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  • 模式识别学习综述.该论文的英文参考文献为303篇.很有可读价值.Abstract— Classical and recent results in statistical pattern recog

    模式识别学习综述.该论文的英文参考文献为303篇.很有可读价值.Abstract— Classical and recent results in statistical pattern recognition and learning theory are reviewed in a two-class pattern classification setting. This basic model best illustrates intuition and analysis techniques while still containing the essential features and serving as a prototype for many applications. Topics discussed INclude nearest neighbor, kernel, and histogram methods, Vapnik–Chervonenkis theory, and neural networks. The presentation and the large (thogh nonexhaustive) list of references is geared to provide a useful overview of this field for both specialists and nonspecialists.

    标签: statistical Classical Abstract pattern

    上传时间: 2013-11-25


  • F:RobinGameINcludeinputRDXJoystick.rar DX8 游戏手柄完整类

    F:\RobinGame\INclude\input\RDXJoystick.rar DX8 游戏手柄完整类

    标签: RobinGameINcludeinputRDXJoystick DX8 手柄

    上传时间: 2013-11-27


  • JaNet: Java Neural Network Toolkit resume: A well documented toolkit for designing and training, a

    JaNet: Java Neural Network Toolkit resume: A well documented toolkit for designing and training, and a java library for inclusion in third party programs. description: jaNet package is a java neural network toolkit, which you can use to design, test, train and optimize an ideal Neural Network for your private application. You can then INclude your saved network in your program using the jaNet.backprop package. The consequent documentation is only in french for the moment, but an english translation is planned. The java source code is released under GPL, and can be compiled with JDK, Symantec Cafe or MS Visual J

    标签: documented designing training Network

    上传时间: 2016-04-15


  • Qpsk signal Processing Code The DSP code should be efficient and accurate to properly demodulate th

    Qpsk signal Processing Code The DSP code should be efficient and accurate to properly demodulate the incoming signal. The DSP can be coded strictly in “C” or C-language can be intermingled with assembly code.INclude Real Time Digital Signal Processor Code – Main.c file BER Test Code

    标签: Processing demodulate efficient accurate

    上传时间: 2014-08-10


  • 非常适合内嵌式mp3播放,例如控制台!注意看压缩包里readme.doc 详细过程,在ARM及MIPS下通过 新建一个 wce application,选择 a simple windows ce

    非常适合内嵌式mp3播放,例如控制台!注意看压缩包里readme.doc 详细过程,在ARM及MIPS下通过 新建一个 wce application,选择 a simple windows ce application 在 1.tool->options->directories>INclude files里包含必要的头文件 D:\WINCE500\pubilc\directx\SDK\INC D:\WINCE500\pubilc\common\SDK\INC D:\WINCE500\pubilc\common\OAK\INC D:\WINCE500\pubilc\common\DDK\INC 2. >Library files D:\WINCE500\PUBLIC\DIRECTX\SDK\LIB\MIPSII\RETAIL D:\WINCE500\PUBLIC\COMMON\SDK\LIB\MIPSII\RETAIL D:\WINCE500\PUBLIC\COMMON\OAK\LIB\MIPSII\RETAIL 3.可能要在Project->Settings->link的object/library modules 加入 commctrl.lib coredll.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib strmiids.lib newres.h play.cpp play.vcw resource.h StdAfx.cpp StdAfx.h 下面为播放源码 #INclude "stdafx.h" #INclude<dshow.h> #INclude<streams.h> .......其实编译时的 object/library modules 只要看 sourse 文件包含哪个dll,或lib 就行

    标签: application windows readme simple

    上传时间: 2016-05-05


  • openh323_1.1.2.2.zip; 2. 把pwlib_1.52.zip 、openh323_1.1.2.2.zip分别展开到目录e:h323sourcepwlib及e:h323sourc

    openh323_1.1.2.2.zip; 2. 把pwlib_1.52.zip 、openh323_1.1.2.2.zip分别展开到目录e:\h323\source\pwlib及e:\h323\source\openh323下; 3. 启动MSVC6,Tools | Options | Directories,按如下顺序到INclude FILES 路径里: e:\h323\source\PWLib\INclude\PwLib\MSWIN e:\h323\source\PWLib\INclude\PtLib\MSOS e:\h323\source\PWLib\INclude e:\h323\source\OpenH323\INclude

    标签: 323 zip openh h323

    上传时间: 2016-05-20


  • C++名家精华.chm 我们用早期的C++语言编程。工作的第二天中午

    C++名家精华.chm 我们用早期的C++语言编程。工作的第二天中午,厌烦了读职工手册,于是我写了一个工具类,里面包含一个原始指针作为成员变量: #INclude "xStruct.h" // definition of struct X class xWrapper { X* xItem public: xWrapper() : xItem(new X) { } ~xWrapper() { delete xItem } void dump() { /* dumps xItem to cout */ } } 当然了,使用这个类的程序由于内存问题总是时不时的崩溃,因为我违反三个重要设计原则之一:任何时候,只要你提供了析构函数、拷贝构造函数或赋值运算符中的一个,你通常需要三个都提供。([1]) “所以,”我自言自语道,“我必须自己处理拷贝和赋值问题。简单地...auto_ptr有拷贝构造函数和赋值运算符,我可以拿过来用一下。”(你知道早期C++程序库中的auto_ptr,是吗?)

    标签: chm 语言编程

    上传时间: 2013-12-28


  • ** File name: target.h ** Last modified Date: 2004-09-17 ** Last Version: 1.0 ** Description

    ** File name: target.h ** Last modified Date: 2004-09-17 ** Last Version: 1.0 ** Descriptions: header file of the specific codes for LPC2100 target boards ** Every project should INclude a copy of this file, user may modify it as ne

    标签: Last Description modified Version

    上传时间: 2014-05-30


  • PHP Cookbook has a wealth of solutions for problems that you ll face regularly. With topics that ran

    PHP Cookbook has a wealth of solutions for problems that you ll face regularly. With topics that range from beginner questions to advanced web programming techniques, this guide contains practical examples -- or "recipes" -- for anyone who uses this scripting language to generate dynamic web content. Updated for PHP 5, this book provides solutions that explain how to use the new language features in detail, including the vastly improved object-oriented capabilities and the new PDO data access extension. New sections on classes and objects are INcluded, along with new material on processing XML, building web services with PHP, and working with SOAP/REST architectures. With each recipe, the authors INclude a discussion that explains the logic and concepts underlying the solution.

    标签: that solutions regularly Cookbook

    上传时间: 2014-12-03


  • Network Tools In this exercise, you will make use of common network tools. For each part below, cap

    Network Tools In this exercise, you will make use of common network tools. For each part below, capture the appropriate program output and INclude it with your answers to the questions.

    标签: exercise Network network common

    上传时间: 2013-12-11
