特点(FEATURES) 精确度0.1%满刻度(accuracy 0.1%F.S.) 宽输入范围200ohm 至 50Kohm(Wide inpuet ranges from 200ohm to 50Kohm) 多种输入输出选择(Wide selection of input/output range) 输入与输出1/输出2绝缘耐压 2仟伏特/1分钟(Dielectric strength 2KVac/1min.(input/output1/output2)) 宽范围交直流两用电源设计(Wide input range for auxiliary power) 尺寸小,稳定性高(Dimension small & High stability)
上传时间: 2013-10-28
特点(FEATURES) 精确度0.2%满刻度±0.5℃(冷接点补偿)(accuracy 0.2%F.S.±0.5℃(CJC)) 高精确度冷接点温度补偿(CJC traceability<±0.5℃(0-70℃)) 热电偶误差补偿,与断线保护功能(Sensor error compensation(offset) and burnout protection function)) 16 BIT 隔离类
上传时间: 2014-12-24
特点(FEATURES) 精确度0.1%满刻度(accuracy 0.1%F.S.) 多种输入输出选择(Wide selection of input/output range) 输入与输出1/输出2绝缘耐压 2仟伏特/1分钟(Dielectric strength 2KVac/1min.(input/output1/output2)) 宽范围交直流两用电源设计(Wide input range for auxiliary power) 尺寸小,稳定性高(Dimension small & High stability)
上传时间: 2014-12-24
特点(FEATURES) 精确度0.03%满刻度(accuracy 0.03%F.S.) 频率输入范围0.01Hz至80KHz(Input range from 0.01 Hz to 80KHz) 16 BIT 隔离类比输出(16 bit DAC isolating analog output) 输入与输出1/输出2绝缘耐压 2仟伏特/1分钟(Dielectric strength 2KVac/1min.(input/output1/output2)) 宽范围交直流两用电源设计(Wide input range for auxiliary power) 尺寸小,稳定性高(Dimension small & High stability)
上传时间: 2013-10-21
特点(FEATURES) 精确度0.1%满刻度 (accuracy 0.1%F.S.) 可作各式数学演算式功能如:A+B/A-B/AxB/A/B/A&B(Hi or Lo)/|A| (Math functioA+B/A-B/AxB/A/B/A&B(Hi&Lo)/|A|/etc.....) 16 BIT 类比输出功能(16 bit DAC isolating analog output function) 输入/输出1/输出2绝缘耐压2仟伏特/1分钟(Dielectric strength 2KVac/1min. (input/output1/output2/power)) 宽范围交直流两用电源设计(Wide input range for auxiliary power) 尺寸小,稳定性高(Dimension small and High stability)
上传时间: 2013-11-24
高的工作电压高达100V N双N沟道MOSFET同步驱动 The D810DCDC is a synchronous step-down switching regulator controller that can directly step-down voltages from up to 100V, making it ideal for telecom and automotive applications. The D810DCDC uses a constant on-time valley current control architecture to deliver very low duty cycles with accurate cycle-by-cycle current limit, without requiring a sense resistor. A precise internal reference provides 0.5% DC accuracy. A high bandwidth (25MHz) error amplifi er provides very fast line and load transient response. Large 1Ω gate drivers allow the D810DCDC to drive multiple MOSFETs for higher current applications. The operating frequency is selected by an external resistor and is compensated for variations in VIN and can also be synchronized to an external clock for switching-noise sensitive applications. Integrated bias control generates gate drive power from the input supply during start-up and when an output shortcircuit occurs, with the addition of a small external SOT23 MOSFET. When in regulation, power is derived from the output for higher effi ciency.
上传时间: 2013-10-24
Speed and accuracy don’t always go hand-in-handin DC/DC converter systems—that is, until now. TheLTC3811 is a dual output, fi xed frequency current modeDC/DC switching regulator controller designed for one oftoday’s most demanding power supply applications: highcurrent, low voltage processor core supplies.
上传时间: 2013-11-21
Avalanche photo diode (APD) receiver modules arewidely used in fi ber optic communication systems. AnAPD module contains the APD and a signal conditioningamplifi er, but is not completely self contained. It stillrequires signifi cant support circuitry including a highvoltage, low noise power supply and a precision currentmonitor to indicate the signal strength. The challenge issqueezing this support circuitry into applications withlimited board space. The LT®3482 addresses this challengeby integrating a monolithic DC/DC step-up converter andan accurate current monitor. The LT3482 can supportup to a 90V APD bias voltage, and the current monitorprovides better than 10% accuracy over four decades ofdynamic range (250nA to 2.5mA).
上传时间: 2014-01-18
Today’s computer, datacom, and telecom systems demandpower supplies that are effi cient, respond quicklyto load transients and accurately regulate the voltageat the load. For example, load current can be measuredby using the inductor DCR, thus eliminating the needfor a dedicated sense resistor. Inductor DCR sensingincreases effi ciency—especially at heavy load—whilereducing component cost and required board space.The LTC®3856 single-output 2-phase synchronous buckcontroller improves the accuracy of inductor DCR sensingby compensating for changes in DCR due to temperature.
上传时间: 2013-11-05
Specifying the right reference and applying it correctly isa more difficult task than one might first surmise, consideringthat references are only 2- or 3-terminal devices.Although the word “accuracy” is most often spoken inreference to references, it is dangerous to use this wordtoo freely because it can mean different things to differentpeople. Even more perplexing is the fact that a referenceclassified as a dog in one application is a panacea inanother. This application note will familiarize the readerwith the various aspects of reference “accuracy” andpresent some tips on extracting maximum performancefrom any reference.
标签: 电压基准
上传时间: 2013-10-15