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  • 精致、漂亮、实用的日历选择代码

    精致、漂亮、实用的日历选择代码,Calendar is a Javascript class that adds accessible and unobtrusive date-pickers to your form elements. This class is a compilation of many date-pickers I have implemented over the years and has been completely re-written for Mootools. I have tried to INclude all the features that have been most useful while streamlining the class itself to keep it as small as possible. Use the links below to see what features are available in Calendar and how it might enhance the accessibility, usability and validation of form elements on your website.

    标签: 代码

    上传时间: 2014-01-04


  • Top module name : SHIFTER (File name : SHIFTER.v) 2. Input pins: SHIFT [3:0], IN [15:0], SIGN, RIGH

    Top module name : SHIFTER (File name : SHIFTER.v) 2. Input pins: SHIFT [3:0], IN [15:0], SIGN, RIGHT. 3. Output pins: OUT [15:0]. 4. Input signals generated from test pattern are latched in one cycle and are synchronized at clock rising edge. 5. The SHIFT signal describes the shift number. The shift range is 0 to 15. 6. When the signal RIGHT is high, it shifts input data to right. On the other hand, it shifts input data to left. 7. When the signal SIGN is high, the input data is a signed number and it shifts with sign extension. However, the input data is an unsigned number if the signal SIGN is low. 8. You can only use following gates in Table I and need to INclude the delay information (Tplh, Tphl) in your design.

    标签: SHIFTER name module Input

    上传时间: 2013-12-13


  • Top module name : SHIFTER (File name : SHIFTER.v) 2. Input pins: SHIFT [3:0], IN [15:0], SIGN, RIGH

    Top module name : SHIFTER (File name : SHIFTER.v) 2. Input pins: SHIFT [3:0], IN [15:0], SIGN, RIGHT. 3. Output pins: OUT [15:0]. 4. Input signals generated from test pattern are latched in one cycle and are synchronized at clock rising edge. 5. The SHIFT signal describes the shift number. The shift range is 0 to 15. 6. When the signal RIGHT is high, it shifts input data to right. On the other hand, it shifts input data to left. 7. When the signal SIGN is high, the input data is a signed number and it shifts with sign extension. However, the input data is an unsigned number if the signal SIGN is low. 8. You can only use following gates in Table I and need to INclude the delay information (Tplh, Tphl) in your design.

    标签: SHIFTER name module Input

    上传时间: 2014-01-20


  • 数码管动态显示


    标签: 数码管 动态显示

    上传时间: 2016-11-10


  • ps2键盘编码库文件

    ps2键盘编码库文件,直接可以调用。先把它复制进编译器的库文件,家#INclude<ps2.h >

    标签: ps2 键盘 编码 库文件

    上传时间: 2013-12-17


  • 不错的 PERL 教程 Find a Perl programmer, and you ll find a copy of Perl Cookbook nearby. Perl Cookbook

    不错的 PERL 教程 Find a Perl programmer, and you ll find a copy of Perl Cookbook nearby. Perl Cookbook is a comprehensive collection of problems, solutions, and practical examples for anyone programming in Perl. The book contains hundreds of rigorously reviewed Perl "recipes" and thousands of examples ranging from brief one-liners to complete applications. The second edition of Perl Cookbook has been fully updated for Perl 5.8, with extensive changes for Unicode support, I/O layers, mod_perl, and new technologies that have emerged since the previous edition of the book. Recipes have been updated to INclude the latest modules. New recipes have been added to every chapter of the book, and some chapters have almost doubled in size.

    标签: Cookbook Perl programmer nearby

    上传时间: 2016-11-23


  • 51单片连tcs230的源程序

    51单片连tcs230的源程序,绝对原创,可以记忆颜色。 #define uchar unsigned char #INclude <reg52.h> #INclude<math.h> sbit S0=P1^7 sbit S1=P1^0 //端口定义 sbit S2=P1^1 sbit S3=P1^2 sbit OE=P1^3 sbit OUT=P3^4 //频率从TO口输入 sbit key0=P1^5 sbit LED=P1^6 sbit a=P3^0 sbit b=P3^1 uchar color //1:blue 2:green 3:red uchar T[4] //color timer uchar TH[4] uchar TL[4] uchar bizhi[4] void time1() interrupt 3 { TH[color]=TH0 TL[color]=TL0 T[color]=(TH[color]*0xff+TL[color]) TR0=0 //关定时器 TR1=0 TH1=0xB1 TL1=0xE0 //归0 TH0=0x00 TL0=0x00 //归0 }

    标签: tcs 230 源程序

    上传时间: 2016-11-26


  • Boost provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries. We emphasize libraries that work

    Boost provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries. We emphasize libraries that work well with the C++ Standard Library. Boost libraries are intended to be widely useful, and usable across a broad spectrum of applications. The Boost license encourages both commercial and non-commercial use. We aim to establish "existing practice" and provide reference implementations so that Boost libraries are suitable for eventual standardization. Ten Boost libraries are already INcluded in the C++ Standards Committee s Library Technical Report (TR1) as a step toward becoming part of a future C++ Standard. More Boost libraries are proposed for the upcoming TR2. Boost works on almost any modern operating system, including UNIX and Windows variants. Follow the Getting Started Guide to download and install Boost. Popular Linux and Unix distributions such as Fedora, Debian, and NetBSD INclude pre-built Boost packages. Boost may also already be available on your organization s internal web server.

    标签: libraries peer-reviewed emphasize provides

    上传时间: 2016-12-05


  • 1.1 数据库还原和配置 在MS SQL里创建数据库

    1.1 数据库还原和配置 在MS SQL里创建数据库,使用压缩包里的oom.sql语句还原或oom.db数据库备份文件还原。使用SQL语句还原时会提示错误可忽略。 Dimconn.asp文件为数据库配置文件。 1.2 生成文件目录属性及模版 Inc.asp和INclude.asp:目录设置。 Filelist.asp:859行“/news/”为预览目录 xinwen.html:新闻发布模版页 topic.html:专题发布模版页 1.3 脚本引用 focusad.asp:专题引用脚本 web_adduilian.asp:对联广告脚本 web_file.asp:内容引用脚本 参数:listID目录ID;ListCount显示条数;Bgcolor背景色;ListSize显示字符串长度;title显示标题 webfilemore.html:内容更多页 调用:webfilemore.html?ListID=&DetailSize= 参数:ListID目录ID;DetailSize宽度 1.4 初始管理员和密码:   帐号:admin 密码:

    标签: 1.1 SQL 数据库

    上传时间: 2016-12-12


  • The XC226x derivatives are high-performance members of the Infineon XC2000 Family of full-feature s

    The XC226x derivatives are high-performance members of the Infineon XC2000 Family of full-feature single-chip CMOS microcontrollers. These devices extend the functionality and performance of the C166 Family in terms of instructions (MAC unit), peripherals, and speed. They combine high CPU performance (up to 80 million instructions per second) with extended peripheral functionality and enhanced IO capabilities. Optimized peripherals can be adapted flexibly to meet the application requirements. These derivatives utilize clock generation via PLL and internal or external clock sources. Onchip memory modules INclude program Flash, program RAM, and data RAM.

    标签: high-performance full-feature derivatives Infineon

    上传时间: 2016-12-12
