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  • Software+Defined+Radio

    Until the mid-1990s most readers would probably not have even come across the term soft- ware defined radio (SDR), let alone had an idea what it referred to. Since then SDR has made the transition from obscurity to mainstream, albeit still with many different understandings of the terms – software radio, software defined radio, software based radio, reconfigurable radio.

    标签: Software Defined Radio

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Software+Radio

    Software Radio (SR) is one of the most important emerging technologies for the future of wireless communication services. By moving radio functionality into software, it promises to give flexible radio systems that are multi-service, multi- standard, multi-band, reconfigurable and reprogrammable by software. Today’s radios are matched to a particular class of signals that are well defined bytheircarrierfrequencies,modulationformatsandbandwidths.Aradiotransmitter today can only up convert signals with well-defined bandwidths over defined center frequencies, while, on the other side of the communication chain, a radio receiver can only down convert well-defined signal bandwidths, transmitted over specified carrier frequencies.

    标签: Software Radio

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Spectrum+Access+and+Management

    The radio spectrum is one of the most precious resources which must be managed to ensure efficient access for the wireless communication services which use it. The allocation and management of spectrum are administered by the regulatory authorities. Traditionally, spectrum allocation is carried out exclusively of its use in large geographic areas and assigning frequency bands to specific users or service providers is proved to be inefficient. Recently, substantial knowledge about dynamic spectrum access scheme has been accumulated to enable efficient spectrum sharing.

    标签: Management Spectrum Access and

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • System+Design+for+Telecommunication+Gateways

    The idea for this book was born during one of my project-related trips to the beautiful city of Hangzhou in China, where in the role of Chief Architect I had to guide a team of very young, very smart and extremely dedicated software developers and verification engineers. Soon it became clear that as eager as the team was to jump into the coding, it did not have any experience in system architecture and design and if I did not want to spend all my time in constant travel between San Francisco and Hangzhou, the only option was to groom a number of local junior architects. Logically, one of the first questions being asked by these carefully selected future architects was whether I could recommend a book or other learning material that could speed up the learning cycle. I could not. Of course, there were many books on various related topics, but many of them were too old and most of the updated information was either somewhere on the Internet dispersed between many sites and online magazines, or buried in my brain along with many years of experience of system architecture.

    标签: Telecommunication Gateways System Design for

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Systems+Engineering+in+Wireless+Communications

    In Helsinki during a visiting lecture, an internationally well-known professor in communica- tionssaid,‘Inthecommunicationssocietywehavemanagedtoconvertourproposalsandideas to real products, not like in the control engineering society. They have very nice papers and strong mathematics but most of the real systems still use the old PID controllers!’. As our background is mainly in control as well as communications engineering, we know that this thought is not very accurate. We agree that most of the practical controllers are analog and digital PID controllers, simply because they are very reliable and able to achieve the required control goals successfully. most of the controllers can be explained in terms of PID. The reasons behind this impressive performance of PID will be explained in Chapter 2.

    标签: Communications Engineering Wireless Systems in

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Telecommunications Essentials Global Source

    In this updated and expanded edition of her excellent telecommunications primer, Lili explains in just the right detail everything you need to know to become fluent in this most important and fascinating industry. Besides including a satisfying amount of expert technical detail, the book also discusses equally crucial aspects of how communications technology affects society, culture, and politics. Electronic communications is changing the world for the better; learn from Lili's expertise how you, too, can participate in the revolution." Steve Riley, senior security strategist, Microsoft Corporation

    标签: Telecommunications Essentials Global Source

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • The 3G IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS)

    When 3GPP started standardizing the IMS a few years ago, most analysts expected the number of IMS deploymentsto grow dramatically as soon the initial IMS specifications were ready (3GPP Release 5 was functionallyfrozenin the first half of 2002and completedshortly after that). While those predictions have proven to be too aggressive owing to a number of upheavals hitting the ICT (Information and Communications Technologies) sector, we are now seeing more and more commercial IMS-based service offerings in the market. At the time of writing (May 2008), there are over 30 commercial IMS networks running live traffic, addingup to over10million IMS users aroundthe world; the IMS is beingdeployedglobally. In addition, there are plenty of ongoing market activities; it is estimated that over 130 IMS contracts have been awarded to all IMS manufacturers. The number of IMS users will grow substantially as these awarded contracts are launched commercially. At the same time, the number of IMS users in presently deployed networks is steadily increasing as new services are introduced and operators running these networks migrate their non-IMS users to their IMS networks.

    标签: Multimedia Subsystem The IMS 3G IP

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Theory+and+Applications+of+OFDM+and+CDMA

    Wireless communication has become increasingly important not only for professional appli- cations but also for many fields in our daily routine and in consumer electronics. In 1990, a mobile telephone was still quite expensive, whereas today most teenagers have one, and they use it not only for calls but also for data transmission. More and more computers use wireless local area networks (WLANs), and audio and television broadcasting has become digital.

    标签: Applications and Theory OFDM CDMA of

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Transmission+Systems+Design+Handbooks

    Public telephone operators and new independent wireless operators through- out the world are deploying wireless access in an effort to drastically reduce delivery costs in the most expensive part of the network?the local loop. Available radio technology enables both existing and new entrants to access subscribers in a rapid manner and deliver their basic telephony products and broadband-enhanced services.

    标签: Transmission Handbooks Systems Design

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Utility Maximization in Nonconvex Wireless Systems

    Once upon a time, cellular wireless networks provided two basic services: voice telephony and low-rate text messaging. Users in the network were separated by orthogonal multiple access schemes, and cells by generous frequency reuse patterns [1]. Since then, the proliferation of wireless services, fierce competition, andthe emergenceof new service classes such as wireless data and multimediahave resulted in an ever increasing pressure on network operators to use resources in a moreefficient manner.In the contextof wireless networks,two of the most common resources are power and spectrum—and, due to regulations, these resources are typically scarce. Hence, in contrast to wired networks, overprovisioning is not feasible in wireless networks.

    标签: Maximization Nonconvex Wireless Utility Systems in

    上传时间: 2020-06-01
