System will automatically delete the directory
标签: automatically directory System delete
上传时间: 2013-09-09
read the network addresses from a named directory Services object and display all parts of the address.
标签: addresses directory the Services
上传时间: 2013-12-13
This directory contains code implementing the K-means algorithm. Source codemay be found in KMEANS.CPP. Sample data isfound in KM2.DAT. The KMEANSprogram accepts input consisting of vectors and calculates the givennumber of cluster centers using the K-means algorithm. Output isdirected to the screen.
标签: implementing directory algorithm contains
上传时间: 2014-01-27
This directory contains 3 file system modules: - file system ISO9660 iso9660.c iso9660.h - file system FAT12/16 fat.c fat.h - file system FAT32 fat32.c fat32.h file.c and file.h contains all high levels functions/macro/definition for your application. fs_variable.c contains all definitions of variables that can be shared with the all file systems. config.h must contain the definition of the file system used by your application.
标签: 9660 file system directory
上传时间: 2015-03-15
This directory contains utility for implementing generic Reqursive Least Squares (RLS) algorithm. The example shows how one can use the utility to estamate the parameters of a simple linear discrete time system.
标签: implementing Reqursive directory algorithm
上传时间: 2014-01-06
The flpydisk sample is a floppy driver that resides in the directory \\Ntddk\Src\Storage\Fdc\Flpydsk. It is similar to a class driver in that it sits a level above the floppy disk controller in the driver stack, and brokers communication between the application level and the low-level driver. The floppy driver takes commands from the application and then calls routines in the controller which will in turn perform the actual interaction with the device. The sample compiles in 64-bit, but has not been tested in this environment. It is compatible with x86 and Alpha platforms.
标签: NtddkSrcStorageFdcFlpydsk directory flpydisk resides
上传时间: 2015-03-30
This directory contains the 8051 firmware Vend_Ax source code for the Anchor Chips EZ-USB chip.
标签: directory the contains firmware
上传时间: 2014-01-07
The zip file in this directory contains a series of lectures and examples intended as an introduction to USB.
标签: introductio directory contains examples
上传时间: 2015-04-02
This directory contains the 8051 firmware frameworks source code for the Anchor Chips EZ-USB FX2 chip.
标签: frameworks directory the contains
上传时间: 2014-01-11
The following Philips LPC2k CAN examples in this directory were provided by ESAcademy. LPC2_CANAll_V110: Receives all CAN messages in a receive queue. LPC2_CANFull_V110: Uses Full-CAN-like reception filtering. LPC2_CANBlinky_V130: Minimal example of MicroCANopen, uses Full-CAN-like reception filtering and implements both Rx and Tx Interrupt Service Routines.
标签: ESAcademy following directory examples
上传时间: 2015-04-25