基于单片机的密码锁设计,内含工程文件和源码文件以及电路图#include "config.h" void main(){ LCD_Initial(); //lcd初始化 init_sys(); //硬件系统初始化 setpsw(); //密码设置 while(1) { time=3; //限定尝试3次 while(1) { inputpsw(); //输入密码 checkpsw(); //密码验证 checksuper(); //验证是否是超级密码 if(error_flag==0) {right();break;} else if(time>1) error(); //允许2次尝试错误 else {lock();break;} //3次错误,系统锁定 } }}
上传时间: 2022-07-17
ADI实验室电路时经过构建和测试可以确保功能和性能的电路设计 借助ADI公司了众多应用专业技术,解决了多种常见的模拟、RF/IF和混合信号设计挑战。 所以我觉得这个还是非常值得我们学习的,特此分享一下
上传时间: 2013-06-20
上传时间: 2013-07-28
In this paper, we discuss efficient coding and design styles using verilog. This can beimmensely helpful for any digital designer initiating designs. Here, we address different problems rangingfrom RTL-Gate Level simulation mismatch to race conditions in writing behavioral models. All theseproblems are accompanied by an example to have a better idea, and these can be taken care off if thesecoding guidelines are followed. Discussion of all the techniques is beyond the scope of this paper, however,here we try to cover a few of them.
标签: Efficient Verilog Digital Coding
上传时间: 2013-11-22
本文介绍了AD公司的RF/IF相位和幅度测量芯片AD8302,并以此芯片为核心,组合功分器、延迟线和FPGA芯片设计了瞬时测频接收机,改进了传统的设计方案。依照设计制作了测频系统,并对系统整体性能进行了测试,测试结果表明本系统可以准确测量1.4~2.0 GHz范围内的信号,测频精度为10 MHz。
上传时间: 2013-10-26
Abstract: This application note describes the essential workings of an electrocardiogram (ECG). It discussesfactors that disrupt the ECG signals and make reliable, highly-accurate electrical characterization difficult. Theindustry-standard solution for ECG electrical characterization, which uses an analog front-end and ADCcombination, is explained. The article then introduces the MAX11040 simultaneous-sampling, sigma-deltaADC as a compelling, highly integrated solution that eliminates the need for the AFE, and saves both spaceand cost for the application.
上传时间: 2013-12-23
Abstract: This tutorial discusses proper printed-circuit board (PCB) grounding for mixed-signal designs. Formost applications a simple method without cuts in the ground plane allows for successful PCB layouts withthis kind of IC. We begin this document with the basics: where the current flows. Later, we describe how toplace components and route signal traces to minimize problems with crosstalk. Finally, we move on toconsider power supply-currents and end by discussing how to extend what we have learned to circuits withmultiple mixed-signal ICs.
上传时间: 2013-11-04
本书内容包括三大部分:第1 部分从运算放大器的基本概念和理论出发,重点介绍了运算放大器的原理与设计,以及在各种电子系统中的应用,包括视频应用、RF/IF 子系统(乘法器、调制器和混频器)等;第2 部分主要介绍了高速采样和高速ADC 及其应用、高速DAC 及其应用、以及DDS 系统与接收机子系统等;第3 部分介绍了有关高速硬件设计技术,如仿真、建模、原型、布局、去藕与接地,以及EMI 与RFI设计考虑等。 书中内容既有完整的理论分析,又有具体的实际应用电路,还包括许多应用技巧。特别适合电子电路与系统设计工程师、高等院校相关专业师生阅读。
上传时间: 2013-11-16
Abstract: If sensitive analog systems are run from one supply without the sufficient bypassing to eliminate noise,
上传时间: 2013-11-23
Precision 16-bit analog outputs with softwareconfigurableoutput ranges are often needed in industrialprocess control equipment, analytical and scientificinstruments and automatic test equipment. In the past,designing a universal output module was a daunting taskand the cost and PCB real estate associated with thisfunction were problematic, if not prohibitive.
上传时间: 2014-12-23