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  • 802.11n A Survival Guide

    A decade ago, I first wrote that people moved, and networks needed to adapt to the reality that people worked on the go. Of course, in those days, wireless LANs came with a trade-off. Yes, you could use them while moving, but you had to trade a great deal of throughput to get the mobility. Although it was possible to get bits anywhere, even while in motion, those bits came slower. As one of the network engineers I worked with put it, “We’ve installed switched gigabit Ethernet everywhere on campus, so I don’t understand why you’d want to go back to what is a 25-megabit hub.” He un- derestimated the allure of working on the go.

    标签: Survival 802.11 Guide

    上传时间: 2020-05-26


  • Arduino Adventures Escape from Gemini Station

    Fun. We (your authors) wanted a word to describe our ultimate goal for this book, as well as a word we hope you (our reader) will use to describe it, and that’s the one we chose. There are others goals, of course, but in the end, when you’ve finished the book, we’re hoping you’ll have enjoyed the activities described in these pages. Many books use the Introduction to explain exactly what the book is about, what the reader will learn, what the reader needs (a skill or maybe an item or piece of software), and what the reader will be left with when that last page is completed. And this Introduction will do those things, but … hopefully it’ll make you excited to get started.

    标签: Adventures Arduino Station Escape Gemini from

    上传时间: 2020-06-09


  • 学生成绩信息系统


    标签: cpp

    上传时间: 2020-07-07


  • Code Craft: the practice of writing excellent code

    This book addresses programmer attitudes, but it’s not some kind of psychology textbook. We’ll investigate many topics, including: Source code presentation Defensive coding techniques How to debug programs effectively Good teamworking skills Managing your source code Take a quick glance through the table of contents to see exactly what’s covered. What is the rationale behind my selection of topics? I’ve been mentor- ing trainee programmers for many years, and these are the topics that have come up time and time again. I’ve also worked in the software factory for long enough to have seen the recurring problems—I address these too. If you can conquer all of these programming demons, you’ll progress from an apprentice coder to a real code craftsman.

    标签: excellent practice writing Craft Code code the of

    上传时间: 2021-11-09


  • 开关电源设计(英文版)

    It all started rather innocuously. I walked into Dr GT Murthy’s office one fine day, andchanged my life. “Doc” was then the General Manager, Central R&D, of a very largeelectrical company headquartered in Bombay. In his new state-of-the-art electronics center,he had hand-picked some of India’s best engineers (over a hundred already) ever assembledunder one roof. Luckily, he too was originally a Physicist, and that certainly helped me gainsome empathy. Nowadays he is in retirement, but I will always remember him as athoroughly fair, honest and facts-oriented person, who led by example. There were severalthings I absorbed from him that are very much part of my basic engineering persona today.You can certainly look upon this book as an extension of what Doc started many years agoin India … because that’s what it really is! I certainly wouldn’t be here today if I hadn’t metDoc. And in fact, several of the brash, high-flying managers I’ve met in recent years,desperately need some sort of crash course in technology and human values from Doc!

    标签: 开关电源

    上传时间: 2021-11-23


  • J-LINK下载器

    首先下载软件,解压软件,安装在程序中找到SEGGER,选里面的J-FLASH,进入界面,刚开始的那个界面可以忽略,不用建project也可以;单击菜单栏的“Options---Project settings”打开设置,进行jlink配置;正在General选项,选择“USB”,一般都是默认配置,确认一下即可;然后在CPU选项,选择芯片型号,先选择“Device”才能选择芯片型号,芯片型号,要根据你使用的芯片进行选择;在Target interface选项 里面选择SWD模式;首先Target里面选“Connection”连接目标芯片,然后 Target--Auto进行程序烧写;首先Target里面选择“Connection”连接目标芯片,然后 Target--Auto进行程序烧写.SEGGER J-Links are the most widely used line of debug probes available today. They've proven their value for more than 10 years in embedded development. This popularity stems from the unparalleled performance, extensive feature set, large number of supported CPUs, and compatibility with all popular development environments.

    标签: JLINK

    上传时间: 2022-03-22


  • linux内核编程指南

    因此,您想编写一个内核模块。您知道C,您已经编写了一些可以作为进程运行的常规程序,现在您想知道真正的动作在哪里,一个通配指针可以擦掉文件系统,核心转储意味着重新启动。内核模块到底是什么?模块是可以根据需要加载和卸载的代码段。它们扩展了内核的功能,而无需重新引导系统。例如。模块驱动程序的一种类型是设备驱动程序,它允许内核访问没有模块的系统硬件,我们将不得不构建单片内核并将新功能直接添加到内核映像中,除了具有更大的内核之外,这还具有缺点每次我们想要新功能时都要求我们重建并重新启动内核的过程So, you want to write a kernel module. You know C, you, ve written a few normal programs to run as processes, and now you want to get to where the real action is, to where a single wild pointer can wipe out your file system and a core dump means a reboot.What exactly is a kernel module? Modules are pieces of code that can be loaded and unloaded into th upon demand. They extend the functionality of the kernel without the need to reboot the system. For example.one type of module is the device driver, which allows the kernel to access hardware connected to the syste without modules, we would have to build monolithic kernels and add new functionality directly into the em ernel image, Besides having larger kernels

    标签: linux

    上传时间: 2022-03-30


  • LDO环路分析及补偿

    低压差线性稳压器(Low Dropout Voltage Regulator,LDO)属于线性稳压器的一种,但由于其压差较低,相对于一般线性稳压器而言具有较高的转换效率。但在电路稳定性上有所下降,而且LDO有着较高的输出电阻,使得输出极点的位置会随着负载情况有很大关系。因此需要对LDO进行频率补偿来满足其环路稳定性要求。内容安排上第一节首先简单介绍各种线性稳压源的区别:第二节介绍LDO中的主要参数及设计中需要考虑折中的一些问题;第三节对LDO开环电路的三个模块,运放模块,PMOS模块和反馈模块进行简化的小信号分析,得出其传输函数并判断其零极点:第四节针对前面分析的三个LDO环路模块分别进行补偿考虑,并结合RT9193电路对三种补偿方法进行了仿真验证和解释说明。该电路主要包含基准电路以及相关启动电路,保护电路(OTP,OCP等),误差放大器,调整管(Pass Element)和电阻反馈网络。在电路上,通过连接到误差放大器反相输入端的分压电阻对输出电压进行采样,误差放大器的同相输入端连接到一个基准电压(Bandgap Reference),误差放大器会使得两个输入端电压基本相等,因此,可以通过控制调整管输出足够的负载电流以保证输出电压稳定。电路所采用的调整管不同,其Dropout电压不同。以前大多使用三极管来作为稳压源的调整管,常见的有NPN稳压源,PNP稳压源(LDO),准LDO稳压源,其调整管如图2所示,其Dorpout电压分别是:VoRop=2VBE+ Vsr-NPN稳压源VoRоP =VsurPNP稳压源(LDO)VDRoP=ve + Vsur-准LDO稳压源

    标签: ldo 环路分析

    上传时间: 2022-06-19


  • pcie处理层协议中文详解

    pcie(PCI-Express)处理层协议中文详解处理层协议(transaction Layer specification)◆TLP概况。◆寻址定位和路由导向。◆i/o,.memory,configuration,message request、completion 详解。◆请求和响应处理机制。◆virtual channel(ve)Mechanism虚拟通道机制。◆data integrity 数据完整性。一.TLP概况处理层(transaction Layer specification)是请求和响应信息形成的基础。包括四种地址空间,三种处理类型,从下图可以看出在transaction Layer中形成的包的基本概括。一类是对io口和memory的读写包(TLPS:transaction Layers packages),另一类是对配置寄存器的读写设置包,还有一类是信息包,描述通信状态,作为事件的信号告知用户。对memory的读写包分为读请求包和响应包、写请求包(不需要存储器的响应包)。而io类型的读写请求都需要返回I/O口的响应包,

    标签: pcie

    上传时间: 2022-06-30
