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  • //Euler 函数前n项和 /* phi(n) 为n的Euler原函数 if( (n/p) % i == 0 ) phi(n)=phi(n/p)*i else phi(n)=phi(n/p

    //Euler 函数前n项和 /* phi(n) 为n的Euler原函数 if( (n/p) % i == 0 ) phi(n)=phi(n/p)*i else phi(n)=phi(n/p)*(i-1) 对于约数:divnum 如果i|pr[j] 那么 divnum[i*pr[j]]=divsum[i]/(e[i]+1)*(e[i]+2) //最小素因子次数加1 否则 divnum[i*pr[j]]=divnum[i]*divnum[pr[j]] //满足积性函数条件 对于素因子的幂次 e[i] 如果i|pr[j] e[i*pr[j]]=e[i]+1 //最小素因子次数加1 否则 e[i*pr[j]]=1 //pr[j]为1次 对于本题: 1. 筛素数的时候首先会判断i是否是素数。 根据定义,当 x 是素数时 phi[x] = x-1 因此这里我们可以直接写上 phi[i] = i-1 2. 接着我们会看prime[j]是否是i的约数 如果是,那么根据上述推导,我们有:phi[ i * prime[j] ] = phi[i] * prime[j] 否则 phi[ i * prime[j] ] = phi[i] * (prime[j]-1) (其实这里prime[j]-1就是phi[prime[j]],利用了欧拉函数的积性) 经过以上改良,在筛完素数后,我们就计算出了phi[]的所有值。 我们求出phi[]的前缀和 */

    标签: phi Euler else 函数

    上传时间: 2016-12-31


  • Process a binary data stream using a communication system that consists of a baseband modulator, c

    Process a binary data stream using a communication system that consists of a baseband modulator, channel, and demodulator. Compute the system s bit error rate (BER). Also, display the transmitted and received signals in a scatter plot.

    标签: communication modulator baseband consists

    上传时间: 2017-01-08


  • Instead of finding the longest common subsequence, let us try to determine the length of the LCS.

    Instead of finding the longest common subsequence, let us try to determine the length of the LCS. 􀂄 Then tracking back to find the LCS. 􀂄 Consider a1a2…am and b1b2…bn. 􀂄 Case 1: am=bn. The LCS must contain am, we have to find the LCS of a1a2…am-1 and b1b2…bn-1. 􀂄 Case 2: am≠bn. Wehave to find the LCS of a1a2…am-1 and b1b2…bn, and a1a2…am and b b b b1b2…bn-1 Let A = a1 a2 … am and B = b1 b2 … bn 􀂄 Let Li j denote the length of the longest i,g g common subsequence of a1 a2 … ai and b1 b2 … bj. 􀂄 Li,j = Li-1,j-1 + 1 if ai=bj max{ L L } a≠b i-1,j, i,j-1 if ai≠j L0,0 = L0,j = Li,0 = 0 for 1≤i≤m, 1≤j≤n.

    标签: the subsequence determine Instead

    上传时间: 2013-12-17


  • 数据库C语言开发工具包   This archive contains the DB V1.3 file handling C routines. They have been built and

    数据库C语言开发工具包   This archive contains the DB V1.3 file handling C routines. They have been built and used with a number of C compilers. See DB.DOC for more information.

    标签: contains handling routines archive

    上传时间: 2017-02-21


  • Watermarking schemes evaluation Abstract鈥擠igital watermarking has been presented as a solution to c

    Watermarking schemes evaluation Abstract鈥擠igital watermarking has been presented as a solution to copy protection of multimedia objects and dozens of schemes and algorithms have been proposed. Two main problems seriously darken the future of this technology though. Firstly, the large number of attacks and weaknesses which appear as fast as new algorithms are proposed, emphasizes the limits of this technology and in particu-lar the fact that it may not match users expectations. Secondly, the requirements, tools and methodologies to assess the current technologies are almost non-existent. The lack of benchmarking of current algorithms is bla-tant. This confuses rights holders as well as software and hardware manufacturers and prevents them from using the solution appropriate to their needs. Indeed basing long-lived protection schemes on badly tested watermarking technology does not make sense.

    标签: Watermarking watermarking evaluation presented

    上传时间: 2013-12-04


  • 设有由n个不相同的整数组成的数列

    设有由n个不相同的整数组成的数列,记为: a(1)、a(2)、……、a(n)且a(i)<>a(j) (i<>j) 例如3,18,7,14,10,12,23,41,16,24。 若存在i1<i2<i3< … < ie 且有a(i1)<a(i2)< … <a(ie)则称为长度为e的不下降序列。如上例中3,18,23,24就是一个长度为4的不下降序列,同时也有3,7,10,12,16,24长度为6的不下降序列。程序要求,当原数列给出之后,求出最长的不下降序列。

    标签: 整数 数列

    上传时间: 2013-12-14


  • 除法器的设计本文所采用的除法原理是:对于八位无符号被除数A

    除法器的设计本文所采用的除法原理是:对于八位无符号被除数A,先对A转换成高八位是0低八位是A的数C,在时钟脉冲的每个上升沿C 向左移动一位,最后一位补零,同时判断C的高八位是否大于除数B,如是则C的高八位减去B,同时进行移位操作,将C的第二位置1。否则,继续移位操作。经过八个周期后,所得到的C的高八位为余数,第八位为商。从图(1)可清楚地看出此除法器的工作原理。此除法器主要包括比较器、减法器、移位器、控制器等模块。

    标签: 除法器 除法 符号

    上传时间: 2017-07-20


  • 介绍回归问题中高斯过程的应用

    介绍回归问题中高斯过程的应用,C. E. Rasmussen & C. K. I. Williams, Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning,

    标签: 回归 高斯 过程

    上传时间: 2017-07-25


  • 一款类似百度知道系统的问题解答系统

    一款类似百度知道系统的问题解答系统,问题页面自动生成静态网页- M( ]- `+ X0 x 系统特色: + O$ U8 n- [ z# {/ E本系统结合了仿百度知道程序和仿新浪爱问程序的共同优点,设计更加合理 6 X) H8 a5 t9 h& D6 e8 S9 p2 P 问题页面实时生成静态页面,减少系统开销,更利于搜索引擎的收录 ! f5 U& N3 J+ B7 I" S完美使用系统缓存,减少数据库读取次数 b T |, g1 v9 \" E* Z 完善的后台管理功能 # u5 C: I- c$ P6 P( H9 S2 w支持问题的附件上传 . U! K+ k ~) o 对搜索引擎的优化:支持Keywords和Description页面头部标签的自定义 6 ^! h: m- U4 p( z# X支持 JS 代码的问题调用 t8 E5 ]) b3 M8 x* z提供与动网、oblog、动易实现用户整合的标准接口 ) {4 \ ` ]1 g1 F8 u

    标签: 百度

    上传时间: 2013-11-28


  • 一个用键盘控制的抢答软件

    一个用键盘控制的抢答软件,在比赛中用,具体说明如下: 十个队伍对应的按钮分别为:(注:大小写没有要求) 1组->“=” 2组->“,” 3组->“S” 4组->“7” 5组->“V” 6组->“A” 7组->“E” 8组->“0” 9组->“3” 10组->“Y” 不可全屏幕,因为背景图像格式为1024*768 有防抢功能,在一次抢答完成后,按“清空屏幕”,界面清空,这时如果队伍按下相应抢答按钮,触发抢答,提示“n组偷抢问题,取消本题资格” 一次抢答结束后,在不“清空屏幕”的情况下,可以直接按“开始抢答”开始下一次抢答 倒计时20秒,如果时间到没有队伍抢答屏幕将显示:"很遗憾 没有队伍申请回答" 有锁键盘功能,在开始抢答后,除指定按钮,其他按钮没有响应 启用音响效果方法:把两个声音文件(“抢答音乐”和“TICK2”)直接放在C盘根目录下(C:\)便可启动

    标签: 键盘控制 抢答 软件

    上传时间: 2013-12-15
