xna 2.0 开发的2d图这个本站以C语言和Java语言、嵌入式开发、算法实现为主,源码数量达几十万个,有200多个分类,很多都是本站会员的私家珍藏,互联网上其他地方找到,不清楚的可以与我联系contact me at the followying addre
上传时间: 2013-12-25
his an ecapsulation of the ICS - Internet Component Suite. ICS can be found at : http://users.swing.be/francois.piette/indexuk.htm Please take the time to look at the code and learn something. If you re a Dephi Pro, you can probably give me some tips as I am still new to Delphi programming.
标签: ecapsulation ICS Component Internet
上传时间: 2013-12-22
表贴电容元件参数手册:105 个PDF文件,文件:ME、MH、MP、MT铝电解电容;TDK-CKCL、三星、松下、高射频功率、普军级二类军用无包封多层片式等多种系列表贴电容
上传时间: 2016-08-12
Full compliance with the USB Specification v1.1 and USB CDC v1.1 Support the RS232 Serial interface Support automatic handshake mode Support Remote wake-up and power management 256 bytes buffer each for upstream and downstream data flow Support default ROM or external EEPROM for device configuration On chip USB transceiver On chip crystal oscillator running at 12M Hz Supports Windows 98/SE, ME, 2000, XP, Windows CE3.0, CE .NET, Linux, and Mac OS 28 Pins SOIC package 28
标签: Specification compliance 1.1 USB
上传时间: 2016-08-21
邮件过滤软体看门狗,可以自动判别邮件是否为垃圾邮件,运作原理类似「信件检查工具」,支援所有透过 Outlook、Outlook Express 收信的 POP3 信箱,还有类似 Spam pal 的主旨自动标签功能。 使用K9之基本系统需求 1. 最新释出的K9版本 2. 软体大小:约113 KB左右的硬碟空间 3. 执行环境:Win9x/Me/NT/2000/XP
上传时间: 2016-08-24
AC97 Sample Driver and Related Code Samples. This directory contains a sample AC97 adapter driver and several related code samples. These samples need to be compiled with the Windows .NET or Windows XP build environment but are binary compatible with older operating systems like Windows 2000. To build the samples, enter any Windows .NET or Windows XP build environment and run build –cZ from this directory. The AC97 sample driver also runs in Windows 98 Second Edition or Windows Me, but the property page DLL and control panel application do not. For more information, please refer to the readme.htm files in each subdirectory. The INF file in the driver directory installs all of the samples in the subdirectories. The header file in this directory defines the private property used by each of the samples.
标签: directory contains Related Samples
上传时间: 2014-07-06
网卡的IP核,下载即可用,解压到指定目录下就可以了,参照里面的read me.
上传时间: 2013-12-31
ISP的IP核,下载即可用,解压到指定目录下就可以了,参照里面的read me.
上传时间: 2014-01-20
VGA的IP核,下载即可用,解压到指定目录下就可以了,参照里面的read me.
上传时间: 2014-01-02
wince 5.0上基于personal java写的的虚拟魔方,可以自动拼图 需安装NSIcom的虑拟机 CrE-ME 之后直接双击jar文件即可。
上传时间: 2016-09-21