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  • The Complete Wireless Communications

    When thinking about mobile radio engineers there is a tendency to assume that the engineering function relates solely to the technical aspects of the network, such as the equipment design or the network design. That is certainly a key part of the role of a mobile radio engineer. However,increasinglyengineersarerequiredtointeractwithprofession- als from other divisions. The “complete wireless professional” should know about mobile networks; fixed networks; other types of mobile systems; regulatory and government policy; the requirements of the users; and financial, legal, and marketing issues.

    标签: Communications Complete Wireless The

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Time-Varying Channels

    Wireless communications has become a field of enormous scientific and economic interest. Recent success stories include 2G and 3G cellular voice and data services (e.g., GSM and UMTS), wireless local area networks (WiFi/IEEE 802.11x), wireless broadband access (WiMAX/IEEE 802.16x), and digital broadcast systems (DVB, DAB, DRM). On the physical layer side, traditional designs typically assume that the radio channel remains constant for the duration of a data block. However, researchers and system designers are increasingly shifting their attention to channels that may vary within a block. In addition to time dispersion caused by multipath propagation, these rapidly time-varying channels feature frequency dispersion resulting from the Doppler effect. They are, thus, often referred to as being “doubly dispersive.”

    标签: Time-Varying Channels

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Transceiver and System Design

    T his book covers basic communications theory and practical imple- mentation of transmitters and receivers. In so doing, I focus on dig- ital modulation, demodulation methods, probabilities, detection of digital signals, and spread spectrum system design and analysis. This book was written for those who want a good understanding of the basic prin- ciples of digital wireless communication systems, including spread spec- trum techniques. This book also provides a good intuitive and practical approach to digital communications. Therefore it is a valuable resource for anyoneinvolvedinwirelesscommunicationsandtransceiverdesignfordig- ital communications. The reader will gain a broad understanding of basic communication principles for transceiver design, digital communications, and spread spectrum, along with examples of many types of commercial and military data link systems.

    标签: Transceiver System Design

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Transmission+Systems+Design+Handbooks

    Public telephone operators and new independent wireless operators through- out the world are deploying wireless access in an effort to drastically reduce delivery costs in the most expensive part of the network?the local loop. Available radio technology enables both existing and new entrants to access subscribers in a rapid manner and deliver their basic telephony products and broadband-enhanced services.

    标签: Transmission Handbooks Systems Design

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Ultra Wideband - Circuits

    Recent advances in wireless communication technologies have had a transforma- tive impact on society and have directly contributed to several economic and social aspects of daily life. Increasingly, the untethered exchange of information between devices is becoming a prime requirement for further progress, which is placing an ever greater demand on wireless bandwidth. The ultra wideband (UWB) system marks a major milestone in this progress. Since 2002, when the FCC allowed the unlicensed use of low-power, UWB radio signals in the 3.1–10.6GHz frequency band, there has been significant synergistic advance in this technology at the cir- cuits, architectural and communication systems levels. This technology allows for devices to communicate wirelessly, while coexisting with other users by ensuring that its power density is sufficiently low so that it is perceived as noise to other users.

    标签: Circuits Wideband Ultra

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • UMTS+Network+Planning

    The continuing explosive growth in mobile communication is demanding more spectrally efficient radio access technologies than the prevalent second generation (2G) systems such as GSM to handle just the voice traffic. We are already witnessing high levels of mobile penetration exceeding 70% in some countries. It is anticipated that by 2010 more than half of all communications will be carried out by mobile cellular networks. On the other hand, the information revolution and changing life habits are bringing the requirement of commu- nicating on a multimedia level to the mobile environment. But the data handling capabilities and flexibility of the 2G cellular systems are limited.

    标签: Planning Network UMTS

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Utility Maximization in Nonconvex Wireless Systems

    Once upon a time, cellular wireless networks provided two basic services: voice telephony and low-rate text messaging. Users in the network were separated by orthogonal multiple access schemes, and cells by generous frequency reuse patterns [1]. Since then, the proliferation of wireless services, fierce competition, andthe emergenceof new service classes such as wireless data and multimediahave resulted in an ever increasing pressure on network operators to use resources in a moreefficient manner.In the contextof wireless networks,two of the most common resources are power and spectrum—and, due to regulations, these resources are typically scarce. Hence, in contrast to wired networks, overprovisioning is not feasible in wireless networks.

    标签: Maximization Nonconvex Wireless Utility Systems in

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • WCDMA for UMTS HSPA Evolution and LTE

    Second-generation telecommunication systems, such as the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM), enabled voice traffic to go wireless: the number of mobile phones exceeds the number of landline phones and the mobile phone penetration is approaching 100% in several markets. The data-handling capabilities of second-generation systems are limited, however, and third-generation systems are needed to provide the high bit-rate services that enable high-quality images and video to be transmitted and received, and to provide access to the Web with higher data rates.

    标签: Evolution WCDMA UMTS HSPA LTE for and

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Wireless Communications 2nd Edition

    n the first part of this book, we give an introduction to the basic applications of wireless com- munications, as well as the technical problems inherent in this communication paradigm. After a brief history of wireless, Chapter 1 describes the different types of wireless services, and works out their fundamental differences. The subsequent Section 1.3 looks at the same problem from a different angle: what data rates, ranges, etc., occur in practical systems, and especially, what combination of performance measures are demanded (e.g., what data rates need to be transmitted over short distances; what data rates are required over long distances?) Chapter 2 then describes the technical challenges of communicating without wires, putting special emphasis on fading and co-channel interference. Chapter 3 describes the most elementary problem of designing a wireless system, namely to set up a link budget in either a noise-limited or an interference-limited system. After studying this part of the book, the reader should have an overview of different types of wireless services, and understand the technical challenges involved in each of them. The solutions to those challenges are described in the later parts of this book.

    标签: Communications Wireless Edition 2nd

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Wireless Communications & Networking

    During the past three decades, the world has seen signifi cant changes in the telecom- munications industry. There has been rapid growth in wireless communications, as seen by large expansion in mobile systems. Wireless communications have moved from fi rst-generation (1G) systems primarily focused on voice communications to third-generation (3G) systems dealing with Internet connectivity and multi-media applications. The fourth-generation (4G) systems will be designed to connect wire- less personal area networks (WPANs), wireless local area networks (WLANs) and wireless wide-area networks (WWANs).

    标签: Communications Networking Wireless

    上传时间: 2020-06-01
