mastering dojo The book really rolls out the red carpet for Dojo to emerge with guns blazing! The authors show you how easy it is to use impressive widgets without installing a thing. I was amazed to discover that JavaScript is not just a toy language, how Dojo is built on top of it, and how both are invaluable in any web development project. Buy this book. It’s the next best thing to having the authors working at your side.
标签: mastering blazing carpet emerge
上传时间: 2016-09-04
上传时间: 2016-09-24
VB5.0与Windows API之间的呼叫技巧 取得Disk Volume Information 取得Disk Free Space与Total Space 取得Disk Driver List与各个Driver的型态 取得File 8.3之文件名称格式 如何用程序来Delete Copy Move Rename File/Directory 如何用VB建立快捷方式(ShortCut) 如何直接开启一个文件 设定Mouse 在某个固定范围 隐藏Mouse 显示、隐藏win95任务栏 建立Floating Window(Top Most的window) 建立与读取.ini文件 检查开机方式及Mouse Buttons个数 如何将整个画面暗下来,如同关机前一般 如何截取屏幕画面 如何改变桌面的图片? 如何读取 Windows 任务栏的大小及位置? 如何为 ListBox 设定水平滚动栏? 如何让 Windows(95 及 NT) 重新开机?
标签: Disk Space Information Windows
上传时间: 2013-12-18
Joomla 收费插件:企业客户管理系统。 Our suite of components and tools are architected and programmed specifically for Joomla, the award winning CMS. jForce will provide you with: jAccounts – for your invoicing and billing needs jContacts – a new way to manage your sales funnel and business leads jProjects – efficient management of tasks, priorities and documents jSupport – manage trouble tickets and issues to keep your site smooth All these plugins packaged together as one fully integrated CRM solution. Built in Joomla! Whether you require one component or the entire suite of business automation, jForce can have you up and running with sleek and cost-efficient solutions today.
标签: architected components programmed specifical
上传时间: 2013-12-30
A few short years ago, the applications for video were somewhat confined—analog was used for broadcast and cable television, VCRs, set-top boxes, televisions and camcorders. Since then, there has been a tremendous and rapid conversion to digital video, mostly based on the MPEG-2 video compression standard. Today, in addition to the legacy DV, MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 audio and video com- pression standards, there are three new high- performance video compression standards. These new video codecs offer much higher video compression for a given level of video quality.
标签: applications for confined somewhat
上传时间: 2016-10-29
CMS4J 是 JAVA / JSP 版网站管理系统 (Content Manage System For Java)的简称,读作 “CMS For J” 国内 JAVA版网站管理系统 的领航者,依托于 JAVA 技术,专注于 网站内容管理 CMS4J绝非国外一些开源产品的改造版,我们秉承用户本土化的原 则,切身体验国内CMS系统的应用现状与实际需求,为中小企业量身定 做,CMS4J项目在立项时,就已经立下了以下四大目标: [目标 1]: 不编程,做动态网站 要让网站设计师、美工也会做动 态网站,动态网站不再是程序员的专长; [目标 2]: 高扩展,插件式架构 系统基于Plug-in结构,所有模 块均插件化, 良好的二次开发接口; [目标 3]: 小投资,低成本运营 让网站可以低成本运营,绝对不 允许存在第三方不必要的软件开支; [目标 4]: 大应用,分布式部署 立足日访量为1至100百万网站的 应用,向千万级大型综合门户应用迈进;
标签: Content Manage System CMS4J
上传时间: 2013-12-17
文本处理软件 ,自动生成CMS画面,组态式的
标签: 处理软件
上传时间: 2014-01-13
一个自然语言处理的Java开源工具包。LingPipe目前已有很丰富的功能,包括主题分类(Top Classification)、命名实体识别(Named Entity Recognition)、词性标注(Part-of Speech Tagging)、句题检测(Sentence Detection)、查询拼写检查(Query Spell Checking)、兴趣短语检测(Interseting Phrase Detection)、聚类(Clustering)、字符语言建模(Character Language Modeling)、医学文献下载/解析/索引(MEDLINE Download, Parsing and Indexing)、数据库文本挖掘(Database Text Mining)、中文分词(Chinese Word Segmentation)、情感分析(Sentiment Analysis)、语言辨别(Language Identification)等API。
上传时间: 2013-12-04
This document is a "practical guide" to very quickly setup CVS/RCS source code control system. This document has custom shell scripts which are wrappers on top of CVS. These scripts provide an easy user interface for CVS. Several shell scripts are provided to make RCS more easy to use. The information in this document applies to Linux and as well as to all other flavors of Unix liks Solaris, HPUX, AIX, SCO, Sinix, BSD, SCO, etc.. and BeOS.
标签: This practical document control
上传时间: 2014-01-16
1,新闻栏目二级分类,随意修改,管理员分级管理 2,采用强大的HTML编辑器输入新闻文章 3,不存在任何新闻内容不能分段,不出空格的问题 4,可以直接复制任何图文信息,输出和原来格式一模一样 5,前台使用JS随意调用新闻 6,支持图片新闻,无组件上传图片到数据库,前台JS调用 7,安装使用方便,你只需把头部文件top.asp换成你的就可以了
上传时间: 2014-11-29