标签: 算法
上传时间: 2013-12-21
关于 uC/OS-II 在 LPC210X 上移植的说明 1. 全部代码在 ADS1.2 中编译调试. 2. 您可以更改 RO BASE 为 0x0000 0000, 这样可以将代码写入 flash 中运行. 5. 全部代码采用 ARM 指令. 6. uC/OS-II 版本为 V2.52. 7. 当您暂停程序的时候, 如果定时器开着, 那么定时器并不会暂停,需要注意 8. Vectors.S 文件中的 startup 段为程序入口. 9. 编译时下面的警告不必理会. warnIng : C2871W: static OS_InitTaskStat declared but not used OS_CORE.C line 1108 10. 如果您想通过软件仿真,请将 PLL.C 中的第 51 行屏蔽, 怎样就可以看到任务逐个切换,最后将进入空闲任务. 11. 此次移植将许多 uC/OS-II 的功能函数都关闭了,请查看 OS_CFG.H 文件.
上传时间: 2013-12-25
TION ESD (electrostatic discharge) sensitive device. Electrostatic charges as high as 4000 V readily accumulate on the human body and test equipment and can discharge without detection. warnIng! Although the AD7008 features proprietary ESD protection circuitry, permanent damage may occur on devices subjected to high energy electrostatic discharges. Therefore, proper ESD precautions are recommended to avoid performance degradation or loss of functionality.
标签: Electrostatic electrostatic discharge sensitive
上传时间: 2014-01-12
In this demo, I use the EM algorithm with a Rauch-Tung-Striebel smoother and an M step, which I ve recently derived, to train a two-layer perceptron, so as to classify medical data (kindly provided by Steve Roberts and Will Penny from EE, Imperial College). The data and simulations are described in: Nando de Freitas, Mahesan Niranjan and Andrew Gee Nonlinear State Space Estimation with Neural Networks and the EM algorithm After downloading the file, type "tar -xf EMdemo.tar" to uncompress it. This creates the directory EMdemo containing the required m files. Go to this directory, load matlab5 and type "EMtremor". The figures will then show you the simulation results, including ROC curves, likelihood plots, decision boundaries with error bars, etc. warnIng: Do make sure that you monitor the log-likelihood and check that it is increasing. Due to numerical errors, it might show glitches for some data sets.
标签: Rauch-Tung-Striebel algorithm smoother which
上传时间: 2016-04-15
This a version of Anders Melander s TGIFImage ported to Delphi 7. It supports animated GIF files in Delphi 7. Note: This Delphi 7 version should also work older Delphi versions (not tested much). warnIng: Use it at your own risk. I m posting it with permission from the author Anders Melander.
标签: TGIFImage Melander animated supports
上传时间: 2016-08-19
linux下BT软件的源码。源代码可以使用命令“make”进行编译,使用该命令可以生成该章所有可执行程序。如果没有生成对应的可执行程序,请对照书中相应的内容。在编译生成可执行程序时,可能会生成警告:“warnIng:no newline at end of file”,产生这个警告是因为本书所有源代码是在Windows中进行编写的,Windows和Linux两种操作系统对于文件末尾的标识符处理不一致。该警告不会影响程序的功能和性能,所以不必理会。
上传时间: 2014-01-02
Lotus Notes开发用的在线DHTML编辑器,基于Active X control 1. This rich text editor is based on the editor used in an older sandbox posting I found. The majority of this code was NOT written by me. Credit goes to someone at Lotus (I think) for the original code. I only extended the base code to add more features, such as cut/copy/paste and adding tables. 2. This editor is based on an Active X control, so it will only work in Internet Explorer. I tested this in IE 5.5, but I think it should would in IE 5.x The Active X control is marked "safe for scripting" and should not trigger a warnIng from your browser about unsafe content.
标签: editor control Active Lotus
上传时间: 2016-11-27
Commercially available active noise control headphones rely on fixed analog controllers to drive "anti-noise" loudspeakers. Our design uses an adaptive controller to optimally cancel unwanted acoustic noise. This headphone would be particularly useful for workers who operate or work near heavy machinery and engines because the noise is selectively eliminated. Desired sounds, such as speech and warnIng signals, are left to be heard clearly. The adaptive control algorithm is implemented on a Texas Instruments (TI™ ) 1 TMS320C30GEL digital signal processor (DSP), which drives a Sony CD550 headphone/microphone system. Our experiments indicate that adaptive noise control results in a dramatic improvement in performance over fixed noise control. This improvement is due to the availability of high-performance programmable DSPs and the self-optimizing and tracking capabilities of the adaptive controller in response to the surrounding noise.
标签: Commercially controllers headphones available
上传时间: 2013-12-04
I saw the light of the future when I first read Ray Kurzweil’s best-seller book The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology. One cubic inch of nanotube cir- cuitry, once fully developed, would be up to one hundred million times more powerful than the human brain.
标签: Predictive Cognitive warnIng System Early The
上传时间: 2020-05-26
系统简介:1.单片机+LCD1602液晶显示器+三极管放大电路+蜂鸣器+按键+DS18B20+GSM远程报警等设计。2. 3个按键对应3个不同的功能,设定值加1、设定值减1和蜂鸣器检测。3. 5V可使用USB供电。4. DS18B20温度传感器模块实现对温度的检测。测量范围-50~120摄氏度,常温LCD1602显示25.0摄氏度左右,温度精度在0.1℃;误差±0.2℃以内.温度变化时,显示值将变化。蜂鸣器就会报警。启动GSM短信报警功能。默认设定值31摄氏度(方便用人体模拟)。5.采用三极管进行输出放大,驱动能力强、蜂鸣器显示效果更好!6. 特点:稳定、操作起来非常方便,上电就可以使用。7.佩戴引出I/O接口(40个排针),用于连接下载器下载程序, 方便进行升级调试.操作说明:S0:复位键 S1:设定值加1 S2:设定值减1 S3:蜂鸣器检测 1、 上电/S0复位:液晶显示“Detect System” “Temp=25.0 32.0” ,对应检测温度和设定报警温度。检测传感器表面温度,显示值变化。2、按S1、S2键:可以实现设定温度的加减操作。3、按S3键:检测蜂鸣器响声。4、可以用手抓住温度传感器,模拟温度检测。检测到温度变化后、液晶显示值变化,当检测温度大于设定温度时,蜂鸣器就会报警。并发送“DS18B20 warnIng!”信息到指定手机。5、发送短信时,第一行显示将发送变化:“message sending” “the sending ok” 6、手机卡记得插到卡槽里噢
上传时间: 2022-06-09