FPGA读写SD卡读取BMP图片通过LCD显示例程实验 Verilog逻辑源码Quartus工程文件+文档说明,FPGA型号Cyclone4E系列中的EP4CE6F17C8,Quartus版本17.1。1 实验简介在前面的实验中我们练习了 SD 卡读写,VGA 视频显示等例程,本实验将 SD 卡里的 BMP 图片读出,写入到外部存储器,再通过 VGA、LCD 等显示。本实验如果通过液晶屏显示,需要有液晶屏模块。2 实验原理在前面的实验中我们在 VGA、LCD 上显示的是彩条,是 FPGA 内部产生的数据,本实验将彩条替换为 SD 内的 BMP 图片数据,但是 SD 卡读取速度远远不能满足显示速度的要求,只能先写入外部高速 RAM,再读出后给视频时序模块显示module top( input clk, input rst_n, input key1, output [5:0] seg_sel, output [7:0] seg_data, output vga_out_hs, //vga horizontal synchronization output vga_out_vs, //vga vertical synchronization output[4:0] vga_out_r, //vga red output[5:0] vga_out_g, //vga green output[4:0] vga_out_b, //vga blue output sd_ncs, //SD card chip select (SPI mode) output sd_dclk, //SD card clock output sd_mosi, //SD card controller data output input sd_miso, //SD card controller data input output sdram_clk, //sdram clock output sdram_cke, //sdram clock enable output sdram_cs_n, //sdram chip select output sdram_we_n, //sdram write enable output sdram_cas_n, //sdram column address strobe output sdram_ras_n, //sdram row address strobe output[1:0] sdram_dqm, //sdram data enable output[1:0] sdram_ba, //sdram bank address output[12:0] sdram_addr, //sdram address inout[15:0] sdram_dq //sdram data);parameter MEM_DATA_BITS = 16 ; //external memory user interface data widthparameter ADDR_BITS = 24
标签: fpga
上传时间: 2021-10-27
数字化电源的特点:1.控制智能化它是以数字信号处理器(DSP)或微控制器(MCU)为核心,将数字电源驱动器及PWM控制器作为控制对象而构成的智能化开关电源系统。传统的由微控制器控制的开关电源,一般只是控制电源的启动和关断,并非真正意义的数字电源。2.数模组件组合优化采用“整合数字电源”(Fusion Digital Power)技术,实现了开关电源中模拟组件与数字组件的优化组合。例如,功率级所用的模拟组件MOSFET驱动器,可以很方便地与数字电源控制器相连并实现各种保护及偏置电源管理,而PWM控制器也属于数控模拟芯片。3.集成度高实现了电源系统单片集成化(Power System on chip),将大量的分立式元器件整合到一个芯片或一组芯片中。4.控制精度高能充分发挥数字信号处理器及微控制器的优势,使所设计的数字电源达到高技术指标。例如,其脉宽调制(PWM)分辨力可达150ps(10~12s)的水平,这是传统开关电源所望尘莫及的。数字电源还能实现多相位控制、非线性控制、负载均流以及故障预测等功能,为研制绿色节能型开关电源提供了便利条件。5.模块化程度高数字电源模块化程度高,各模块之间可以方便地实现有机融合,便于构成分布式数字电源系统,提高电源系统的可靠性。
标签: 全数字电源
上传时间: 2021-12-13
FPGA读取OV5640摄像头数据并通过VGA或LCD屏显示输出的Verilog逻辑源码Quartus工程文件+文档说明,FPGA型号Cyclone4E系列中的EP4CE6F17C8,Quartus版本17.1。module top( input clk, input rst_n, output cmos_scl, //cmos i2c clock inout cmos_sda, //cmos i2c data input cmos_vsync, //cmos vsync input cmos_href, //cmos hsync refrence,data valid input cmos_pclk, //cmos pxiel clock output cmos_xclk, //cmos externl clock input [7:0] cmos_db, //cmos data output cmos_rst_n, //cmos reset output cmos_pwdn, //cmos power down output vga_out_hs, //vga horizontal synchronization output vga_out_vs, //vga vertical synchronization output[4:0] vga_out_r, //vga red output[5:0] vga_out_g, //vga green output[4:0] vga_out_b, //vga blue output sdram_clk, //sdram clock output sdram_cke, //sdram clock enable output sdram_cs_n, //sdram chip select output sdram_we_n, //sdram write enable output sdram_cas_n, //sdram column address strobe output sdram_ras_n, //sdram row address strobe output[1:0] sdram_dqm, //sdram data enable output[1:0] sdram_ba, //sdram bank address output[12:0] sdram_addr, //sdram address inout[15:0] sdram_dq //sdram data);
上传时间: 2021-12-18
基于FPGA设计的sdram读写测试实验Verilog逻辑源码Quartus工程文件+文档说明,DRAM选用海力士公司的 HY57V2562 型号,容量为的 256Mbit,采用了 54 引脚的TSOP 封装, 数据宽度都为 16 位, 工作电压为 3.3V,并丏采用同步接口方式所有的信号都是时钟信号。FPGA型号Cyclone4E系列中的EP4CE6F17C8,Quartus版本17.1。timescale 1ps/1psmodule top(input clk,input rst_n,output[1:0] led,output sdram_clk, //sdram clockoutput sdram_cke, //sdram clock enableoutput sdram_cs_n, //sdram chip selectoutput sdram_we_n, //sdram write enableoutput sdram_cas_n, //sdram column address strobeoutput sdram_ras_n, //sdram row address strobeoutput[1:0] sdram_dqm, //sdram data enable output[1:0] sdram_ba, //sdram bank addressoutput[12:0] sdram_addr, //sdram addressinout[15:0] sdram_dq //sdram data);parameter MEM_DATA_BITS = 16 ; //external memory user interface data widthparameter ADDR_BITS = 24 ; //external memory user interface address widthparameter BUSRT_BITS = 10 ; //external memory user interface burst widthparameter BURST_SIZE = 128 ; //burst sizewire wr_burst_data_req; // from external memory controller,write data request ,before data 1 clockwire wr_burst_finish; // from external memory controller,burst write finish
标签: fpga sdram verilog quartus
上传时间: 2021-12-18
标签: rtl8201cp
上传时间: 2022-01-13
The PW2601 is a charger front-end integrated circuit designed to provide protection to Li-ionbatteries from failures of charging circuitry. The device monitors the input voltage, battery voltageand the charging current to make sure all three parameters are operated in normal range. Thedevice will switch off internal MOSFET to disconnect IN to OUT to protect load when any of inputvoltage, output current exceeds the threshold. The Over temperature protection (OTP) functionmonitors chip temperature to protect the device. The PW2601 also can protect the system’sbattery from being over charged by monitors the battery voltage continuously. The deviceoperates like a linear regulator, maintaining a 5.1V output with input voltages up to the input overvoltage threshold.The PW2601 is available in DFN-2x2-8L package. Standard products are Pb-free and Halogenfree
标签: pw2601
上传时间: 2022-02-11
Single chip TFT-LCD Controller/Driver with On-chip Frame Memory (FM) Display Resolution: 240*RGB (H) *320(V) Frame Memory Size: 240 x 320 x 18-bit = 1,382,400 bits LCD Driver Output Circuits- Source Outputs: 240 RGB Channels- Gate Outputs: 320 Channels- Common Electrode Output Display Colors (Color Mode)- Full Color: 262K, RGB=(666) max., Idle Mode Off- Color Reduce: 8-color, RGB=(111), Idle Mode On Programmable Pixel Color Format (Color Depth) for Various Display Data input Format- 12-bit/pixel: RGB=(444)- 16-bit/pixel: RGB=(565)- 18-bit/pixel: RGB=(666) MCU Interface- Parallel 8080-series MCU Interface (8-bit, 9-bit, 16-bit & 18-bit)- 6/16/18 RGB Interface(VSYNC, HSYNC, DOTCLK, ENABLE, DB[17:0])- Serial Peripheral Interface(SPI Interface)- VSYNC Interface
上传时间: 2022-03-04
驱动芯片资料ST7735S规格书132RGB x 162dot 262K Color with Frame Memory Single-chip TFT Controller/Driver
标签: 驱动芯片
上传时间: 2022-03-24
针对嵌入式产品程序更新问题,提出了一种基于IAP技术的STM32单片机在线固件升级方案,设计了STM32单片机最小系统硬件电路和USB转串口通信电路,并给出了Bootloader程序、APP程序、PC上机程序的实现流程.实验结果表明,该方案具有简单实用、稳定性高、维护成本低和设备使用效率高的特点,适用于嵌入式产品升级.For the problem of updating embedded products program,an online firmware upgrade scheme of STM32 single chip microcomputer based on IAP technology is proposed.This scheme not only elaborates the principle of IAP technology in detail but also provides the design of the minimum system hardware circuit of STM32 MCU,the design of USB for serial communication circuit,and the implementation flow of Bootloader program,APP program and PC program.The experiment results show that the scheme is simple,practical and highly stable.In addition,it can be used to actual embedded product upgrading,significantly reducing maintenance costs and improving the efficiency of equipment.
上传时间: 2022-03-25
目前电动汽车主要以锂电池作为动力来源,为了提高锂电池的使用时间和安全性,为锂电池提供安全良好的运行环境,电池管理系统应运而生。BMS主控单元基于S32K144汽车级单片机,通过主从式网络控制结构能够对锂电池的各个参数进行采集与分析。采用扩展卡尔曼滤波对电池的荷电状态(SOC)进行估算,克服普通估算方法无法避免电池内阻误差的缺点,通过Matlab/Simulink软件仿真验证可使估算误差达到2%以内。At present,electric vehicles mainly use lithium batteries as the power source.In order to improve the running time and safety of lithium batteries,a safe and good operating environment for power batteries is provided,and a battery management system(BMS) has emerged.The BMS main control unit is based on the S32K144 automotive-grade control chip.Through the master-slave network control structure,it can collect and analyze the various parameters of the lithium battery.The Extended Kalman Filter(EKF) is used to estimate the state of charge(SOC) of the battery,which overcomes the shortcomings of the internal estimation method that cannot overcome the internal resistance error of the battery.It can be verified by Matlab/Simulink software simulation.The estimation error is within 2%.
上传时间: 2022-03-26