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  • 用C++编写的一个简单C语言词法分析器

    用C++编写的一个简单C语言词法分析器,把需要分析的内容保存在C:\input.txt,分 析完毕好保存在C:\output.txt

    标签: 编写 C语言 分析器

    上传时间: 2017-06-28


  • Objectives The purpose of this notebook is to give you a brief introduction to the DiscreteWav

    Objectives The purpose of this notebook is to give you a brief introduction to the DiscreteWavelets Toolbox and show you how to use it to load images. Some basic image manipulation is illustrated as well. You will also learn how to use measures and tools such as cumulative energy, entropy, PSNR, and Huffman coding. Help on the DiscreteWavelets Toolbox Help for the toolbox is available by clicking on Help and then Product Help (or press F1) and then clicking on the DiscreteWavelets Toolbox. Several demos and examples are available as well by clicking on the Demos tab on the Help menu. Image Basics The DiscreteWavelets Toolbox comes with 18 grayscale images and 9 color images for you to use. There are three functions available to tell you more about these images. The first function is called |ImageList|. This function can tell you the names and sizes of the digital images in the Toolbox.

    标签: introduction DiscreteWav Objectives notebook

    上传时间: 2017-06-30


  • This functions computes SARMA or multiplicative (p,q) x (P,Q) models for (p,q,P,Q) in (pvec x qv

    This functions computes SARMA or multiplicative (p,q) x (P,Q) models for (p,q,P,Q) in (pvec x qvec x Pvec x Qvec) it returns the best according to AIC where AIC has been modified to account for fixed parameters x = input data pvec = vector of p s set pvec=[0] for no AR qvec = vector of q s set qvec=0[] for no MA Pvec = vector of P s Qvec = vector of Q s T period for multiplicative model

    标签: multiplicative functions computes models

    上传时间: 2017-06-30


  • 编译原理课程设计中


    标签: 编译原理

    上传时间: 2017-07-05


  • 一个不带界面的计算器

    一个不带界面的计算器,用户只需要在文本文件input.txt中输入计算表达式,即可通过运行程序得到结果,输出在output.txt中; 支持加减乘除,取余数,乘方,括号等等; 如:5+4 = 输出9 5+4*4+9/3 = 输出24 (5+4)*4+9/3 = 输出39 (50+4)*(40 3)+288/(147-3) = 输出56 (50+4)^2*(40 3)+288/(147-3) = 输出2918

    标签: 计算器

    上传时间: 2013-12-18


  • Short description: GUI Ant-Miner is a tool for extracting classification rules from data. It is an u

    Short description: GUI Ant-Miner is a tool for extracting classification rules from data. It is an updated version of a data mining algorithm called Ant-Miner (Ant Colony-based Data Miner), which was proposed in 2002 by Parpinelli, Lopes and Freitas. GUI Ant-Miner differs from the original algorithm as follows: It has a friendly graphical user interface, makes possible the use of ant populations within the Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) concept, data input file is standardized with the well-known Weka system, and runs on virtually any operating system since it is written in Java.

    标签: classification description extracting Ant-Miner

    上传时间: 2013-12-18


  • SWFUpload是一个客户端文件上传工具

    SWFUpload是一个客户端文件上传工具,最初由Vinterwebb.se开发,它通过整合Flash与JavaScript技术为WEB开发者提供了一个具有丰富功能继而超越传统<input type="file" />标签的文件上传模式。 SWFUpload的主要特点 * 可以同时上传多个文件; * 类似AJAX的无刷新上传; * 可以显示上传进度; * 良好的浏览器兼容性; * 兼容其他JavaScript库 (例如:jQuery, Prototype等); * 支持Flash 8和Flash 9; SWFUpload不同于其他基于Flash构建的上传工具,它有着优雅的代码设计,开发者可以利用XHTML、CSS和JavaScript来随心所欲的定制它在浏览器下的外观;它还提供了一组简明的JavaScript事件,借助它们开发者可以方便的在文件上传过程中更新页面内容来营造各种动态效果。 在使用SWFUpload之前,请确认你具备一定的JavaScript和DOM知识。在实际开发中,大部分的错误都是由于错误的设置和低劣的Event Handlers处理程序所造成的。

    标签: SWFUpload 文件上传

    上传时间: 2013-12-30


  • This application note considers the design of frequency- selective filters, which modify the freque

    This application note considers the design of frequency- selective filters, which modify the frequency content and phase of input signals according to some specification. Two classes of frequency-selective digital filters are considered: infinite impulse response (IIR) and finite impulse response (FIR) filters. The design process consists of determining the coefficients of the IIR or FIR filters, which results in the desired magnitude and phase response being closely approximated.

    标签: application considers frequency the

    上传时间: 2013-12-07


  • This application note considers the design of frequency- selective filters, which modify the freque

    This application note considers the design of frequency- selective filters, which modify the frequency content and phase of input signals according to some specification. Two classes of frequency-selective digital filters are considered: infinite impulse response (IIR) and finite impulse response (FIR) filters. The design process consists of determining the coefficients of the IIR or FIR filters, which results in the desired magnitude and phase response being closely approximated.

    标签: application considers frequency the

    上传时间: 2014-01-04


  • KML 2.0介绍 KML全称是Keyhole Markup Language KML

    KML 2.0介绍 KML全称是Keyhole Markup Language KML,是一个基于XML语法和文件格式的文件,用来描述和保存地理信息如点、线、图片、折线并在Google Earth客户端之中显示 The core of the project is the KMLCreator.cs. This has three classes, KMLCoordinates, KMLPoint and KMLLine

    标签: KML Language Keyhole Markup

    上传时间: 2017-07-25
