UWB matlab 仿真源代码,UWB channel model bpsk
上传时间: 2013-12-26
The widespread use of embedded systems mandates the development of industrial software design methods, i.e. computer-aided design and engineering of embedded applications using formal models (frameworks) and standardized prefabricated components, much in the same way as in other mature areas of engineering such as mechanical engineering and electronics. These guidelines have been used to develop Component-based Design of Software for Embedded Systems (COMDES). The paper gives an overview of the COMDES framework, followed by a presentation of a generic component types, such as function blocks, activities and function units. The execution of function units is discussed in the context of a newly developed execution model, i.e. timed-multitasking, which has been extended to distributed embedded systems.
标签: development widespread industrial embedded
上传时间: 2014-01-23
标签: 程序
上传时间: 2013-12-12
上传时间: 2016-11-09
it has been designed to calculate the ergodic and outage capacity of a MIMO Rayleigh channel considering no CSIT and perfect CSIT The channel is assumed to be spatially correlated according to a Kronecker model but temporally uncorrelated.
标签: calculate Rayleigh designed capacity
上传时间: 2013-12-20
the text file QMLE contains the quasi maximum likelyhood estimating procedure and performing Information Matrix test for a univariate GARCH(1,1) model
标签: estimating likelyhood performing the
上传时间: 2014-11-22
1、管理数据库表,查看结构、生成常用SQL语句和存储过程、导出表结构文档。 2、根据字段生成对象的属性和构造函数。 3、基于PetShop架构,生成常用操作的DAL/BLL/Model层C#代码,包括插入、更新、删除、查询、分页查询等操作。 4、附带一些有用的小工具如MD5加密、正则表达式验证等。
标签: 管理数据库
上传时间: 2016-11-30
The DHRY program performs the dhrystone benchmarks on the 8051. Dhrystone is a general-performance benchmark test originally developed by Reinhold Weicker in 1984. This benchmark is used to measure and compare the performance of different computers or, in this case, the efficiency of the code generated for the same computer by different compilers. The test reports general performance in dhrystones per second. Like most benchmark programs, dhrystone consists of standard code and concentrates on string handling. It uses no floating-point operations. It is heavily influenced by hardware and software design, compiler and linker options, code optimizing, cache memory, wait states, and integer data types. The DHRY program is available in different targets: Simulator: Large Model: DHRY example in LARGE model for Simulation Philips 80C51MX: DHRY example in LARGE model for the Philips 80C51MC
标签: general-performanc benchmarks Dhrystone dhrystone
上传时间: 2016-11-30
The System Management BIOS Reference Specification addresses how motherboard and system vendors present management information about their products in a standard format by extending the BIOS interface on Intel architecture systems. The information is intended to allow generic instrumentation to deliver this data to management applications that use CIM (the WBEM data model) or direct access and eliminates the need for error prone operations like probing system hardware for presence detection.
标签: Specification motherboard Management Reference
上传时间: 2013-12-10
设有一基于格型梯度算法的预测器,其输入 由的AR模型产生,本程序可以得出自适应预测器的曲线
上传时间: 2014-01-11