打开2.tab.c编译运行,a.txt为测试用的PL/0程序。 2.OUTPUT中有所有的产生式和LALR分析表的所有状态。
上传时间: 2015-02-14
The book presents the entire Java programming language and essential parts of the class libraries: the collection classes and the input-OUTPUT classes.
标签: programming essential libraries the
上传时间: 2015-03-02
This directory contains code implementing the K-means algorithm. Source codemay be found in KMEANS.CPP. Sample data isfound in KM2.DAT. The KMEANSprogram accepts input consisting of vectors and calculates the givennumber of cluster centers using the K-means algorithm. OUTPUT isdirected to the screen.
标签: implementing directory algorithm contains
上传时间: 2014-01-27
程序存储问题:设有n 个程序{1,2,…, n }要存放在长度为L的磁带上。程序i存放在磁带上的长度是Li ,1≤i≤n 程序存储问题要求确定这n 个程序在磁带上的一个存储方案,使得能够在磁带上存储尽可能多的程序。 编程任务: 对于给定的n个程序存放在磁带上的长度,编程计算磁带上最多可以存储的程序数。 数据输入:由文件input.txt给出输入数据。第一行是正整数n,表示文件个数。接下来的1 行中,有n 个正整数,表示程序存放在磁带上的长度。 结果输出: input.txt OUTPUT.txt 6 50 5 2 3 13 8 80 20
上传时间: 2013-12-20
This an adaptive receiver for a direct-sequence spread spectrum (DS-SS) system over an AWGN channel. The adaptive receiver block is modified from the LMS adaptive filter block in DSP Blockset. For DS-SS signal reception, the adaptive filter needs to have multi-rate operation. The input sample rate is equal to chip rate and the OUTPUT is at symbol rate. Two rates are related by PG, processing gain
标签: direct-sequence adaptive receiver spectrum
上传时间: 2014-01-16
对c语言的简单语法分析器 文件说明: input.txt内为输入的源程序,包括for,while和if else控制等 OUTPUT.txt内为输出的二元单词序列 k.txt为关键字表 l.txt为运算符和界符表 i.txt为该输入的源程序的标志符 c.txt为常数表 个别表需要序列号,这时各表的序列号默认为从1开始,每行加1。 使用说明: 在提示符下输入input.txt文件的路径和文件名字, 运行完成后,打开文件OUTPUT.txt看结果。
上传时间: 2013-12-23
Invoke JavaProg.main() from a win32 program: . compile Main.java . compile VC project . set include path for jni.h, which is under java_Home\include . set linking path for jvm.lib, which is under java_Home\lib\jvm.lib . copy Main.class and Main$1.class to the working dir of the VC project (or the same dir with the OUTPUT executable App.exe) . run App.exe . set searching path for jvm.dll
标签: compile JavaProg include program
上传时间: 2014-11-16
可以自动识别一个程序中调用的所有函数,并写入到 OUTPUT.txt文件中。
上传时间: 2015-04-06
This simple simulation of a pulse traveling down a parallel-plate guide makes a handy test code for initial experiments with boundary conditions. ToyFDTD3 adds some simple features to ToyFDTD1: A PMC boundary condition, a sinusoidal pulse source, and OUTPUT tracking a single point in the mesh. Released 15 June 1999.
标签: parallel-plate simulation traveling simple
上传时间: 2015-04-06
Many many developers all over the net respect NASM for what i s - a widespread (thus netwide), portable (thus netwide!), very flexible and mature assembler tool with support for many OUTPUT formats (thus netwide!!). Now we have good news for you: NASM is licensed under LGPL. This means its development is open to even wider society of programmers wishing to improve their lovely assembler. The NASM project is now situated at SourceForge.net, the most famous Open Source development center on The Net. Visit our development page at http://nasm.2y.net/ and our SF project at http://sf.net/projects/nasm/
标签: developers widespread netwide respect
上传时间: 2014-01-20