This is a PCI to USB bridge schematic that i was draw by hand from a PCI to USB card, the schematic use VT6212L to make bridge, the idear is that we can use microcontroler interface to PC through PCI slot by USB, ha ha it is too easy.
上传时间: 2017-04-12
LG Digital Half-NIM tuner for COFDM (DVB-T) Specification
标签: Specification Half-NIM Digital COFDM
上传时间: 2017-05-11
Bridge PNE 3.3 source code, running at more than vxworks6.x version.
标签: running vxworks version Bridge
上传时间: 2017-05-14
Software uart using a general purpose io and an external interrupt pin of an atmel uc. half duplex operation, adjustable baud rate
标签: interrupt Software external general
上传时间: 2013-12-31
Wishbone to LPC (Low-Pin Count) Bridge, includes master and slave modules. Supports 8-bit I/O Read and Write cycles, 8-bit Memory Read/Write cycles, DMA cycles, and up to 32-bit Firmware memory read/write cycles. Serial IRQ support is also provided. None of this has been tested (yet) with a third-party LPC Peripheral or Host.
标签: Wishbone Supports includes Low-Pin
上传时间: 2014-12-20
This is is a bridge IP core to interface the Tensilica PIF bus protocol with the OpenCores WishBone. It currently supports single-cycle as well as burst transfer operations. The core has been tested in a master-PIF slave-WB configuration.
标签: Tensilica OpenCores interface the
上传时间: 2013-12-21
上传时间: 2017-07-18
userial is an Free project building an USB to I2C/SPI/GPIO bridge, using the Atmel AT90USB647 chip. Hardware and Software are released under an Open Source licence. It supports the following interfaces: * USB interface (serial emulation) * JTAG * I2C (TWI) * SPI * 8 General purpose digital I/O * 4 Analog to Digital converters (currently no firmware support)
标签: USB building userial project
上传时间: 2013-12-25
NS3实现tap bridge连接的两用户和一服务器的仿真。用户和服务器都基于树莓派2.真实数据传输通过NS3仿真器
标签: 服务器
上传时间: 2022-06-20
隔离升压DC-DC变换器在电动汽车、储能系统、可再生能源发电以及超导储能系统等领域有广阔的应用前景。本文以隔离升压全桥变换器(Isolated Boost Full Bridge Converter,简称IBFBC)为研究对象,针对隔离升压型变换器的拓扑结构、起动问题、隔离变压器漏感问题、软开关问题和输入电感磁复位问题等进行了系统深入的研究,解决了这一类拓扑所共有技术问题。 提出了隔离升压DC-DC变换器拓扑族,分析比较了各种拓扑的特点,确定了以IBFBC为研究对象。对IBFBC进行了详细的稳态分析和小信号建模分析,为其分析、设计和搭建实验平台提供了电路理论基础。 理论上分析了IBFBC起动时存在电流冲击的原因。提出了二种数字化软起动方案,该方案对主电路进行了改造,利用DSP能灵活产生PWM波的特点采用了新的控制策略,成功实现了该系统的软起动。 理论上分析了IBFBC隔离变压器漏感引起功率开关管关断电压尖峰的原因,采用了有源箝位的方法,有效的解决电压尖峰问题。提出了带有源箝位IBFBC的九种PWM控制策略,提出了一种控制型软PWM方法,在不增加主电路元器件的基础上,通过控制PWM的发生方法,实现了有源箝位功率开关管和桥臂功率开关管的零电压开通。 从理论上分析了IBFBC输入电感磁复位问题。在正常停机时提出了一种数字化软停止的方法,控制变换器由Boost工作状态逐渐过渡到Buck工作状态,让输入电感存储的能量逐渐释放掉,最后停止工作。对于故障保护停机,采用了绕组磁复位的方法,把输入电感设计成反激式变换器形式,突然停机时,电感中存储的能量通过反激式绕组释放到输出端,这样保护了变换器不会损坏。 给出了主电路关键器件参数的设计方法,设计了以DSP-TMS320F2407为核心的数字控制单元,编写了DSP控制程序和CPLD逻辑处理程序。研制了一台输出功率5KW,输入电压直流24V,输出电压直流300V的IBFBC,通过全面的性能实验验证了理论分析和仿真结果。 本文立足于IBFBC的关键技术要求,并充分考虑工程应用中的实际因素,进行了理论分析和实验研究,为实际系统方案设计提供理论依据,并已经在实际应用中得到验证。
上传时间: 2013-04-24