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  • SH367309参考手册

    SH367309是5-16串锂电池BMS用数字前端芯片,适用于总电压不超过70V的锂电池Pack。        SH367309工作在保护模式下,可独立保护锂电池Pack。提供过充电保护、过放电保护、温度保护、充放电过流保护、短路保护、二次过充电保护等。集成平衡开关提高电芯一致性。        SH367309工作在采集模式下,可配合MCU管理锂电池Pack,同时使能所有保护功能。        SH367309内置VADC,用于采集电芯电压、温度以及电流;内置CADC采集电流,用于统计Pack剩余容量;内置EEPROM,用于保存保护阈值及延时等可调参数;内置TWI通讯接口,用于操作相关寄存器及EEPROM。产品特性介绍■ 硬件保护功能     - 过充电保护功能     - 过放电保护功能     - 充放电高温保护功能     - 充放电低温保护功能     - 充放电过流保护功能     - 短路保护功能     - 二次过充电保护功能     - 断线保护功能■ 内置平衡开关■ 禁止低压电芯充电功能■ 小电流检测功能■ 支持乱序上下电■ 内置看门狗模块■ 模式设计     - 采集模式(SH367309配合MCU应用)     - 保护模式(SH367309独立应用)     - 仓运模式     - 烧写模式■ 13-bit VADC用于采集电压/温度/电流     - 转换频率:10Hz     - 16路电压采集通道     - 1路电流采集通道     - 3路温度采集通道■ 16-bit Ʃ-∆CADC用于采集电流     - 转换频率:4Hz■ 内置EEPROM     - 编程/擦除次数:≤ 100次■ 稳压电源     - 3.3V(25mA@MAX)■ MOSFET驱动:电池组负端NMOS驱动■ CTL管脚:优先控制充放电MOSFET关闭■ TWI通讯接口:支持CRC8校验■ 低功耗设计:     - IDLE状态     - SLEEP状态     - Powerdown状态■ 封装     - TQFP48L

    标签: sh367309

    上传时间: 2021-11-22


  • 代码大全Steve McConnell著 919页高清文字版

    软件开发人员必备工具书,,目录如下Welcome to Software Construction [1]1.1 What Is Software Construction?1.2 Why Is Software Construction Important?1.3 How to Read This Book......7.1 Valid Reasons to Create a Routine7.2 Design at the Routine Level7.3 Good Routine Names7.4 How Long Can a Routine Be?7.5 How to Use Routine Parameters7.6 Special Considerations in the Use of Functions7.7 Macro Routines and Inline RoutinesDefensive Programming [5.6 + new material]8.1 Protecting Your Program From Invalid Inputs8.2 Assertions8.3 Error Handling Techniques8.4 Exceptions8.5 Barricade Your Program to Contain the Damage Caused by Errors8.6 Debugging Aids8.7 Determining How Much Defensive Programming to Leave in Production Code8.8 Being Defensive About Defensive ProgrammingThe Pseudocode Programming Process [4+new material]9.1 Summary of Steps in Building Classes and Routines9.2 Pseudocode for Pros9.3 Constructing Routines Using the PPP9.4 Alternatives to the PPP......

    标签: 代码大全 软件开发

    上传时间: 2021-12-08


  • USR-DR15X 系列产品说明书,免插卡 蓝牙配置 超小体积导轨式4G DTU


    标签: 蓝牙 物联网 DTU USR-DR15X

    上传时间: 2021-12-09


  • IMX415-AAQR-C_TechnicalDatasheet_E_Rev0.1.pdf

    索尼最小CMOS图像传感器IMX415       日本东京索尼公司今年发布一款新型CMOS影像传感器:IMX415,1/2.8 英寸堆叠式4K CMOS影像传感器,刷新全球同类产品的小尺寸纪录;  针对日益扩大的智慧城市相关的市场需求,索尼特别开发了这款新型的应用于安防摄像机的传感器,以满足安防摄像机在防盗、灾难警报、交通监测系统或商业综合体等多种监控应用领域的快速增长需求。目前,在各种场合安装安防摄像机的需求正日益增多,而对于可以安装在任何地方、具有更高图像识别和检测性能的紧凑型安防摄像机的需求也比以往任何时候都要大。未来,用于异常检测和人工智能行为分析的图像识别摄像机的需求也将显著增长。      为了满足这一需求,索尼推出了一系列紧凑型4K CMOS影像传感器,能够同时提供卓越的图像识别和检测性能,以及出色的低光性能表现——这是传统技术难以实现的。索尼丰富的传感器产品线,让人们在多种场景下都能获取高质量图像,从而扩大了安防摄像机的应用范围。IMX415堆叠式CMOS影像传感器采用了索尼独有的高灵敏度,低噪点技术,将像素尺寸缩至1.45平方微米,比前代产品*3缩小约80%,尽管该传感器只有1/2.8英寸,其低光性能却是前代产品的1.5倍*3。缔造出破纪录的 1/2.8英寸堆叠式4K CMOS影像传感器,并具备卓越的低光性能。该传感器采用低噪点电路堆叠式结构,即使在黑暗环境下也可以捕捉到清晰的图像。由于它尺寸小,可适用于多种场景,在安防摄像机应用方面需求量很高。

    标签: imx415 CMOS图像传感器

    上传时间: 2021-12-13


  • 基于STM32F103单片机电流电压采集系统设计

    配电网中,各种配电终端的电流、电压、有功功率及无功功率等模拟量的采集是配电网自动化的重要环节。这些模拟量的采集也是各种仪器和家用电器的必要功能。因此,设计了基于嵌入式STM32F103单片机的交流电压、交流电流及有功功率的采集系统,通过电压互感器TV1005M和电流互感器TA1005M分别检测交流电压和交流电流值;屏幕或者手机APP和WiFi模块互联后,可以实时显示交流电压、交流电流、功率及电量值;通过设定阈值功率,可以实现对电流的监控和对电路的保护。In the distribution network,the collection of analog,such as current,voltage,active power,and reactive power at various distribution terminals is a very Important part of distribution network automation. These analog acquisitions are also for various instruments and household appliances. Very Important technology. Therefore,an AC voltage,AC current and active power acquisition system based on embedded STM32 F103 machine is designed,and AC voltage and AC current values are detected by voltage transformer TV1005 M and current Transformer TA1005 M respectively;After the screen or mobile phone APP and WiFi modules are interconnected,AC voltage,AC current,power,and power values can be displayed in real time;By setting the threshold power,the current can be monitored and the circuit can be protected.

    标签: stm32f103 单片机 电流电压采集

    上传时间: 2022-03-27


  • 基于单片机的红外测温装置设计

    温度控制如今已成为当代社会研究的热点之一,而温度检测在现代设备参数检测中也是一项极其重要的技术,应用十分广泛。与传统的测温方法相比,红外测温方法具有时间短、精度高、使用简单方便等优点。本文以环境温度为被测对象,设计了以STC89C52单片机为控制中心的红外测温装置,能够实现对目标温度的实时采集、处理、显示和报警等功能。本设计主要是由STC89C52单片机、红外测温传感器、LCD1602液晶显示器、按键和蜂鸣器等部分组成,采用非接触的方式对目标温度进行实时检测。Temperature control has become one of the hotspots in contemporary social research,and temperature detection is an extremely Important technology in modern equipment parameter detection.Compared with traditional method,the infrared temperature measuring method has advantages of short time,high precision and convenient operation,etc.This paper consider environment temperature as research objects and designs an infrared temperature measuring device which employs the STC89C52singlechipas-control center,and it can realize timely collection,processing,display and alarm function of the target temperature.The design is mainly composed of STC89C52 singlechip,infrared temperature sensor,LCD1602monitor,keys and buzzer,etc.This design detects the target temperature by non-contact method.

    标签: 单片机 红外测温

    上传时间: 2022-03-27


  • MOSFET开关过程的研究及米勒平台振荡的抑制

    设计功率MOSFET驱动电路时需重点考虑寄生参数对电路的影响。米勒电容作为MOSFET器件的一项重要参数,在驱动电路的设计时需要重点关注。重点观察了MOSFET的开通和关断过程中栅极电压、漏源极电压和漏源极电流的变化过程,并分析了米勒电容、寄生电感等寄生参数对漏源极电压和漏源极电流的影响。分析了栅极电压在米勒平台附近产生振荡的原因,并提出了抑制措施,对功率MOSFET的驱动设计具有一定的指导意义。When designing the drive circuit of power MOSFET,the influence of parasitic parameters on the circuit should be concerned.As an Important parameter of MOSFET device,Miller capacitance should be considered in the design of drive circuit.The variation of gate voltage,drain source voltage and drain source current during the turn-on and turn-off of MOSFET were observed.The influences of parasitic parameters such as Miller capacitance and parasitic inductance on drain source voltage and drain source current were analyzed.The reasons of gate voltage oscillation nearby Miller plateau were analyzed,and the restraining measures were put forward.This research was instructive for the drive design of power MOSFET.

    标签: mosfet

    上传时间: 2022-04-02


  • 电流检测电路中运算放大器与ADC的设计

    电学中的测量技术涉及范围非常广,电流测量在电学计量中占有非常重要的位置。如何精确地进行电流测量是精密测量的一大难题。传统的电流检测电路多采用运算放大芯片与片外电流检测电路相结合的方式,电路集成度很低,需要较多的接口和资源才能完成对电路的检测。本文把所有电路部分都集成在一块芯片上,包括检测电阻,运算放大器电路及模拟转数字转换电路,从而在电路内部可以进行电流检测,使电路更好的集成化。前置电路使用二级共源共栅结构的运算放大器,减小沟道长度调制效应造成的电流误差。10位SAR ADC中采用电容驱动能力强的传输门保证了模数转化器的有效精度。比较器模块采用再生锁存器与迟滞比较器作为基础单元组合解决精密测量的问题。本设计可以作为嵌入芯片内的一小部分而检测芯片中的微小电流1mA~100mA,工作电压在1.8v左右,电流检测精度预期达到10uA的需求。The measurement technology in electricity involves a wide range,and current measurement plays a very Important position in electrical measurement.How to accurately measure current is a big problem in precision measurement. The traditional current detecting circuit adopts the combination of the operational amplifier chip and theoff-chip current detecting circuit, The circuit integration is very low, and more interfaces and resources are needed tocomplete the circuit detection.This topic integrates all the circuit parts into one chip, including detection resistance, operational amplifier circuit andanalog to digital conversion circuit. Highly integrated circuit makes the external resources on the chip more intensive,so that current detection can be carried out inside the circuit, so that the circuit can be better integrated. Thefront-end circuit of this project uses two-stage cascade operational amplifier and cascade tube to reduce the currenterror caused by channel length modulation effect. In 10-bit SAR ADC, the transmission gate with strong capacitivedriving ability ensures the effective accuracy of the analog-to-digital converter. Comparator module uses regenerativelatch and hysteresis comparator as basic unit to solve the difficult problem of precision measurement. This topic can beused as a small part of the embedded chip to detect the micro-current in the chip 1 mA~100 mA, the working voltageis about 1.8v, and the current detection accuracy is expected to reach the requirement of 10 uA.

    标签: 电流检测 电路 运算放大器 adc

    上传时间: 2022-04-03


  • 基于Proteus的单片机模数转换电路的设计与仿真

    以单片机控制A/D转换器TLC549为例,对A/D转换器的主要技术指标进行了分析研究,在Proteus平台下,完成了A/D转换电路的构建,采用器件工作时序方式进行程序编写,借助仿真图表、虚拟仪器等工具对A/D转换的数据进行测量并对失调误差、增益误差、微分非线性、积分非线性和转换时间等重要参数进行了详细分析。结果表明:使用Proteus软件可对A/D转换过程进行定性分析,将抽象的A/D转换器技术指标直观化、形象化展现出来,有助于学生更好地理解A/D转换过程。The main technical indicators of A/D converter were analyzed and studied with an example from A/D converter TLC2543 which is controlled by using SCM.It was completed the construction of the A/D converter circuit under the Proteus software.The programming based on the operation sequence of the chip is put forward.With the aid of the simulation tools such as virtual instrument,simulation charts provided by Proteus,the Important parameters of circuit such as offset error,gain error,differential nonlinearity(DNL),integral nonlinearity (INL) and conversion time are analyzed detailedly.Simulation results show that the A/D conversion process can be qualitatively analyzed and visualized the abstract indicators of A/D.The system can help students better to understand the SCM conversion process.

    标签: proteus 单片机 模数转换

    上传时间: 2022-04-04


  • 基于Multisim和LabVIEW的虚实结合数字电路实验教学

    实验教学一直是工科教学中不可或缺的组成部分,对培养学生的动手能力,独立思考能力,创新思维与发散思维具有重要的作用。针对目前电路教学实验中电路仿真实验与实物电路实验各自独立,无法统一问题,提出将仿真电路实验与实物电路实验有机的结合同步操作,并使用Web发布实现远程实验操作。采用Multisim作为电路实验仿真平台,NI Eiviss II作为实物电路实验硬件平台,运用LabVIEW整合Multisim电路仿真实验与实物电路实验,实现仿真与实物实验有机结合,两种实验可同步进行。学生在仿真实验中先可探索实验,然后做实物实验。同时运用LabVIEW开发出实验过程人机交互操作接口界面,使用过程中效果良好。Experimental teaching has always been an indispensable part of engineering education.And it always plays an Important role in cultivating students'practical ability,independent thinking ability,innovative thinking and divergent thinking.But simulation experiment and physical experiment cannot be unified in the circuit teaching experiment at present.In order to solve this problem,this paper proposes to combine organically the simulation circuit experiment with physical circuit experiment,and synchronously operate them.This paper uses the WEB publishing to achieve remote experimental operation.Multisim is used as the circuit simulation platform,and NI Eiviss II is used as the physical circuit hardware platform.Multisim circuit simulation experiment and physical circuit experiment are implemented by LabVIEW to realize the combination of simulation experiment and physical experiment.Students do explore experiments in simulation experiment firstly,and then do physical experiment.And this paper uses LabVIEW to develop the experimental man-machine interface.

    标签: multisim labview

    上传时间: 2022-04-05
