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  • 确定谁引发Lostfocus TextBox中文字如何靠中靠右对齐 AutoRedraw与Image/Picture属性的关联 使TextBox按Mouse右键时只出现自定PopUp Me

    确定谁引发Lostfocus TextBox中文字如何靠中靠右对齐 AutoRedraw与Image/Picture属性的关联 使TextBox按Mouse右键时只出现自定PopUp Menu 如何动态设定TextBox的靠左、右、中 使两个ListBox项目同步 ToolBar上加ComboBox 加强型的 MSFlexGrid 如何让OLE Control/Image 具有Scroll Bar的功能 用VB实现拖放功能 跟我学用ActiveBar VB6.0动态加载ActiveX控件 用VB播放FLASH动画 用VB5设计多功能计时器 VB中Combo的一种输入检查制约方法的实现 用VB制做图型菜单控件 用VB设计VCD播放器 功能强大的增强列表框 与控件有关的问答集

    标签: TextBox AutoRedraw Lostfocus Picture

    上传时间: 2016-09-23


  • ardware sensors monitor (June 2008) (Shareware, trial period is two weeks) The most univ

    ardware sensors monitor (June 2008) (Shareware, trial period is two weeks) The most universal hardware monitoring program for Windows 9X/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003/VISTA x86/x64 editions This program monitors and displays certain parameters (temperatures, voltages, fans RPM) taken from h/w sensor chips, installed on smart motherboards and/or graphics cards. Customizable alarms can be displayed. Professional license includes thermo control features (so-called "Software cooling"), nVidia/ATi graphics cards and HDD S.M.A.R.T. monitoring.

    标签: Shareware ardware sensors monitor

    上传时间: 2013-12-17


  • because I can not get the download rights, so I uoload this file.This is a wash program, include a c

    because I can not get the download rights, so I uoload this file.This is a wash program, include a caculation of prograss for me,

    标签: download because include program

    上传时间: 2014-01-07


  • 本光盘是《数据结构(C语言版)》一书的配书光盘

    本光盘是《数据结构(C语言版)》一书的配书光盘,作为数据结构课程的 辅助学习工具。 1. 光盘运行环境 硬件:Pentium 100以上多媒体PC机。 软件:Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP 操作系统。 2. 盘中内容 \DSDemoW 数据结构算法演示系统(Windows版)β测试版 \DSDemoC 数据结构算法演示系统(C语言描述)V3.1C中文版 Readme.txt 光盘使用说明 3. 使用光盘

    标签: 光盘 C语言 数据结构

    上传时间: 2014-01-08


  • 软件信息如下: 软件名称:郑州聚鑫打包带厂网站源代码免费版 软件版本:V2008 建议分类:企业网站 联系EMAIL:hzy174@126.com 客服Q Q:908997410

    软件信息如下: 软件名称:郑州聚鑫打包带厂网站源代码免费版 软件版本:V2008 建议分类:企业网站 联系EMAIL:hzy174@126.com 客服Q Q:908997410 客服电话:13213133057 软件网站:http://www.zzjux.com 下载地址:http://www.kkfenlei.com/downlode/jx.rar 软件容量:4.62M 软件类型:免费软件 应用平台:Win9x/Me/NT/2000/XP 软件介绍:企业网站开发管理系统,可用于企业类网站。采用ASP+Access程序设计,后台管理。 版面美观大方,使用我们的系统,很快建立起专业的企业类网站。联系电话13213133057, 邮箱hzy174@126.com,QQ:908997410。需要更多信息,请访问我们的网站http://www.kkfenlei.com 本网站开发管理系统后台管理登录:admin/adminlogin.asp 用户名:kkfenlei 密码:kkfenlei 注册后将增加留言管理登录: 用户名:kkfenlei 密码:kkfenlei 下载地址:http://www.kkfenlei.com/downlode/jx.rar

    标签: 908997410 V2008 EMAIL 软件

    上传时间: 2016-11-21


  • Lotus Notes开发用的在线DHTML编辑器,基于Active X control 1. This rich text editor is based on the editor used

    Lotus Notes开发用的在线DHTML编辑器,基于Active X control 1. This rich text editor is based on the editor used in an older sandbox posting I found. The majority of this code was NOT written by me. Credit goes to someone at Lotus (I think) for the original code. I only extended the base code to add more features, such as cut/copy/paste and adding tables. 2. This editor is based on an Active X control, so it will only work in Internet Explorer. I tested this in IE 5.5, but I think it should would in IE 5.x The Active X control is marked "safe for scripting" and should not trigger a warning from your browser about unsafe content.

    标签: editor control Active Lotus

    上传时间: 2016-11-27


  • I often need a simple function generator. Just to generate a certain frequency. After all the years

    I often need a simple function generator. Just to generate a certain frequency. After all the years I ve worked with electronics, I still haven t got me one. Even though I need it now and then, I just couldn t seem to justify the cost of one. So, standard solution - build one yourself. I designed a simple sinewave generator based on a Analog Devices AD9832 chip. It will generate a sinewave from 0.005 to 12 MHz in 0.005 Hz steps. That s pretty good, and definitely good enough for me ! But while waiting for the AD9832 chip to arrive, I came up with a very simple version of the DDS synth, using just the 2313 and a resistor network.

    标签: frequency generator function generate

    上传时间: 2013-12-17


  • 采用Verilog HDL语言编写的曼彻斯特码

    采用Verilog HDL语言编写的曼彻斯特码, 文件列表: help md.v md_tf.v me.v me_tf.v med.v

    标签: Verilog HDL 语言 编写

    上传时间: 2016-12-08


  • zlibyou can found an optimized version of Zlib 1.1.4 that you can embed into every Delphi executable

    zlibyou can found an optimized version of Zlib 1.1.4 that you can embed into every Delphi executable without use external dlls. Further I have build a little example hoping to aid "young" Delphi programmers getting in trouble with streams... Please let me know if you ll discover errors. These objects and sources are targeted for executing into P6+ CPU core, and Delphi5-6-7-x software. Benchmarks show this zlib 40% average faster than native DLL distribution and 100% reliable.

    标签: executable can optimized zlibyou

    上传时间: 2016-12-19


  • Implement a phone book system for employees of a company. Your program will output the following me

    Implement a phone book system for employees of a company. Your program will output the following menu (1) Enter an employee and a phone pair to the system (2) Lookup an employee s phone number (3) Find out who is/are the person(s) of a given number (4) How many people are currently in the system (5) Delete an employee from the system (6) Output all employees name‐phone pair (7) How many phone numbers total in the current system (8) Quit When

    标签: Implement employees following company

    上传时间: 2013-12-17
