How will future generations refer to our times? Will it be known as one of space exploration, genetics, atomic energy or computing? Possibly, but I think it is more likely to be ‘The age of communications’. Not since printed books and newspapers were first introduced has there been such an explosion of communication. None of this technology could function without modern cables and, just as Important, competent installers.
标签: Applications Cabling Copper
上传时间: 2020-05-27
When the authors of this book asked me to write the foreword of their work on the digital enterprise, I immediately thought that it was one more document on a fashionable topic in the technology and the business world of the 21st Century often addressed by consulting firms, some of which have aspired to become experts on the subject. However, a more careful observation reveals that an issue more Important than the sole subject of the digital enterprise is: “Is your company fully operational?”, because this is the real topic.
标签: Digital_Transformation_Informatio n_System
上传时间: 2020-05-27
A series of features makes the mobile telecommunications industry an interesting field of investigation for economists: the industry is experi- encing veryfastmarketgrowthcombinedwithrapidtechnological change; regulatory design in setting market structure is playing a very Important role; and oligopolistic competition is unfolding under various forms. The number of subscribers to mobile networks is growing at a rapid rate on a worldwide basis, as shown in figure 1.1.
标签: Telecommunications Economics Mobile of
上传时间: 2020-05-27
Providing QoS while optimizing the LTE network in a cost efficient manner is very challenging. Thus, radio scheduling is one of the most Important functions in mobile broadband networks. The design of a mobile network radio scheduler holds several objectives that need to be satisfied, for example: the scheduler needs to maximize the radio performance by efficiently distributing the limited radio re- sources, since the operator’s revenue depends on it.
标签: Communications Future Mobile LTE
上传时间: 2020-05-27
Thisbookfocusesontheemergingresearchtopic‘green(energy-efficient)wirelessnetworks’ that has drawn huge attention recently from both academia and industry. This topic is highly motivated due to Important environmental, financial and quality-of-experience (QoE) consid- erations.Duetosuchconcerns,varioussolutionshavebeenproposedtoenableefficientenergy usage in wireless networks, and these approaches are referred to as green wireless communi- cations and networking. The term ‘green’ emphasizes the environmental dimension of the proposed solutions. Hence, it is not sufficient to present a cost-effective solution unless it is eco-friendly.
标签: Green_Heterogeneous_Wireless_Netw orks
上传时间: 2020-05-27
Your Cisco Networking Academy Course Booklet is designed as a study resource you can easily read, high- light, and review on the go, wherever the Internet is not available or practical: ■ The text is extracted directly, word-for-word, from the online course so you can highlight Important points and take notes in the “Your Chapter Notes” section. ■ Headings with the exact page correlations provide a quick reference to the online course for your class- room discussions and exam preparation. ■ An icon system directs you to the online curriculum to take full advantage of the images, labs, Packet Tracer activities, and dynamic Flash-based activities embedded within the Networking Academy online course interface.
标签: Switching Wireless LAN and
上传时间: 2020-05-27
To meet the future demand for huge traffic volume of wireless data service, the research on the fifth generation (5G) mobile communication systems has been undertaken in recent years. It is expected that the spectral and energy efficiencies in 5G mobile communication systems should be ten-fold higher than the ones in the fourth generation (4G) mobile communication systems. Therefore, it is Important to further exploit the potential of spatial multiplexing of multiple antennas. In the last twenty years, multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antenna techniques have been considered as the key techniques to increase the capacity of wireless communication systems. When a large-scale antenna array (which is also called massive MIMO) is equipped in a base-station, or a large number of distributed antennas (which is also called large-scale distributed MIMO) are deployed, the spectral and energy efficiencies can be further improved by using spatial domain multiple access. This paper provides an overview of massive MIMO and large-scale distributed MIMO systems, including spectral efficiency analysis, channel state information (CSI) acquisition, wireless transmission technology, and resource allocation.
标签: Large-scale Antenna Systems
上传时间: 2020-05-27
Mobile radio networks have risen in prominence over the last few years, primarily by the rise in popularity of cellular phones. It is Important to recognise however that mobile radio technology fulfils a far wider range of applications that meet the demands of the modern world. These include the networks that allow police and emergency services to serve the public, military networks for operations and humanitarian support, and the mobile technol- ogies that are vital to the safety of aircraft.
标签: Network Mobile Design Radio
上传时间: 2020-05-30
At the macroscopic level of system layout, the most Important issue is path loss. In the older mobile radio systems that are limited by receiver noise, path loss determines SNR and the maximum coverage area. In cellular systems, where the limiting factor is cochannel interference, path loss determines the degree to which transmitters in different cells interfere with each other, and therefore the minimum separation before channels can be reused.
标签: Characteristics Channel Mobile
上传时间: 2020-05-30
The insinuation of telecommunications into the daily fabric of our lives has been arguably the most Important and surprising development of the last 25 years. Before this revolution, telephone service and its place in our lives had been largely stable for more than a generation. The growth was, so to speak, lateral, as the global reach of telecommunications extended and more people got telephone service. The distinction between oversea and domestic calls blurred with the advances in switching and transmission, undersea cable, and communication satellites. Traffic on the network remained overwhelmingly voice, largely in analog format with facsimile (Fax) beginning to make inroads.
标签: Telecommunications Modeling Analysis and of
上传时间: 2020-05-31