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  • Satellite Communications Systems

    The book is written for those concerned with the design and performance of satellite communications systems employed in fixed point-to-point, broadcasting, mobile, radio- navigation,data-relay,computercommunications,andrelatedsatellite-basedapplications.The recentrapidgrowthinsatellitecommunicationshascreatedaneedforaccurateinformationon both satellite communications systems engineering and the impact of atmospheric effects on satellite link design and system performance. This book addresses that need for the first time in a single comprehensive source.

    标签: Communications Satellite Systems

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • SC-FDMA+for+Mobile+Communications

    The single-carrier frequency division multiple access (SC-FDMA) system is a well-known system that has recently become a preferred choice for mobile uplink channels. This is attributed to its advantages such as the low peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) and the use of frequency domain equalizers. Low PAPR allows the system to relax the specifications of linearity in the power amplifier of the mobile terminal, which reduces cost and power consumption. 

    标签: Communications SC-FDMA Mobile for

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • UMTS+Performance+Measurement+A+Practical+Guide

    Having dealt with in-depth analysis of SS#7, GSM and GPRS networks I started to monitor UTRAN interfaces approximately four years ago. Monitoring interfaces means decoding the data captured on the links and analysing how the different data segments and messages are related to each other. In general I wanted to trace all messages belonging to a single call to prove if the network elements and protocol entities involved worked fine or if there had been failures or if any kind of suspicious events had influenced the normal call proceeding or the call’s quality of service. Cases showing normal network behaviour have been documented in Kreher and Ruedebusch (UMTS Signaling. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2005), which provides examples for technical experts investigating call flows and network procedures.

    标签: Performance Measurement Practical Guide UMTS

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Understanding_the_Basics_of_MIMO

    An acronym for Multiple-In, Multiple-Out, MIMO communication sends the same data as several signals simultaneously through multiple antennas, while still utilizing a single radio channel. This is a form of antenna diversity, which uses multiple antennas to improve signal quality and strength of an RF link. The data is split into multiple data streams at the transmission point and recombined on the receive side by another MIMO radio configured with the same number of antennas. The receiver is designed to take into account the slight time difference between receptions of each signal, any additional noise or interference, and even lost signals.

    标签: Understanding_the_Basics_of_MIMO

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Wireless Receiver Architectures and Design

    The advent of modern wireless devices, such as smart phones and MID 1 terminals, has revolutionized the way people think of personal connectivity. Such devices encompass multiple applications ranging from voice and video to high-speed data transfer via wireless networks. The voracious appetite of twenty-first century users for supporting more wireless applications on a single device is ever increasing. These devices employ multiple radios and modems that cover multiple frequency bands and multiple standards with a manifold of wireless applications often running simultaneously. 

    标签: Architectures Wireless Receiver Design and

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Wireless+Communication+Circuits+and+Systems

    This book is concerned with integrated circuits and systems for wireless and mobile communications. Circuit techniques and implementation of reconfigurable low-voltage and low-power single-chip CMOS transceivers for multiband and multi- mode universal wireless communications are the focus of the book. Applications encompass both long-range mobile cellular communications (GSM and UMTS) and short-range wireless LANs (IEEE802.11 and Bluetooth). Recent advances in research into transceiver architecture, RF frontend, analogue baseband, RF CAD and automatic testing are reported. 

    标签: Communication Wireless Circuits Systems and

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Wireless+Communications+Algorithmic+Techniques

    Digital radios have undergone an astonishing evolution in the last century. Born as a set of simple and power-hungry electrical and electromechanical devices for low data rate transmission of telegraph data in the Marconi age, they have transformed, thanks to substantial advances in electronic technology, into a set of small, reliable and sophisticated integrated devices supporting broadband multimedia communications. This, however, would not have been possible unless significant progress had been made in recent decades in the field of signal processing algorithms for baseband and passband signals. In fact, the core of any modern digital radio consists of a set of algorithms running over programmable electronic hardware. This book stems from the research and teaching activities of its co-authors in the field of algorithmic techniques for wireless communications. A huge body of technical literature has accumulated in the last four decades in this area, and an extensive coverage of all its important aspects in a single textbook is impossible. For this reason, we have selected a few important topics and, for ease of reading, organized them into two parts.

    标签: Communications Algorithmic Techniques Wireless

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Basic ESD Design Guidelines

    ESD is a crucial factor for integrated circuits and influences their quality and reliability. Today increasingly sensitive processes with deep sub micron structures are developed. The integration of more and more functionality on a single chip and saving of chip area is required. Integrated circuits become more susceptible to ESD/EOS related damages. However, the requirements on ESD robustness especially for automotive applications are increasing. ESD failures are very often the reason for redesigns. Much research has been conducted by semiconductor manufacturers on ESD robust design.

    标签: Guidelines Design Basic ESD

    上传时间: 2020-06-05


  • 92 Applied Predictive Modeling Techniques

    In writing this text my intention was to collect together in a single place practical predictive modeling techniques, ideas and strategies that have been proven to work but which are rarely taught in business schools, data science courses or contained in any other single text.

    标签: Predictive Techniques Modeling Applied 92

    上传时间: 2020-06-06


  • Deploying+Raspberry+Pi+in+the+Classroom

    The Raspberry Pi has become a computing phenomenon. This single-board miniature computer, first released in February 2012 by the Raspberry Pi Foundation, has grown into a series of nearly a dozen models that have sold a total of more than 10 million units in five years. Inexpensive to buy and to run, Raspberry Pi computers are great for enthusiasts, good for games, and fun for children. Raspberry Pi computers are also terrific in the classroom, enabling you to put on each desk an easily-manageable computer on which students can do everything from learning Internet use and essential office software skills, through grasping programming basics in an easy-to-learn format, to performing full-on programming in Python, Java, C, and other languages. Better yet, you can install all the software needed for those activities automatically alongside the operating system.

    标签: Deploying Classroom Raspberry the Pi in

    上传时间: 2020-06-06
