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  • CNC初级教程

    频道 劲爆,看《欢乐颂》第二季 上传 书房 登录 注册 菜单 收藏到书房下载文档 上一页  /386 下一页     全屏    < 返回首页  CNC初级教程/FANUC学校讲义 顶 8 踩 0 浏览 1,196 收藏 89 评论 1 加入豆单 举报 手机观看

    标签: CNC 教程

    上传时间: 2016-05-16


  • SVM程序


    标签: SVM 程序

    上传时间: 2016-08-20


  • HTML5 从入门到精通

    HTML5 从入门到精通主要讲述HTML5 视频、音乐、canvas、veb存储、input类型等。

    标签: HTML5

    上传时间: 2016-10-24


  • 运动会源代码

    #include <malloc.h>       #include <stdio.h>       #include <stdlib.h>       #include <string.h>       #define NULL 0      #define MaxSize 30          typedef struct athletestruct /*运动员*/     {         char name[20];          int score; /*分数*/         int range; /**/         int item; /*项目*/     }ATH;     typedef struct schoolstruct /*学校*/     {         int count; /*编号*/         int serial; /**/          int menscore; /*男选手分数*/         int womenscore; /*女选手分数*/         int totalscore; /*总分*/         ATH athlete[MaxSize]; /**/         struct schoolstruct *next;      }SCH;         int nsc,msp,wsp;      int ntsp;      int i,j;      int overgame;      int serial,range;      int n;      SCH *head,*pfirst,*psecond;      int *phead=NULL,*pafirst=NULL,*pasecond=NULL;     void create();         void input ()     {         char answer;          head = (SCH *)malloc(sizeof(SCH)); /**/         head->next = NULL;         pfirst = head;          answer = 'y';         while ( answer == 'y' )         {         Is_Game_DoMain:         printf("\nGET Top 5 when odd\nGET Top 3 when even");         printf("\n输入运动项目序号 (x<=%d):",ntsp);         scanf("%d",pafirst);         overgame = *pafirst;         if ( pafirst != phead )         {             for ( pasecond = phead ; pasecond < pafirst ; pasecond ++ )             {                 if ( overgame == *pasecond )                 {                     printf("\n这个项目已经存在请选择其他的数字\n");                     goto Is_Game_DoMain;                 }             }         }         pafirst = pafirst + 1;         if ( overgame > ntsp )         {             printf("\n项目不存在");             printf("\n请重新输入");             goto Is_Game_DoMain;         }         switch ( overgame%2 )         {         case 0: n = 3;break;         case 1: n = 5;break;         }         for ( i = 1 ; i <= n ; i++ )         {         Is_Serial_DoMain:         printf("\n输入序号 of the NO.%d (0<x<=%d): ",i,nsc);                 scanf("%d",&serial);         if ( serial > nsc )          {             printf("\n超过学校数目,请重新输入");             goto Is_Serial_DoMain;         }         if ( head->next == NULL )          {             create();         }         psecond = head->next ;          while ( psecond != NULL )          {             if ( psecond->serial == serial )             {                 pfirst = psecond;                 pfirst->count = pfirst->count + 1;                 goto Store_Data;             }             else             {                 psecond = psecond->next;             }         }         create();         Store_Data:                 pfirst->athlete[pfirst->count].item = overgame;         pfirst->athlete[pfirst->count].range = i;         pfirst->serial = serial;         printf("Input name:) : ");                 scanf("%s",pfirst->athlete[pfirst->count].name);         }         printf("\n继续输入运动项目(y&n)?");         answer = getchar();         printf("\n");         }     }         void calculate() /**/     {         pfirst = head->next;         while ( pfirst->next != NULL )         {             for (i=1;i<=pfirst->count;i++)             {                 if ( pfirst->athlete[i].item % 2 == 0 )                  {                     switch (pfirst->athlete[i].range)                     {                     case 1:pfirst->athlete[i].score = 5;break;                     case 2:pfirst->athlete[i].score = 3;break;                     case 3:pfirst->athlete[i].score = 2;break;                     }                 }                 else                  {                     switch (pfirst->athlete[i].range)                     {                     case 1:pfirst->athlete[i].score = 7;break;                     case 2:pfirst->athlete[i].score = 5;break;                     case 3:pfirst->athlete[i].score = 3;break;                     case 4:pfirst->athlete[i].score = 2;break;                     case 5:pfirst->athlete[i].score = 1;break;                     }                 }                 if ( pfirst->athlete[i].item <=msp )                  {                     pfirst->menscore = pfirst->menscore + pfirst->athlete[i].score;                 }                 else                  {                     pfirst->womenscore = pfirst->womenscore + pfirst->athlete[i].score;                 }             }             pfirst->totalscore = pfirst->menscore + pfirst->womenscore;             pfirst = pfirst->next;         }     }         void output()     {         pfirst = head->next;         psecond = head->next;         while ( pfirst->next != NULL )          {             // clrscr();              printf("\n第%d号学校的结果成绩:",pfirst->serial);             printf("\n\n项目的数目\t学校的名字\t分数");             for (i=1;i<=ntsp;i++)              {                 for (j=1;j<=pfirst->count;j++)                  {                     if ( pfirst->athlete[j].item == i )                     {                                                                         printf("\n %d\t\t\t\t\t\t%s\n %d",i,pfirst->athlete[j].name,pfirst->athlete[j].score);break;                                             }                 }             }             printf("\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t按任意建 进入下一页");             getchar();             pfirst = pfirst->next;         }     //  clrscr();          printf("\n运动会结果:\n\n学校编号\t男运动员成绩\t女运动员成绩\t总分");         pfirst = head->next;         while ( pfirst->next != NULL )         {             printf("\n %d\t\t %d\t\t %d\t\t %d",pfirst->serial,pfirst->menscore,pfirst->womenscore,pfirst->totalscore);             pfirst = pfirst->next;         }         printf("\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t按任意建结束");         getchar();     }         void create()     {                 pfirst = (struct schoolstruct *)malloc(sizeof(struct schoolstruct));         pfirst->next = head->next ;         head->next = pfirst ;                 pfirst->count = 1;         pfirst->menscore = 0;         pfirst->womenscore = 0;         pfirst->totalscore = 0;     }     void Save()     {FILE *fp;     if((fp = fopen("school.dat","wb"))==NULL)     {printf("can't open school.dat\n");     fclose(fp);     return;     }     fwrite(pfirst,sizeof(SCH),10,fp);     fclose(fp);     printf("文件已经成功保存\n");     }         void main()     {         system("cls");         printf("\n\t\t\t 运动会分数统计\n");         printf("输入学校数目 (x>= 5):");         scanf("%d",&nsc);          printf("输入男选手的项目(x<=20):");         scanf("%d",&msp);          printf("输入女选手项目(<=20):");         scanf("%d",&wsp);          ntsp = msp + wsp;                  phead = (int *)calloc(ntsp,sizeof(int));         pafirst = phead;         pasecond = phead;         input();         calculate();          output();         Save();     }             

    标签: 源代码

    上传时间: 2016-12-28


  • AP2406技术手册

    The AP2406 is a 1.5Mhz constant frequency, slope compensated current mode PWM step-down converter. The device integrates a main switch and a synchronous rectifier for high efficiency without an external Schottky diode. It is ideal for powering portable equipment that runs from a single cell lithium-Ion (Li+) battery. The AP2406 can supply 600mA of load current from a 2.5V to 5.5V input voltage. The output voltage can be regulated as low as 0.6V. The AP2406 can also run at 100% duty cycle for low dropout operation, extending battery life in portable system. Idle mode operation at light loads provides very low output ripple voltage for noise sensitive applications. The AP2406 is offered in a low profile (1mm) 5-pin, thin SOT package, and is available in an adjustable version and fixed output voltage of 1.2V, 1.5V and 1.8V

    标签: 2406 AP 技术手册

    上传时间: 2017-02-23


  • 稳压电源5V转3.3VPCB原理图

    J1为Line input 5V,两个104电容为滤波电容,引脚分别接地,主要滤掉高频纹波,防止自激振荡;47UF和100UF为滤波电容,主要滤掉低频纹波;R1作限流作用以保护稳压二极管D2,当输入电压和输出负载电流发生变化时R1通过本身压降的变化,来调节稳压二极管D2的工作电流,从而起到稳压作作用。

    标签: VPCB 3.3 稳压电源 原理图

    上传时间: 2017-07-29


  • 基于频率插值的4.0kbps 语音编码器的性能和设计(英文)

    The 4.0 kbit/s speech codec described in this paper is based on a Frequency Domain Interpolative (FDI) coding technique, which belongs to the class of prototype waveform Interpolation (PWI) coding techniques. The codec also has an integrated voice activity detector (VAD) and a noise reduction capability. The input signal is subjected to LPC analysis and the prediction residual is separated into a slowly evolving waveform (SEW) and a rapidly evolving waveform (REW) components. The SEW magnitude component is quantized using a hierarchical predictive vector quantization approach. The REW magnitude is quantized using a gain and a sub-band based shape. SEW and REW phases are derived at the decoder using a phase model, based on a transmitted measure of voice periodicity. The spectral (LSP) parameters are quantized using a combination of scalar and vector quantizers. The 4.0 kbits/s coder has an algorithmic delay of 60 ms and an estimated floating point complexity of 21.5 MIPS. The performance of this coder has been evaluated using in-house MOS tests under various conditions such as background noise. channel errors, self-tandem. and DTX mode of operation, and has been shown to be statistically equivalent to ITU-T (3.729 8 kbps codec across all conditions tested.

    标签: frequency-domain interpolation performance Design kbit_s speech coder based and of

    上传时间: 2018-04-08


  • BP神经网络matlab源程序代码

    BP神经网络matlab源程序代码 %%  该代码为 BP 神经网络的预测代码 %  清空环境变量   clc  clear  %   %%  网络结构建立   % 读取数据   load data input output  input=data(;,1;2;3;4;5); output=data(;,5); %节点个数     %训练数据和预测数据   %选连样本输入输出数据归一化    %构建网络  net=newff(inputn,outputn,hiddennum);      %网络进化参数  %网络训练    % 预测数据归一化 

    标签: matlab BP神经网络 源程序 代码

    上传时间: 2018-04-10


  • 三相整流器LCL滤波器设计

    Design and Control of an LCL-filter-based three-phase active rectifier  早期的文章

    标签: LCL-filter-based three-phase rectifier control Design active and an of

    上传时间: 2018-05-19


  • 道理特分解法

    #include "iostream" using namespace std; class Matrix { private: double** A; //矩阵A double *b; //向量b public: int size; Matrix(int ); ~Matrix(); friend double* Dooli(Matrix& ); void Input(); void Disp(); }; Matrix::Matrix(int x) { size=x; //为向量b分配空间并初始化为0 b=new double [x]; for(int j=0;j<x;j++) b[j]=0; //为向量A分配空间并初始化为0 A=new double* [x]; for(int i=0;i<x;i++) A[i]=new double [x]; for(int m=0;m<x;m++) for(int n=0;n<x;n++) A[m][n]=0; } Matrix::~Matrix() { cout<<"正在析构中~~~~"<<endl; delete b; for(int i=0;i<size;i++) delete A[i]; delete A; } void Matrix::Disp() { for(int i=0;i<size;i++) { for(int j=0;j<size;j++) cout<<A[i][j]<<" "; cout<<endl; } } void Matrix::Input() { cout<<"请输入A:"<<endl; for(int i=0;i<size;i++) for(int j=0;j<size;j++){ cout<<"第"<<i+1<<"行"<<"第"<<j+1<<"列:"<<endl; cin>>A[i][j]; } cout<<"请输入b:"<<endl; for(int j=0;j<size;j++){ cout<<"第"<<j+1<<"个:"<<endl; cin>>b[j]; } } double* Dooli(Matrix& A) { double *Xn=new double [A.size]; Matrix L(A.size),U(A.size); //分别求得U,L的第一行与第一列 for(int i=0;i<A.size;i++) U.A[0][i]=A.A[0][i]; for(int j=1;j<A.size;j++) L.A[j][0]=A.A[j][0]/U.A[0][0]; //分别求得U,L的第r行,第r列 double temp1=0,temp2=0; for(int r=1;r<A.size;r++){ //U for(int i=r;i<A.size;i++){ for(int k=0;k<r-1;k++) temp1=temp1+L.A[r][k]*U.A[k][i]; U.A[r][i]=A.A[r][i]-temp1; } //L for(int i=r+1;i<A.size;i++){ for(int k=0;k<r-1;k++) temp2=temp2+L.A[i][k]*U.A[k][r]; L.A[i][r]=(A.A[i][r]-temp2)/U.A[r][r]; } } cout<<"计算U得:"<<endl; U.Disp(); cout<<"计算L的:"<<endl; L.Disp(); double *Y=new double [A.size]; Y[0]=A.b[0]; for(int i=1;i<A.size;i++ ){ double temp3=0; for(int k=0;k<i-1;k++) temp3=temp3+L.A[i][k]*Y[k]; Y[i]=A.b[i]-temp3; } Xn[A.size-1]=Y[A.size-1]/U.A[A.size-1][A.size-1]; for(int i=A.size-1;i>=0;i--){ double temp4=0; for(int k=i+1;k<A.size;k++) temp4=temp4+U.A[i][k]*Xn[k]; Xn[i]=(Y[i]-temp4)/U.A[i][i]; } return Xn; } int main() { Matrix B(4); B.Input(); double *X; X=Dooli(B); cout<<"~~~~解得:"<<endl; for(int i=0;i<B.size;i++) cout<<"X["<<i<<"]:"<<X[i]<<" "; cout<<endl<<"呵呵呵呵呵"; return 0; } 

    标签: 道理特分解法

    上传时间: 2018-05-20
