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  • 基于Robo-PICA robot kit的PIC 16F877a的单片机编程 Innovative Experiment Co.,Ltd.

    基于Robo-PICA robot kit的PIC 16F877a的单片机编程 Innovative Experiment Co.,Ltd.

    标签: Innovative Experiment Robo-PICA 16F877a

    上传时间: 2016-05-09


  • Swarm intelligence is an Innovative computational way to solving hard problems. This discipline is

    Swarm intelligence is an Innovative computational way to solving hard problems. This discipline is inspired by the behavior of social insects such as fish schools and bird flocks and colonies of ants, termites, bees and wasps. In general, this is done by mimicking the behavior of the biological creatures within their swarms and colonies.

    标签: computational intelligence Innovative discipline

    上传时间: 2014-01-14


  • 走马灯程序Visit us and check out our Innovative products and services

    走马灯程序Visit us and check out our Innovative products and services

    标签: Innovative and products services

    上传时间: 2014-01-13


  • 模拟信号链笔记

    In a world experiencing challenging transitions in multiple arenas—energy, healthcare, industry,finance, and security, to name a few—Maxim Integrated’s Industrial and Medical SolutionsGroup offers superior signal chain solutions that are Innovative, accurate, and cost-effective.

    标签: 模拟 信号链

    上传时间: 2013-11-12


  • 凌力尔特芯片电路总汇

    Over the past several years Linear Technology, the magazine, has come of age. From nothing, the publication has come into its own, as has its subscriber list. Many Innovative circuits have seen the light of day in the pages of our now hallowed publication.

    标签: 凌力尔特 芯片电路

    上传时间: 2014-12-23


  • Analog Circuit Design in Porta

    •Founded in Jan. 08, 2001 in Shanghai, China.•Fabless IDH focused on Analog & Mixed Signal Chip design & marketing •Over 100 IC introduced.•Over 200 OEM Customer worldwide•ISO-9000 Certified•Distribution Channel in Taiwan, China & Japan To achieve 100% customer satisfactionby producing the technically advanced product with the best quality, on-time delivery and service. Leverages on proprietary process and world-class engineering team to develop Innovative & high quality analog solutions that add value to electronics equipment.

    标签: Circuit Analog Design Porta

    上传时间: 2013-10-24


  • 基于FPGA的高度集成DCDC稳压器

      In a recent discussion with a system designer, the requirementfor his power supply was to regulate 1.5Vand deliver up to 40A of current to a load that consistedof four FPGAs. This is up to 60W of power that must bedelivered in a small area with the lowest height profi lepossible to allow a steady fl ow of air for cooling. Thepower supply had to be surface mountable and operateat high enough effi ciency to minimize heat dissipation.He also demanded the simplest possible solution so histime could be dedicated to the more complex tasks. Asidefrom precise electrical performance, this solution had toremovethe heat generated during DC to DC conversionquickly so that the circuit and the ICs in the vicinity do notoverheat. Such a solution requires an Innovative designto meet these criteria:

    标签: FPGA DCDC 集成 稳压器

    上传时间: 2013-11-24


  • Using the Stellaris Microcontr

    Luminary Micro Stellaris™ microcontrollers that are equipped with an analog-to-digital converter(ADC), use an Innovative sequence-based sampling architecture designed to be extremely flexible,yet easy to use. This application note describes the sampling architecture of the ADC. Sinceprogrammers can configure Stellaris microcontrollers either through the powerful StellarisFamilyDriver Library or through direct writes to the device's control registers, this application note describesboth methods. The information presented in this document is intended to complement the ADCchapter of the device datasheet, and assumes the reader has a basic understanding of howADCsfunction.

    标签: Microcontr Stellaris Using the

    上传时间: 2013-10-14


  • ZipForge is a fast ZIP compression library. With this toolkit you can easily add archive functionali

    ZipForge is a fast ZIP compression library. With this toolkit you can easily add archive functionality to your projects. ZipForge includes our new unique techonology, a transaction system. This Innovative solution gives you a fast and easy way of updating archive files providing data integrity like a reliable database system. ZipForge Personal is free for personal use. Any company that uses ZipForge in its projects must order ZipForge Pro.

    标签: compression functionali ZipForge archive

    上传时间: 2014-11-28


  • Every day, patches are created to cover up security holes in software applications and operating sys

    Every day, patches are created to cover up security holes in software applications and operating systems. But by the time you download a patch, it could be too late. A hacker may have already taken advantage of the hole and wreaked havoc on your system. This Innovative book will help you stay one step ahead. It gives you the tools to discover vulnerabilities in C-language-based software, exploit the vulnerabilities you find, and prevent new security holes from occurring.

    标签: applications operating security software

    上传时间: 2015-11-01
