人民币大写金额转换程序(修正版v0.0.3) =================================== 1.使用方法: ------------- 将Cash_RMB.dcu放入Delphi安装目录下的Lib中,在uses中加入Cash_RMB, 即可引用CashRMB方法. function CashRMB(CashAmount: Double): String 如: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject) begin QRLabel1.Caption := CashRMB(Table1.FieldByName( 金额 ).AsFloat) end 结果将传回人民币金额大写字符串. 如果 CashAmount = 0 或数值溢出(超出万亿位),结果返回空串. 2.说明: -------- A.本转换程序最大程度只支持到万亿元(位)的金额数值转换操作.如果你的 转换数值超出此极限,你可以在调用前先行判断数据的合法性,如果没有作预 先判断,转换过程中将引发本单元中自带的错误处理例程. b.该转换结果符合标准金额大写书写格式,零角零分等字样不存在于最终的 转换结果中. c.本转换程序自带数据溢出等数据非法及转换错误等处理例程. d.本程序适用于32位的Delphi版本.
上传时间: 2013-12-31
8位相等比较器,比较8位数是否相等 -- 8-bit Identity Comparator -- uses 1993 std VHDL -- download from www.pld.com.cn & www.fpga.com.cn
上传时间: 2015-07-02
This is SvmFu, a package for training and testing support vector machines (SVMs). It s written in C++. It uses templates. The advantage of templates is that the types of kernel values and data points can be varied to suit the problem.
标签: machines training package testing
上传时间: 2015-07-03
Computes estimates for the number of forests of a graph, input as a 0-1 incidence matrix. Notes: Compile in C++, "g++ -o span_forest span_forest.c". The program does not demand that the matrix is symmetric with 0 diagonal, but uses only the upper triangular part.
标签: estimates incidence Computes forests
上传时间: 2013-12-26
1. PL/0 语言介绍 ●PL/0 程序设计语言是一个较简单的语言,它以赋值语句为基础,构造概念有顺序、条件和重复(循环)三种。PL/0 有子程序概念,包括过程定义(可以嵌套)与调用且有局部变量说明。PL/0语言编译程序采用以语法分析为核心、一遍扫描的编译方法。词法分析和代码生成作为独立的子程序供语法分析程序调用。语法分析的同时,提供了出错报告和出错恢复的功能。在源程序没有错误编译通过的情况下,调用类PCODE解释程序解释执行生成的类PCODE代码。 ●保留字(关键字):所谓保留字是指在Pascal语言中具有特定的含义。标准Pascal语言中的保留字一共有35个,Turbo Pascal语言一共有51个。下面是Pascal语言的保留字:AND,ARRAY,BEGIN,CASE,CONST,DIV,DO,DOWNTO,ELSE,END,FILE,FOR,FUNTION,GOTO,IF,IN,LABEL,MOD,NIL,NOT,OF,OR,PACKED,PROCEDURE,PROGRAM,RECORD,REPEAT,SET,THEN,TO,TYPE,UNTIL,VAR,WHILE,WITH,EXPORTS,SHR,STRING,ASM,OBJECT,UNIT,CONSTRUCTOR,IMPLEMENTATION,DESTRUCTOR,uses,INHERITED,INLINE,INTERFACE,LIBRARY,XOR,SHL
上传时间: 2015-07-17
Easy to use SMS/MMS Messaging Gateway to develop Content Delivery Platforms by GSM Operators,Content Providers and even non-telecom guys. uses file system for data flow.Written for .NET 2.0 in C#
标签: Content Messaging Platforms Operators
上传时间: 2014-01-01
LibTorrent is a BitTorrent library written in C++ for *nix, with a focus on high performance and good code. The library differentiates itself from other implementations by transfering directly from file pages to the network stack. On high-bandwidth connections it is able to seed at 3 times the speed of the official client. The client uses ncurses and is ideal for use with screen or dtach. It supports saving of sessions and allows the user to add and remove torrents.
标签: performance LibTorrent BitTorrent library
上传时间: 2015-07-24
pop3代理服务器源代码One of the most powerful features of Pop3 Agent is a naive Bayes filter, that is capable of recognizing spam e-mails after appropriate training. Pop3 Agent uses an embedded Firebird database server. Of course, you can configure Pop3 Agent to work with an existing server if there is another Interbase/Firebird installation available in your network. Open the Pop3 Agent home directory, delete or rename gds32.dll and ib_util.dll, and set the INI file parameter FBembedded=0.
标签: features powerful filter Agent
上传时间: 2014-01-10
Its a text-fading linking ticker type applet that will fade text of any color over any color background. It features rollover color feedback, and will pause when rolled over so the user doesn t have to "chase" links. It uses very little processor power and source is included! Now supports frames!
标签: color text-fading any linking
上传时间: 2014-10-10
This serial client in JAVA allows sending, reading and writing of SMS via a serial COM port. The tool uses the PDU SMS format. IRDA drivers are included. The functionality can be implemented into applications for remote alerting or SMS authentification.
标签: serial sending reading writing
上传时间: 2013-12-17