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  • 简单课设学生成绩管理系统---VB程序模块,VB与SQL的结合,包括增删改查等功能,还包括连表查询.-simple lesson student performance management syst

    简单课设学生成绩管理系统---VB程序模块,VB与SQL的结合,包括增\删\改\查等功能,还包括连表查询.-simple lesson student performance management system -- the VB program modules, VB and SQL integration, INclude additional \ deleted \ reform \ investigation, and other functions, including even table inquiries.

    标签: performance management student simple

    上传时间: 2017-01-26


  •   在本光盘中提供了由谭浩强编著的《C++程序设计》(清华大学出版社出版)一书中各章的例题程序以及全部习题的参考解答

      在本光盘中提供了由谭浩强编著的《C++程序设计》(清华大学出版社出版)一书中各章的例题程序以及全部习题的参考解答,以方便教师进行教学,也便于读者上机运行这些程序以及在此基础上修改和调试程序。 程序按章设立文件夹(子目录),例如文件夹c12中包含的是第12章全部例题的程序。程序的文件名以c开头,与例题号一一对应,如c5-7.cpp是第5章例5.7的程序。对于教材中同一例题中包含两个或多个程序的,在文件名中加了顺序号,如c10-4-1.cpp是例10.4的第1个程序,c10-4-2.cpp是例10.4的第2个程序。 教材中所有的程序都是符合C++标准规定的,在GCC中能通过,但有的程序在Visual C++ 6.0中通不过。如果在Visual C++ 6.0环境下运行程序,需要对程序作一些修改。例如,如果程序c10-4-1.cpp在Visual C++ 6.0环境下编译,第1行应改为“INclude <iostream.h>”,并将第2行“using namespace std ”取消即可顺利通过编译,其他类似。我们在教材的例题程序中还提供了能在Visual C++ 6.0环境下运行的程序,在文件名中加了"(VC)"字样,如c10-4-2(VC) 表示它是对程序c10-4-2修改后能用于Visual C++ 6.0环境的程序。

    标签: 光盘 谭浩强 程序设计 清华大学

    上传时间: 2017-02-04


  • 常用的一些头文件的汇总


    标签: 头文件

    上传时间: 2013-12-29


  • 业务管理:包括客房预订、入住登记、续住、换房、转账、其他服务提供、留言板、意见簿、走客结账、欠费结算。 ¯ 查询统计:包括历史单据、预订表、在住客人表、换房查询、转账查询、日经营状况、月收入状

    业务管理:包括客房预订、入住登记、续住、换房、转账、其他服务提供、留言板、意见簿、走客结账、欠费结算。 ¯ 查询统计:包括历史单据、预订表、在住客人表、换房查询、转账查询、日经营状况、月收入状况、客房利用率、实时房态。-system design focus of this chapter describe the development of small PowerBuilder 9.0 Rooms Management System process, through the study of this chapter, readers should be familiar with PowerBuilder 9.0 TreeView control and the right mouse button menu of use, master GroupBox, SingleLineEdit, CommandButton, RadioButton, PictureButton controls such as the similarities and differences to further understanding of data objects window displays various occasions the application. System to complete the task Macr system maintenance INclude : corporate information, the operator management, change passwords, management succession, dictionary management. Macr basic information : Rooms management system for the basic information management (including new, modify or delete), which is the basic informat

    标签: macr 查询 服务 留言板

    上传时间: 2017-02-09


  • 业务管理:包括客房预订、入住登记、续住、换房、转账、其他服务提供、留言板、意见簿、走客结账、欠费结算。 ¯ 查询统计:包括历史单据、预订表、在住客人表、换房查询、转账查询、日经营状况、月收入状

    业务管理:包括客房预订、入住登记、续住、换房、转账、其他服务提供、留言板、意见簿、走客结账、欠费结算。 ¯ 查询统计:包括历史单据、预订表、在住客人表、换房查询、转账查询、日经营状况、月收入状况、客房利用率、实时房态。-system design focus of this chapter describe the development of small PowerBuilder 9.0 Rooms Management System process, through the study of this chapter, readers should be familiar with PowerBuilder 9.0 TreeView control and the right mouse button menu of use, master GroupBox, SingleLineEdit, CommandButton, RadioButton, PictureButton controls such as the similarities and differences to further understanding of data objects window displays various occasions the application. System to complete the task Macr system maintenance INclude : corporate information, the operator management, change passwords, management succession, dictionary management. Macr basic information : Rooms management system for the basic information management (including new, modify or delete), which is the basic informat

    标签: macr 查询 服务 留言板

    上传时间: 2013-12-05


  • 业务管理:包括客房预订、入住登记、续住、换房、转账、其他服务提供、留言板、意见簿、走客结账、欠费结算。 ¯ 查询统计:包括历史单据、预订表、在住客人表、换房查询、转账查询、日经营状况、月收入状

    业务管理:包括客房预订、入住登记、续住、换房、转账、其他服务提供、留言板、意见簿、走客结账、欠费结算。 ¯ 查询统计:包括历史单据、预订表、在住客人表、换房查询、转账查询、日经营状况、月收入状况、客房利用率、实时房态。-system design focus of this chapter describe the development of small PowerBuilder 9.0 Rooms Management System process, through the study of this chapter, readers should be familiar with PowerBuilder 9.0 TreeView control and the right mouse button menu of use, master GroupBox, SingleLineEdit, CommandButton, RadioButton, PictureButton controls such as the similarities and differences to further understanding of data objects window displays various occasions the application. System to complete the task Macr system maintenance INclude : corporate information, the operator management, change passwords, management succession, dictionary management. Macr basic information : Rooms management system for the basic information management (including new, modify or delete), which is the basic informat

    标签: macr 查询 服务 留言板

    上传时间: 2013-12-20


  • getip1.cpp // // This program reports the IP address for each adapter in your machine. // To comp

    getip1.cpp // // This program reports the IP address for each adapter in your machine. // To compile from command-line type: // // cl getip1.cpp wsock32.lib // // Make sure your INclude and LIB environment variables are set up properly // you can run vcvars32.bat

    标签: address adapter program machine

    上传时间: 2014-01-05


  • HHT_and_intrduction_of_the_author_huang

    HHT_and_intrduction_of_the_author_huang,this pdf INclude lots of picture just like a ppt

    标签: HHT_and_intrduction_of_the_author huang

    上传时间: 2014-01-24


  • 虚拟I2C总线汇编程序软件包 I2C 软件包的底层子程序

    虚拟I2C总线汇编程序软件包 I2C 软件包的底层子程序,使用前要定义好SCL和SDA。在标准80C51模式(12 Clock)下,对主频要求是不高于12MHz(1个机器周期1us)若Fosc>12MHz,则要增加相应的NOP指令数。在使用本软件包时,请在你的程序的未尾加入$INclude (VI2C_ASM.ASM)即可。

    标签: I2C 软件包 虚拟 总线

    上传时间: 2014-12-01


  • This book uses the Python language to teach pro - gramming concepts and problem -solving skills,

    This book uses the Python language to teach pro - gramming concepts and problem -solving skills, without assuming any previous program- ming experience. With easy-to-understand examples, pseudocode, flowcharts, and other tools, the student learns how to design the logic of programs and then implement those programs using Python. This book is ideal for an introductory programming course or a programming logic and design course using Python as the language. As with all the boolts in the Starting Out With series, the hallmark of this text is its clear, friendly, and easy -to-understand writing. In addition, it is rich in example programs that are concise and practical. The programs in this book INclude short examples that highlight specific programming topics, as well as more involved examples that focus on problem solving. Each chapter provides one or more case studies that provide step -by-step analysis of a specific problem and shows the student how to solve it.

    标签: language gramming concepts problem

    上传时间: 2014-01-12
