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  • Fuel+Cell+Micro-grids

    The solid high-polymer-film-type fuel cell (PEM-FC) system is used as the power supply equipment for transportation and replaces an internal combustion engine. A reduction of the environmental load is expected through the cogeneration system’s (CGS) use of the PEM-FC system as a distributed power supply to individual houses, apartments, and so forth [1–3]. The growing use of distributed power systems, such as fuel cells, the reduction of power-transmission losses, and an increase of waste heat recovery are expected. Therefore, the reduction of carbon- dioxide emission is also expected as compared to conventional energy supply methods using commercial electric power. 

    标签: Micro-grids Fuel Cell

    上传时间: 2020-06-07


  • GaN-on-Si+Displace+Si+and+SiC

    GaN is an already well implanted semiconductor technology, widely diffused in the LED optoelectronics industry. For about 10 years, GaN devices have also been developed for RF wireless applications where they can replace Silicon transistors in some selected systems. That incursion in the RF field has open the door to the power switching capability in the lower frequency range and thus to the power electronic applications. Compared to Silicon, GaN exhibits largely better figures for most of the key specifications: Electric field, energy gap, electron mobility and melting point. Intrinsically, GaN could offer better performance than Silicon in terms of: breakdown voltage, switching frequency and Overall systems efficiency.

    标签: GaN-on-Si Displace and SiC Si

    上传时间: 2020-06-07


  • Innovative Testing and Measurement Solutions

    A revolution in power industries, including generation, transmission and distribution, driven by environmental and economic considerations, is taking place all over the world. The smart grid allows for integration of diverse generation and storage options, reduced losses, improved efficiencies, increased grid flexibility, reduced power outages, allowing for competitive electricity pricing and integration of electric vehicles and overall becoming more responsive to market, consumer and societal needs. It is bringing profound changes to both power systems and many related industries.

    标签: Measurement Innovative Solutions Testing and

    上传时间: 2020-06-07


  • Line+Loss+Analysis

    It has been over a decade since the Chinese publication of Line Loss in Electric Power Systems. To keep pace with technological developments, I started a revision as early as 2002, following the main principles that the theoretical framework and characteristics of the first edition should be retained, with new contents added according to new problems after the reform of electric power systems and the new requirements for line loss management practices and in combination with practical experience.

    标签: Analysis Line Loss

    上传时间: 2020-06-07


  • Methane and Hydrogen for Energy Storage

    Commercial energy storage has moved from the margins to the mainstream as it fosters flexibility in our smarter, increasingly integrated energy systems. The energy density, availability, and relatively clean fossil profile of natural gas ensure its critical role as a fuel for heating and electricity generation. As a transportation fuel, natural gas continues to increase its market penetration; much of this has been enabled by emerging developments in storage technology. 

    标签: Hydrogen Methane Storage Energy and for

    上传时间: 2020-06-07


  • Multiscale+Simulation+Approach

    Battery systems for energy storage are among the most relevant technologies of the 21 st century. They – in particular modern lithium-ion batteries (LIB) – are enablers for the market success of electric vehicles (EV) as well as for stationary energy storage solutions for balancing fluctuations in electricity grids resulting from the integrationofrenewableenergysourceswithvolatilesupply 1 .BothEVandstationary storage solutions are important because they foster the transition from the usage of fossil energy carriers towards cleaner renewable energy sources. Furthermore, EV cause less local air pollution and noise emissions compared to conventional combustion engine vehicles resulting in better air quality especially in urban areas. Unfortunately, to this day, various technological and economic challenges impede a broad application of batteries for EV as well as for large scale energy storage and load leveling in electricity grids.

    标签: Multiscale Simulation Approach

    上传时间: 2020-06-07


  • NIST Framework and Roadmap

    Under the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA), the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) was assigned “primary responsibility to coordinate development of a framework that includes protocols and model standards for information management to achieve interoperability of Smart Grid devices and systems…” [EISA Section 1305]. 35 This responsibility comes at a time when the electric power grid and electric power industry are undergoing the most dramatic transformation in many decades. Very significant investments are being made by industry and the federal government to modernize the power grid. To realize the full benefits of these investments—and the continued investments forecast for the coming decades—there is a continued need to establish effective smart grid 36 standards and protocols for interoperability.

    标签: Framework Roadmap NIST and

    上传时间: 2020-06-07


  • Parallel Power Electronics Filters

    Power Electronics is one of modern and key technologies in Electrical and Electronics Engineering for green power, sustainable energy systems, and smart grids. Especially, the transformation of existing electric power systems into smart grids is currently a global trend. The gradual increase of distributed generators in smart grids indicates a wide and important role for power electronic converters in the electric power system, also with the increased use of power electronics devices (nonlinear loads) and motor loadings, low cost, low-loss and high-performance shunt current quality compensators are highly demanded by power customers to solve current quality problems caused by those loadings.

    标签: Electronics Parallel Filters Power

    上传时间: 2020-06-07


  • Pico-solar Electric Systems

    This book provides a comprehensive overview of the technology behind the pico-solar revolution and offers guidance on how to test and choose quality products. The book also discusses how pioneering companies and initiatives are overcoming challenges to reach scale in the market- place, from innovative distribution strategies to reach customers in rural India and Tanzania, to product development in Cambodia, product assembly in Mozambique and the introduction of ‘pay as you go’ technology in Kenya.

    标签: Pico-solar Electric Systems

    上传时间: 2020-06-07


  • Power System Stability Modelling

    Modern day large power systems are essentially dynamic systems with stringent requirements of high reliability for the continuous availability of electricity. Reliability is contingent on the power system retaining stable operation during steady-state operation and also following disturbances. The subject of power sys- tem stability has been studied for many decades. With new developments, and there have been many over the past couple of decades, new concerns and problems arise that need to be studied and analysed. The objective of this book is a step in that direction though not ignoring the conventional and well-established approaches.

    标签: Modelling Stability System Power

    上传时间: 2020-06-07
