python client server chatting program. Very basic.but it well presents the application of server and client model.
标签: server application chatting presents
上传时间: 2016-12-18
Java is the first language to provide a cross-platform I/O library that is powerful enough to handle all these diverse tasks. Java is the first programming language with a modern, object-oriented approach to input and output. Java s I/O model is more powerful and more suited to real-world tasks than any other major language used today. Java I/O is the first and still the only book to fully expose the power and sophistication of this library.
标签: cross-platform language powerful provide
上传时间: 2014-01-07
关于人工免疫系统,克隆选择,免疫记忆的最新文献。并行人工免疫系统的塔式主从模型(Towerlike Master-Slave Model,TMSM),和基于TMSM的并行免疫记忆克隆选择算法
标签: 人工免疫
上传时间: 2013-12-14
This paper studies the problem of tracking a ballistic object in the reentry phase by processing radar measurements. A suitable (highly nonlinear) model of target motion is developed and the theoretical Cramer—Rao lower bounds (CRLB) of estimation error are derived. The estimation performance (error mean and
标签: processing ballistic the tracking
上传时间: 2014-10-31
This paper studies the problem of tracking a ballistic object in the reentry phase by processing radar measurements. A suitable (highly nonlinear) model of target motion is developed and the theoretical Cramer—Rao lower bounds (CRLB) of estimation error are derived. The estimation performance (error mean and
标签: processing ballistic the tracking
上传时间: 2014-01-14
This paper studies the problem of tracking a ballistic object in the reentry phase by processing radar measurements. A suitable (highly nonlinear) model of target motion is developed and the theoretical Cramer—Rao lower bounds (CRLB) of estimation error are derived. The estimation performance (error mean and
标签: processing ballistic the tracking
上传时间: 2013-12-22
This book explains how to write device drivers for the newest members of the MicrosoftWindows family of operating systems using the Windows Driver Model (WDM). In this Introduction, I ll explain who should be reading this book, the organization of the book, and how to use the book most effectively. You ll also find a note on errors and a section on other resources you can use to learn about driver programming. Looking ahead, Chapter 1 explains how the two main branches of the Windows family operate internally, what a WDM device driver is, and how it relates to the rest of Windows.
标签: MicrosoftWindows the explains drivers
上传时间: 2014-01-04
标签: heart_scale 数据 测试数据
上传时间: 2014-07-18
jQuery 由 John Resig 创建于 2006 年初,对于任何使用 JavaScript 代码的程序员来说,它是一个非常有用的 JavaScript 库。无论您是刚刚接触 JavaScript 语言,并且希望获得一个能解决文档对象模型(Document Object Model,DOM)脚本和 Ajax 开发中一些复杂问题的库,还是作为一个厌倦了 DOM 脚本和 Ajax 开发中无聊的重复工作的资深 JavaScript 专家,jQuery 都会是您的首选。 下面提供jquery详细显例代码
上传时间: 2013-12-01
In this project we analyze and design the minimum mean-square error (MMSE) multiuser receiver for uniformly quantized synchronous code division multiple access (CDMA) signals in additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channels.This project is mainly based on the representation of uniform quantizer by gain plus additive noise model. Based on this model, we derive the weight vector and the output signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) of the MMSE receiver. The effects of quantization on the MMSE receiver performance is characterized in a single parameter named 鈥漞quivalent noise variance鈥? The optimal quantizer stepsize which maximizes the MMSE receiver output SNR is also determined.
标签: mean-square multiuser receiver project
上传时间: 2014-11-21