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  • 4G移动通信技术权威指南:LTE与LTE-Advanced.4G LTE.LTE

    PrefaceDuring the past years, there has been a quickly rising interest in radio access technologies for providingmobile as well as nomadic and fixed services for voice, video, and data. The difference indesign, implementation, and use between telecom and datacom technologies is also becoming moreblurred. One example is cellular technologies from the telecom world being used for broadband dataand wireless LAN from the datacom world being used for voice-over IP.Today, the most widespread radio access technology for mobile communication is digital cellular,with the number of users passing 5 billion by 2010, which is more than half of the world’s population.It has emerged from early deployments of an expensive voice service for a few car-borne users,to today’s widespread use of mobile-communication devices that provide a range of mobile servicesand often include camera, MP3 player, and PDA functions. With this widespread use and increasinginterest in mobile communication, a continuing evolution ahead is foreseen.This book describes LTE, developed in 3GPP (Third Generation Partnership Project) and providingtrue 4G broadband mobile access, starting from the first version in release 8 and through the continuingevolution to release 10, the latest version of LTE. Release 10, also known as LTE-Advanced,is of particular interest as it is the major technology approved by the ITU as fulfilling the IMTAdvancedrequirements. The description in this book is based on LTE release 10 and thus provides acomplete description of the LTE-Advanced radio access from the bottom up.Chapter 1 gives the background to LTE and its evolution, looking also at the different standardsbodies and organizations involved in the process of defining 4G. It also gives a discussion of the reasonsand driving forces behind the evolution.Chapters 2–6 provide a deeper insight into some of the technologies that are part of LTE and itsevolution. Because of its generic nature, these chapters can be used as a background not only for LTEas described in this book, but also for readers who want to understand the technology behind othersystems, such as WCDMA/HSPA, WiMAX, and CDMA2000.Chapters 7–17 constitute the main part of the book. As a start, an introductory technical overviewof LTE is given, where the most Important technology components are introduced based onthe generic technologies described in previous chapters. The following chapters provide a detaileddescription of the protocol structure, the downlink and uplink transmission schemes, and the associatedmechanisms for scheduling, retransmission and interference handling. Broadcast operation andrelaying are also described. This is followed by a discussion of the spectrum flexibility and the associated

    标签: 4g 移动通信

    上传时间: 2022-07-08


  • 最新华为pcb技术规范

    最新华为pcb技术规范行温度       110°C130°C150℃MOT(最大运行温度)到UL 746130°C150°C180°C 热阻要求定义:温度:             时间:             气候:   抗热震性 -40°C至+ 85°C老化循环:         100 200 500 1000 -40°C至+ 110°C老化循环:         100 200 500 1000 -40°C至+ 125°C老化循环:         100 200 500 1000老化循环:           特别:              低/高温时间:2小时/ 2小热稳定性,         即焊料电阻(即无铅焊料)波峰焊接<250°C<260°C<270°C<280°C 回流焊接周期:2<250°C<260°C<270°C<280°C 气相焊接<250°C<260°C<270°C最大<280°C 产品应用中的温度温度:       时间:        气候:     机械要求■机械稳定性达到:+ 85°C+ 110°C+ 130°C+ 150°C ■扭曲  <0.5%<0,75%<1,0%■x/y轴的CTE单位[ppm / K]                <18                     <14            <10 ■z轴的CTE(低于Tg)单位[ppm / K]<70                  <50                <30 ■z轴的CTE(高于Tg)单位[ppm / K]<300           <260                      <230 ■铜附着力单位[N /mm²]<0,80,8到1,6> 1,6 ■重量单位[kg /dm²]:nd

    标签: pcb规范

    上传时间: 2022-07-22


  • 无线超温报警检测电路图(PDF版)

    本电路只用一块门电路CC4011,用普通的热敏电阻作测温元件,具有声,光报警的功能. 左侧两个门组成2HZ左右的可控振荡顺,右侧两个门组成的可控振荡器.当温度正常时,热敏电阻RT与电阻R的分压低于 与非 门的阀值电压,两组振荡器均不工作.此时绿色发光二极管发光,扬声器无声.一旦超温,RT阻值足够小,第一级 与非 门打开,振荡器工作,红绿两个发光二极管交替工作,扬声器发出继续音响. 由于功放级放大的本电路只用一块门电路CC4011,用普通的热敏电阻作测温元件,具有声,光报警的功能. 左侧两个门组成2HZ左右的可控振荡顺,右侧两个门组成的可控振荡器.当温度正常时,热敏电阻RT与电阻R的分压低于 与非 门的阀值电压,两组振荡器均不工作.此时绿色发光二极管发光,扬声器无声.一旦超温,RT阻值足够小,第一级 与非 门打开,振荡器工作,红绿两个发光二极管交替工作,扬声器发出继续音响. 由于功放级放大的是脉冲信号,所以对失真的要求不高.为了节省晶体管,没有采用复合的方法

    标签: 无线超温报警检测 电路图

    上传时间: 2022-07-26


  • VIP专区-嵌入式/单片机编程源码精选合集系列(36)

    VIP专区-嵌入式/单片机编程源码精选合集系列(36)资源包含以下内容:1. C51 I2C 驱动程序 含头文件.2. arm芯 ucos 下的开发框架.3. c8051f***的程序源代码.4. 新华龙单片机的flash用法.5. 用C8051F300设计锂离子电池充电器的解决方案.6. c8051f系列单片机 用过采样和求均值提高ADC分辨率.7. C6000指令集 是对C6000指令集的文档.8. VxWorks 编程手册 VxWorks 编程手册.9. proteus 6.7及其破解(绝对好用).10. iic总线资料.11. 手机游戏礼包包 原理图采用OrCad软件或PowerPCB软件打开 好玩的很  快来试试吧.12. 红外测温计 红外线测温   自动化设计 原理图采用OrCad软件或PowerPCB软件打开 很完美.13. 9智能机器人礼包 智能机器人  单片机实现   功能齐全  运动流畅.14. 哈哈!终于找到了最新版本的UCGUI! 增加了不少的功能.15. Nios II是一个用户可配置的通用RISC嵌入式处理器,这个文档详细介绍这个处理器的用法.16. 这是一个c语言写的a/d转换程序。利用i2c总线实现对24c02的存和取.17. 学DSP时.18. 汉字液晶子程 液晶屏分为4行*12列汉字.19. 这是一个c语言描述的8位led显示的源代码.20. We demonstrate a method for encoding and decoding the [24,12,8] extended binary Golay code using a s.21. Training embedded apps to process speech may be as easy as finding the right 8-bit micro. Don t let.22. The CC1000 RF transceiver is very easy to interface with a microcontroller. The chip is configured.23. One of the most Important issues affecting the implementation of microcontroller software deals wi.24. AVR单片机开发中.25. 作基于日立公司superh系列微处理器嵌入式操作系统bootloader源代码.26. touchsceen_test ├─ main.c C语言主源文件 ├─ AscII6x8.c Ascii字符6x8点阵显示格式数据 ├─ lcd.c LCD显示函数源文件 ├─.27. iic_test ├─ main.c C语言主源文件 ├─ iic.c IIC总线操作和24C040擦写函数源文件 └─ iic.h IIC总线操作和24C040写定义头文件.28. Nexperia系统声音实现的源码.29. 89C516RD+的两个AD转换程序,89C51是22.1184MHZ,有64KB Flash 256B(DataRAM)+1024B(Ext.RAM)的性价比很高的MCU.30. 网上收集的VC多线程开发、嵌入式开发文档.31. ucos-2在lpc2100上的移制例子。.32. mcf5307实验源代码.33. CPLD对DUSH的读写控制,LINUX下运行.解压即可..34. HART协议由Rosemount公司开发且已向每个使用者开放HART协议采用标准的Bell 202频移键控信号以1200波特通信以低电平加载于4mA~20mA模拟信号上.35. 中文MODBUS协议(完整版)涵盖协议基本内容。不用我多说了吧!自己看好了。.36. μC_OS-II在Nios上的移植(共同学习ucosII).37. SST28F040读写源程序,C语言编写,方便移植.38. 基于ARM 的PDA拼音输入法源程序,c语言编写,方便移植.39. Cypress公司的USB芯片开发资料.40. at91 sam 系列arm7单片机程序下工具.

    标签: 自动变速器

    上传时间: 2013-06-18



    This release supports Microsoft Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows XP, Red Hat Linux 6.1, Red Hat Linux 7.2, Solaris 2.6, 2.7 (7.0), 8.0, HP-UX 10.20, and 11 (see Important note below)." multice22.rar

    标签: MATLAB 信号与系统 教程

    上传时间: 2013-05-15
