graspForth is my humble attempt at a Forth-in-C that has the following goals: GCC ......... to supPort all 32-bit micros that GCC cross-compiles to. Relocatable . to be able to run in-place in either Flash or Ram. Fast ........ to be "not much" slower than an assembly based native Forth. Small ....... to fit-in approx 300 words in less than 25Kbytes on a 32-bit machine. Portable .... to achieve a 5 minute port to a new 32bit micro-processor, or micro-controller.
标签: graspForth Forth-in-C following attempt
上传时间: 2015-05-23
The program performs alpha seeding within LIBSVM Solvers. Please refer to: D. DeCoste and K. Wagstaff, "Alpha Seeding for supPort Vector Machines for the meaning of alpha seeding".
上传时间: 2013-12-14
Micro In-System Programmer Brief Installation Notes Enter the src directory. If uisp does not compile successfully, add switch -DNO_DIRECT_IO in the Makefile to remove supPort for direct I/O port access (that may be necessary on non-PC architectures). Parallel port access should still work if you have the Linux ppdev driver (patch for 2.2.17 is in the kernel directory, ppdev is standard in 2.4 kernels). Please lobby Alan Cox to include this tiny little driver in 2.2.x too :). To make it type: make and to install it: make install If you have any further doubts, please consult UISP s homepage:
标签: Installation Programmer In-System directory
上传时间: 2013-12-23
WebServices_WebSphere_Version_5 Objectives § Web Services Overview • What are Web Services? • Roles and Functions of Web Services § Web Services Runtime • Base supPort • IBM WebSphere UDDI Registry (Private UDDI) • Web Services Gateway (WSGW) § Problem Determination § Web Services Security § Technical Previews § Summary
标签: Services WebServices_WebSphere_Version Objectives Web
上传时间: 2015-06-15
动易2006sql全功能版 如果遇到MD5加密文件,而又不知道密码的, 请在数据库中换上这组加密的数据469e80d32c0559f8 密码就是admin888 此程序如需调试后方能使用,请您在百忙中抽出一点点时间,把调试好的程序打包发给我们。 为了您和大家都能使用到无错的代码,也为了程序的质量,请大家贡献自己的一份力量,为 创建更好的学习环境,让我们一起努力。 广告投放请与3E建站客服联系: QQ:486689 广告位置和价格请查看:全功能商业版,带齐了所有功能,注意将版本全部改为3,后台才可以打开所有模块:
上传时间: 2015-06-20
利用FaxModem通过串口或TAPI接口直接发送和接收传真 一套非常不错的传真库(稳定,高速),几乎支持所有的FaxModem,出自Symantec公司 Winfax 中国作者之手。 一 .Some of the standard features: 1.Comes with Class1, Class1.0, Class2 and Class 2.0 Fax Drivers 2.Class 1 ECM error correction . 3.supPorts CCITT T.30 Specifications . 4.TAPI supPort with sample code 5.Caller ID 6.Group 4 Faxing 7.Remote Fax Retrieval with password protection 二 .Function declare Reference: include\SmarFaxh.h
上传时间: 2013-12-23
人工智能中模糊逻辑算法 FuzzyLib 2.0 is a comprehensive C++ Fuzzy Logic library for constructing fuzzy logic systems with multi-controller supPort. It supPorts all commonly used shape functions and hedges, with full supPort for the various types of Aggregation, Correlation, Alphacut, Composition, Defuzzification methods. The latest version of the C++ Fuzzy Logic Class Library contains all the C++ source code and comes complete with a usage example for building a multi-controllers fuzzy logic model.
标签: comprehensive constructing FuzzyLib library
上传时间: 2013-12-17
A program to find frequent itemsets (also closed and maximal) with the eclat algorithm ,which carries out a depth first search on the subset lattice and determines the supPort of itemsets by intersecting transaction lists.
标签: algorithm frequent itemsets program
上传时间: 2013-12-27
我搜索了这个网站,见提供的CD player都是 c++,delphi源程序的;我就提供一个用win32汇编写的CD player。功能跟界面绝对不输于用上面软件编写的,具体功能如下: 1. CD loop. 2. Track loop. 3. Random track play. 4. Track sample. 5. Play list. 6. Track select. 7. Master volume control. 8. CD Speaker volume controls. 9. Multiple CD drive supPort.
上传时间: 2015-07-14
This file describes the Linux* Base Driver for the Intel(R) PRO/100 Family of Adapters. This driver supPorts 2.4.x and 2.6.x kernels. This driver includes supPort for Itanium(R)2-based systems.
标签: This describes the Adapters
上传时间: 2015-08-06