天文算法,包括时间、行星、以及内插算法。 A portable ANSI C implementation of some of the algorithms published in Astronomical Algorithms by Jean Meeus 2nd edition (December 1998) Willmann-Bell ISBN: 0943396638
上传时间: 2013-12-21
java开发的病原监护系统 加了exe 的壳子,解压后 去掉.exe后缀 可查看里面的源代码和工程文件 有问题可以联系我l i g t 120@163.com(去掉前面空格)
上传时间: 2017-01-15
上传时间: 2013-12-25
15数码问题的3种算法(算法和具体代码) 解决15数码问题的3种算法,分别是深度,宽度,以及A*算法。c语言编写,VC下都通过运行。
上传时间: 2017-04-20
严格按照BP网络计算公式来设计的一个matlab程序,对BP网络进行了优化设计 优化1:设计了yyy,即在o(k)计算公式时,当网络进入平坦区时(<0.0001)学习率加大,出来后学习率又还原 优化2:v(i,j)=v(i,j)+deltv(i,j)+a*dv(i,j)
上传时间: 2014-11-30
本文所设计的系统是基于AT89C52单片机控制的简易RLC测试仪。为了充分利用单片机的运算和控制功能,方便的实现测量。把参数R、L、C转换成频率信号f,然后用单片机计数后再运算求出R、L、C的值,并送显示。 转换的原理分别是RC振荡电路和电容三点式振荡电路。为了比较准确的测试而频率的计数则是利用等精度数字频率计完成。然后再将结果送单片机运算,并在LED显示器上显示所测得的数值。通过一系列的系统调试,本测试仪到达了测试标准。经过测试,
上传时间: 2013-12-22
Professional MFC. Chapter 1: The Microsoft Developer Studio Chapter 2: The Wizards and The Gallery Chapter 3: The Application Architecture Hierarchy Chapter 4: The Document/View Architecture Chapter 5: Using Dialogs and Controls in MFC Chapter 6: User Interface Issues Chapter 7: Advanced User Interface Programming Chapter 8: Using the Windows Common Controls Chapter 9: Writing Programs for the Windows Shell Chapter 10: Utility and Exception Classes Chapter 11: Writing Multithreaded Applications with MFC Chapter 12: Creating Dynamic-link Libraries Chapter 13: Writing Database Applications Chapter 14: Writing OLE Containers Chapter 15: Writing OLE Servers Chapter 16: ActiveX Controls Chapter 17: ActiveX Control Containers Chapter 18: Internet Client Programming Chapter 19: Internet Server Programming Appendix A: Installing Visual C++
标签: Chapter The Professional Developer
上传时间: 2017-08-20
/**************************************************************** 外部晶振8M PA0~3:四位数码管的位选 PB0~7:数码管的8位段选 外部中断0用于计数 定时器0溢出中断的定时为1ms 说明 :检测到水流较小时,继电器延时1秒关闭 ******************************************************************/ #include<iom16v.h> #include<macros.h> #define uchar unsigned char #define uint unsigned int char led_7[10]={0x3F,0x06,0x5B,0x4F,0x66,0x6D,0x7D,0x07,0x7F,0x6F}; //数码管段选 char position[4]={0xfe,0xfd,0xfb,0xf7};//数码管位选 uint sumnum=0; //用于记录1000ms内进入中断的次数 uint time=0; //记录进入比较定时器0的次数 uint num=0; //记录1ms内进入中断的次数 uint count=0; //进入外部中断0的次数 uchar flag; uint sumnum1; //记录100ms内的数目 /***************************函数声明***************************/ void delay(); void display(uint m ); void init(); void init_0(); void init_2(); void _delay_us(uint l) { unsigned int i; for(i=0;i<l;i++) { asm("nop"); } } /**************************主函数***********************************/ void main() { init(); init_0(); init_2(); while(sumnum<5) { PORTD=0XBF; segdisplay(sumnum1); } while(1) { segdisplay(sumnum1); } } /*************************扫描数码管时的延时函数*********************/ void delay() { uchar i,j; for(i=6;i>0;i--) for(j=225;j>0;j--); } /************************数码管显示函数*****************************/ void segdisplay( int temp) { int seg[]={0x3f,0x06,0x5b,0x4f,0x66,0x6d,0x7d,0x07,0x7f,0x6f}; int temp1,temp2,temp3,temp4; temp1=temp/1000; temp2=(temp/100)%10; temp3=(temp/10)%10; temp4=temp%10; DDRB=0xff; DDRA|=0x0f; PORTA=~BIT(3); PORTB=seg[temp1]; _delay_us(100); PORTA=~BIT(2); PORTB=seg[temp2]; _delay_us(100); PORTA=~BIT(1); PORTB=seg[temp3]; _delay_us(100); PORTA=~BIT(0); PORTB=seg[temp4]; _delay_us(100); } /***********************管脚初始化函数*********************/ void init() { DDRD|=0X40; //PD4 设置为输出 PORTD=0XBF; DDRA=0XFF; DDRB=0XFF; PORTA=0XFF; PORTB=0XFF; } /***********************外部中断0初始化*********************/ void init_0() { MCUCR=0X02; //INT0为下降沿触发 GICR=0X40; //使能INT0中断 SREG=0X80; //使能总中断 } /**********************定时器2初始化***********************/ void init_2() { TCCR0=0x03; // 内部时钟,64 分频(8M/64=125KHz) TCNT0=0x83; //装初值 TIMSK=0x01; // 允许 T/C0溢出中断中断 } /***********************外部中断0子函数********************/ #pragma interrupt_handler int0_isr:2 void int0_isr(void) { count++; } /*********************定时计数器0溢出中断子函数*****************/ #pragma interrupt_handler int0_over:10 void int0_over(void) { TCNT0=0x83; //重装初值 if((time%100) == 0) sumnum1 = num; if(time == 1000) { sumnum=num; if(sumnum<10) { if((flag==1)&&(sumnum<10)) { PORTD=0XFF; flag=0; } flag++; } else PORTD=0XBF; num=0; time=0; } num+=count; count=0; ++time; }
标签: C语言
上传时间: 2016-03-09
上传用户:彦 yan
TOC \o "1-3" \h \z 实验一 DEBUG的启动及其基本命令的使用..... PAGEREF _Toc83101466 \h 1 实验二 内存操作数及寻址方法..... PAGEREF _Toc83101467 \h 5 实验三 汇编语言程序的调试与运行..... PAGEREF _Toc83101468 \h 7 实验四 查表程序设计..... PAGEREF _Toc83101469 \h 9 实验五 系统功能调用..... PAGEREF _Toc83101470 \h 11 实验六 分支程序设计..... PAGEREF _Toc83101471 \h 12 实验七 循环程序设计..... PAGEREF _Toc83101472 \h 14 实验八 子程序设计..... PAGEREF _Toc83101473 \h 16 实验九 综合程序设计..... PAGEREF _Toc83101474 \h 19 附录一 DEBUG命令详解 31 附录二 实验报告....... 48
上传时间: 2016-12-12
Fire and Fury。 This article is about the 2018 book. For other uses, see Fire and Fury (disambiguation). The title refers to a quote by Trump about the conflict with North Korea. The book became a New York Times number one bestseller.Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House is a 2018 book by Michael Wolff which details the behavior of U.S. President Donald Trump and the staff of his 2016 presidential campaign and White House. The book highlights descriptions of Trump's behavior, chaotic interactions among senior White House staff, and derogatory comments about the Trump family by former White House Chief StrategistSteve Bannon. Trump is depicted as being held in low regard by his White House staff, leading Wolff to state that "100% of the people around him" believe Trump is unfit for office.[1] Reviewers generally accepted Wolff's portrait of a dysfunctional Trump administration, but were skeptical of many of the book's most controversial claims.
上传时间: 2018-02-26