefits such as code reuse, portability and scalability were pro

    When C++ was first introduced many benefits such as code reuse, portability and scalability were promised, but somehow these benefits failed to eventuate. It didn’t take too long before most people in the embedded world decided that the promises were just hype, and settled down to using C++ as a slightly better version of C

    标签: portability scalability introduced benefits

    上传时间: 2013-12-24


  • We (the Klimas family) are relative Linux newbies (with Linux since Summer 1998). We run RedHat mos

    We (the Klimas family) are relative Linux newbies (with Linux since Summer 1998). We run RedHat mostly -> the solutions might not be directly applicable to other Linux distributions (although most of them probably will). Hope this helps, we try to be as practical as possible. Of course, we provide no warranty whatsoever!

    标签: Linux relative newbies Klimas

    上传时间: 2017-09-06


  • This book has existed (in one form or another) since the first edition of C# and the .NET Platform

    This book has existed (in one form or another) since the first edition of C# and the .NET Platform was published in conjunction with the release of .NET 1.0 Beta 2, circa the summer of 2001. Since that point, I have been extremely happy and grateful to see that this text was very well received by the press and, most important, by readers. Over the years it was nominated as a Jolt Award finalist (I lost . . . crap!) and for the 2003 Referenceware Excellence Award in the programming book category

    标签: the Platform another existed

    上传时间: 2017-09-07


  • Description Scientific calculator. Allows to perform caclulation with high precicion and implemen

    Description Scientific calculator. Allows to perform caclulation with high precicion and implements most populatr mathematical functions: sin, cos, tan, asin, acon, atan, exp, log, sqr, floor and ceil. Also it make it possible to define your own function, store results in variables and use variable sin expressions. Calculator store al formuls you have entered. Plot function can be used to draw graph of function with single argument. More detailed description of calculator is here.

    标签: Description caclulation Scientific calculator

    上传时间: 2014-01-25


  • SQL Performance Tuning is a handbook of practical solutions for busy database professionals charged

    SQL Performance Tuning is a handbook of practical solutions for busy database professionals charged with managing an organization s critically important data. Covering today s most popular and widely installed database environments, this book is an indispensable resource for managing and tuning SQL across multiple platforms.

    标签: professionals Performance practical solutions

    上传时间: 2013-12-20


  • The Practical SQL Handbook begins with a step-by-step introduction to SQL basics and examines the is

    The Practical SQL Handbook begins with a step-by-step introduction to SQL basics and examines the issues involved in designing SQL-based database applications. It fully explores SQL s most popular implementations from industry leaders, Oracle, Microsoft, Sybase, and Informix.

    标签: step-by-step introduction Practical SQL

    上传时间: 2014-01-21



    Computational models are commonly used in engineering design and scientific discovery activities for simulating complex physical systems in disciplines such as fluid mechanics, structural dynamics, heat transfer, nonlinear structural mechanics, shock physics, and many others. These simulators can be an enormous aid to engineers who want to develop an understanding and/or predictive capability for complex behaviors typically observed in the corresponding physical systems. Simulators often serve as virtual prototypes, where a set of predefined system parameters, such as size or location dimensions and material properties, are adjusted to improve the performance of a system, as defined by one or more system performance objectives. Such optimization or tuning of the virtual prototype requires executing the simulator, evaluating performance objective(s), and adjusting the system parameters in an iterative, automated, and directed way. System performance objectives can be formulated, for example, to minimize weight, cost, or defects; to limit a critical temperature, stress, or vibration response; or to maximize performance, reliability, throughput, agility, or design robustness. In addition, one would often like to design computer experiments, run parameter studies, or perform uncertainty quantification (UQ). These approaches reveal how system performance changes as a design or uncertain input variable changes. Sampling methods are often used in uncertainty quantification to calculate a distribution on system performance measures, and to understand which uncertain inputs contribute most to the variance of the outputs. A primary goal for Dakota development is to provide engineers and other disciplinary scientists with a systematic and rapid means to obtain improved or optimal designs or understand sensitivity or uncertainty using simulationbased models. These capabilities generally lead to improved designs and system performance in earlier design stages, alleviating dependence on physical prototypes and testing, shortening design cycles, and reducing product development costs. In addition to providing this practical environment for answering system performance questions, the Dakota toolkit provides an extensible platform for the research and rapid prototyping of customized methods and meta-algorithms

    标签: Optimization and Uncertainty Quantification

    上传时间: 2016-04-08


  • 用于锂 - 硫电池的纳米结构金属氧化物和硫化物(1)

    Lithium–sulfur (Li–S) batteries with high energy density and long cycle life are considered to be one of the most promising next-generation energy-storage systems beyond routine lithium-ion batteries. Various approaches have been proposed to break down technical barriers in Li–S battery systems. The use of nanostructured metal oxides and sulfides for high sulfur utilization and long life span of Li–S batteries is reviewed here. The relationships between the intrinsic properties of metal oxide/sulfide hosts and electrochemical performances of Li–S batteries are discussed. Nanostructured metal oxides/ sulfides hosts used in solid sulfur cathodes, separators/interlayers, lithium- metal-anode protection, and lithium polysulfides batteries are discussed respectively. Prospects for the future developments of Li–S batteries with nanostructured metal oxides/sulfides are also discussed.

    标签: 电池 纳米结构 硫化物 金属氧化物

    上传时间: 2017-11-23


  • Footprint Maker 0.08 FPM

    是否要先打开ALLEGRO? 不需要(当然你的机器须有CADENCE系统)。生成完封装后在你的输出目录下就会有几千个器件(全部生成的话),默认输出目录为c:\MySym\. Level里面的Minimum, Nominal, Maximum 是什么意思? 对应ipc7351A的ABC封装吗? 是的 能否将most, NOMINAL, LEAST三种有差别的封装在命名上也体现出差别? NOMINAL 的名称最后没有后缀,most的后缀自动添加“M”,LEAST的后缀自动添加“L”,你看看生成的库名称就知道了。(直插件以及特别的器件,如BGA等是没有most和LEAST级别的,对这类器件只有NOMINAL) IC焊盘用长方形好像比用椭圆形的好,能不能生成长方形的? 嗯。。。。基本上应该是非直角的焊盘比矩形的焊盘好,我记不得是AMD还是NS还是AD公司专门有篇文档讨论了这个问题,如果没有记错的话至少有以下好处:信号质量好、更省空间(特别是紧密设计中)、更省锡量。我过去有一篇帖子有一个倒角焊盘的SKILL,用于晶振电路和高速器件(如DDR的滤波电容),原因是对宽度比较大的矩形用椭圆焊盘也不合适,这种情况下用自定义的矩形倒角焊盘就比较好了---你可以从网上另外一个DDR设计的例子中看到。 当然,我已经在程序中添加了一选择项,对一些矩形焊盘可以选择倒角方式. 刚才试了一下,感觉器件的命名的规范性不是太好,另好像不能生成器件的DEVICE文件,我没RUN完。。。 这个程序的命名方法基本参照IPC-7351,每个人都有自己的命名嗜好,仍是不好统一的;我是比较懒的啦,所以就尽量靠近IPC-7351了。 至于DEVICE,的选项已经添加 (这就是批量程序的好处,代码中加一行,重新生产的上千上万个封装就都有新东西了)。 你的库都是"-"的,请问用过ALLEGRO的兄弟,你们的FOOTPRINT认"-"吗?反正我的ALLEGRO只认"_"(下划线) 用“-”应该没有问题的,焊盘的命名我用的是"_"(这个一直没改动过)。 部分丝印画在焊盘上了。 丝印的问题我早已知道,只是尽量避免开(我有个可配置的SilkGap变量),不过工作量比较大,有些已经改过,有些还没有;另外我没有特别费功夫在丝印上的另一个原因是,我通常最后用AUTO-SILK的来合并相关的层,这样既方便快捷也统一各个器件的丝印间距,用AUTO-SILK的话丝印线会自动避开SOLDER-MASK的。 点击allegro后命令行出现E- Can't change to directory: Files\FPM,什么原因? 我想你一定是将FPM安装在一个含空格的目录里面了,比如C:\Program Files\等等之类,在自定义安装目录的时候该目录名不能含有空格,且存放生成的封装的目录名也不能含有空格。你如果用默认安装的话应该是不会有问题的, 默认FPM安装在C:\FPM,默认存放封装的目录为C:\MYSYM 0.04版用spb15.51生成时.allegro会死机.以前版本的Allegro封装生成器用spb15.51生成时没有死机现象 我在生成MELF类封装的时候有过一次死机现象,估计是文件操作错误导致ALLEGRO死机,原因是我没有找到在skill里面直接生成SHAPE焊盘的方法(FLASH和常规焊盘没问题), 查了下资料也没有找到解决方法,所以只得在外部调用SCRIPT来将就一下了。(下次我再查查看),用SCRIPT的话文件访问比较频繁(幸好目前MELF类的器件不多). 解决办法: 1、对MELF类器件单独选择生成,其它的应该可以一次生成。 2、试试最新的版本(当前0.05) 请说明运行在哪类器件的时候ALLEGRO出错,如果不是在MELF附近的话,请告知,谢谢。 用FPM0.04生成的封装好像文件都比较大,比如CAPC、RES等器件,都是300多K,而自己建的或采用PCB Libraries Eval生成的封装一般才几十K到100K左右,不知封装是不是包含了更多的信息? 我的每个封装文件包含了几个文字层(REF,VAL,TOL,DEV,PARTNUMBER等),SILK和ASSEM也是分开的,BOND层和高度信息,还有些定位线(在DISP层),可能这些越来越丰富的信息加大了生成文件的尺寸.你如果想看有什么内容的话,打开所有层就看见了(或REPORT) 非常感谢 LiWenHui 发现的BUG, 已经找到原因,是下面这行: axlDBChangeDesignExtents( '((-1000 -1000) (1000 1000))) 有尺寸空间开得太大,后又没有压缩的原因,现在生成的封装也只有几十K了,0.05版已经修复这个BUG了。 Allegro封装生成器0.04生成do-27封装不正确,生成封装的焊盘的位号为a,c.应该是A,B或者1,2才对. 呵呵,DIODE通常管脚名为AC(A = anode, C = cathode) 也有用AK 或 12的, 极少见AB。 除了DIODE和极个别插件以及BGA外,焊盘名字以数字为主, 下次我给DIODE一个选择项,可以选择AC 或 12 或 AK, 至于TRANSISTER我就不去区分BCE/CBE/ECB/EBC/GDS/GSD/DSG/DGS/SGD/SDG等了,这样会没完没了的,我将对TRANSISTER强制统一以数字编号了,如果用家非要改变,只得在生成库后手工修改。

    标签: Footprint Maker 0.08 FPM skill

    上传时间: 2018-01-10
