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  • learningMatlab PhÇ n 1 c¬ së Mat lab Ch­ ¬ ng 1:

    learningMatlab PhÇ n 1 c¬ së Mat lab Ch­ ¬ ng 1: Cµ i ® Æ t matlab 1.1.Cµ i ® Æ t ch­ ¬ ng tr×nh: Qui tr×nh cµ i ® Æ t Matlab còng t­ ¬ ng tù nh­ viÖ c cµ i ® Æ t c¸ c ch­ ¬ ng tr×nh phÇ n mÒ m kh¸ c, chØ cÇ n theo c¸ c h­ íng dÉ n vµ bæ xung thª m c¸ c th« ng sè cho phï hî p. 1.1.1 Khë i ® éng windows. 1.1.2 Do ch­ ¬ ng tr×nh ® ­ î c cÊ u h×nh theo Autorun nª n khi g¾ n dÜ a CD vµ o æ ® Ü a th× ch­ ¬ ng tr×nh tù ho¹ t ® éng, cö a sæ

    标签: learningMatlab 172 199 173

    上传时间: 2013-12-20


  • The PMAC Executive Program for the IBM PC and compatibles is a host program environment for the PMAC

    The PMAC Executive Program for the IBM PC and compatibles is a host program environment for the PMAC controller, intended as a development tool in creating PMAC applications. It provides a terminal emulator, a text editor for writing and editing PMAC motion and PLC programs, a screen to jog motors, extensive tuning utilities, plotting capabilities, and various special screens for viewing various PMAC variables and status registers.

    标签: PMAC compatibles environment Executive

    上传时间: 2017-07-31


  • this is a document about radio frequency identification RFID, this was a project ,i have done last y

    this is a document about radio frequency identification RFID, this was a project ,i have done last year ,actually this technology is a very inpotrtant one due to its relation with newest technologies , like GPS , or the miniturization of integrated circuits ,and that is described in chapter 3 . chapter 1 gives an introduction of the technology RFID , chapter 2 gives a discussion of a library using RFID , and chapter 3 is about the future of RFID , and finally the conclusion .

    标签: this identification frequency document

    上传时间: 2014-01-10


  • 在单片机与外部环境通信的时候


    标签: 单片机 外部环境 通信

    上传时间: 2017-08-17


  • 一个单机的用JAVA编写的坦克大战小游戏!键盘上W


    标签: JAVA 单机 编写 小游戏

    上传时间: 2017-08-19


  • In numerical analysis, the secant method is a root-finding algorithm that uses a succession of roots

    In numerical analysis, the secant method is a root-finding algorithm that uses a succession of roots of secant lines to better approximate a root of a function f.

    标签: root-finding succession numerical algorithm

    上传时间: 2013-12-23


  • The use of FPGAs for cryptographic applications is highly attractive for a variety of reasons but at

    The use of FPGAs for cryptographic applications is highly attractive for a variety of reasons but at the same time there are many open issues related to the general security of FPGAs. This contribution attempts to provide a state-of-the-art description of this topic. First, the advantages of reconfigurable hardware for cryptographic applications are discussed from a systems perspective. Second, potential security problems of FPGAs are described in detail, followed by a proposal of a some countermeasure. Third, a list of open research problems is provided. Even though there have been many contributions dealing with the algorithmic aspects of cryptographic schemes implemented on FPGAs, this contribution appears to be the first comprehensive treatment of system and security aspects.

    标签: cryptographic applications attractive for

    上传时间: 2013-12-07


  • distmesh

    matlab有限元网格划分程序 DistMesh is a simple MATLAB code for generation of unstructured triangular and tetrahedral meshes. It was developed by Per-Olof Persson (now at UC Berkeley) and Gilbert Strang in the Department of Mathematics at MIT. A detailed description of the program is provided in our SIAM Review paper, see documentation below. One reason that the code is short and simple is that the geometries are specified by Signed Distance Functions. These give the shortest distance from any point in space to the boundary of the domain. The sign is negative inside the region and positive outside. A simple example is the unit circle in 2-D, which has the distance function d=r-1, where r is the distance from the origin. For more complicated geometries the distance function can be computed by interpolation between values on a grid, a common representation for level set methods. For the actual mesh generation, DistMesh uses the Delaunay triangulation routine in MATLAB and tries to optimize the node locations by a force-based smoothing procedure. The topology is regularly updated by Delaunay. The boundary points are only allowed to move tangentially to the boundary by projections using the distance function. This iterative procedure typically results in very well-shaped meshes. Our aim with this code is simplicity, so that everyone can understand the code and modify it according to their needs. The code is not entirely robust (that is, it might not terminate and return a well-shaped mesh), and it is relatively slow. However, our current research shows that these issues can be resolved in an optimized C++ code, and we believe our simple MATLAB code is important for demonstration of the underlying principles. To use the code, simply download it from below and run it from MATLAB. For a quick demonstration, type "meshdemo2d" or "meshdemond". For more details see the documentation.

    标签: matlab有限元网格划分程序

    上传时间: 2015-08-12


  • 仅有96KB的3D射击游戏

    kkrieger   一款只有96K大小的3D射击游戏。 控制办法:前 w 后s 左a 右d 跳跃Spacebar(空格键) 切换武器1 2 3 4 5 这个微型FPS游戏,名为.kkrieger,是由.theprodukkt小组开发完成。其大小仅仅为96KB。 其画面无法和QUAKE3、DOOM3之类相比,但考虑到其96KB的身材,也足以令人震惊。那么theprodukkt小组是如何将这款游戏微缩到96KB中呢?该小组表示,他们并没有采用什么特别的压缩算法,只是对游戏中将用到的材质、网孔等资源进行了最为合理的安排,保证足够紧凑。对于该游戏所采用的深入技术细节,该小组并不愿公布。 以前网上经常传出许多大小只有64KB的3D演示动画,那是一些编程高手为了展示自己的实力完全采用汇编语言完成的作品。而相比来看,这款96KB的FPS游戏则更加精彩,因为他是一款有声有色,并且真正可以“玩”的游戏,但这款游戏并不是人们所想象的100%采用汇编语言完成,反而其主体由C++完成,之间贯穿少量汇编语言。

    标签: 96 KB 射击游戏

    上传时间: 2016-06-27


  • 离散实验 一个包的传递 用warshall

     实验源代码 //Warshall.cpp #include<stdio.h> void warshall(int k,int n) { int i , j, t; int temp[20][20]; for(int a=0;a<k;a++) { printf("请输入矩阵第%d 行元素:",a); for(int b=0;b<n;b++) { scanf ("%d",&temp[a][b]); } } for(i=0;i<k;i++){ for( j=0;j<k;j++){ if(temp[ j][i]==1) { for(t=0;t<n;t++) { temp[ j][t]=temp[i][t]||temp[ j][t]; } } } } printf("可传递闭包关系矩阵是:\n"); for(i=0;i<k;i++) { for( j=0;j<n;j++) { printf("%d", temp[i][ j]); } printf("\n"); } } void main() { printf("利用 Warshall 算法求二元关系的可传递闭包\n"); void warshall(int,int); int k , n; printf("请输入矩阵的行数 i: "); scanf("%d",&k); 四川大学实验报告 printf("请输入矩阵的列数 j: "); scanf("%d",&n); warshall(k,n); } 

    标签: warshall 离散 实验

    上传时间: 2016-06-27
