FPGA 设计不再像过去一样只是作为“胶连逻辑 (Gluelogic)”了,由于其复杂度逐年增加,通常还会集成极富挑战性的 IP 核,如 PCI Express® 核等。新型设计中的复杂模块即便不作任何改变也会在满足 QoR(qualityof-result) 要求方面遇到一些困难。保留这些模块的时序非常耗时,既让人感到头疼,往往还徒劳无功。设计保存流程可以帮助客户解决这一难题,既可以让他们满足设计中关键模块的时序要求,又能在今后重用实现的结果,从而显著减少时序收敛过程中的运行次数。
上传时间: 2013-11-04
为了在CDMA系统中更好地应用QDPSK数字调制方式,在分析四相相对移相(QDPSK)信号调制解调原理的基础上,设计了一种QDPSK调制解调电路,它包括串并转换、差分编码、四相载波产生和选相、相干解调、差分译码和并串转换电路。在MAX+PLUSⅡ软件平台上,进行了编译和波形仿真。综合后下载到复杂可编程逻辑器件EPM7128SLC84-15中,测试结果表明,调制电路能正确选相,解调电路输出数据与QDPSK调制输入数据完全一致,达到了预期的设计要求。 Abstract: In order to realize the better application of digital modulation mode QDPSK in the CDMA system, a sort of QDPSK modulation-demodulation circuit was designed based on the analysis of QDPSK signal modulation-demodulation principles. It included serial/parallel conversion circuit, differential encoding circuit, four-phase carrier wave produced and phase chosen circuit, coherent demodulation circuit, difference decoding circuit and parallel/serial conversion circuit. And it was compiled and simulated on the MAX+PLUSⅡ software platform,and downloaded into the CPLD of EPM7128SLC84-15.The test result shows that the modulation circuit can exactly choose the phase,and the output data of the demodulator circuit is the same as the input data of the QDPSK modulate. The circuit achieves the prospective requirement of the design.
上传时间: 2014-01-13
The main objective of this book is to present all the relevant informationrequired for RF and micro-wave power amplifier design includingwell-known and novel theoretical approaches and practical design techniquesas well as to suggest optimum design approaches effectively combininganalytical calculations and computer-aided design. This bookcan also be very useful for lecturing to promote the analytical way ofthinking with practical verification by making a bridge between theoryand practice of RF and microwave engineering. As it often happens, anew result is the well-forgotten old one. Therefore, the demonstrationof not only new results based on new technologies or circuit schematicsis given, but some sufficiently old ideas or approaches are also introduced,that could be very useful in modern practice or could contributeto appearance of new ideas or schematic techniques.
标签: Amplifier Microwave Design Power
上传时间: 2013-12-22
针对UHF读写器设计中,在符合EPC Gen2标准的情况下,对标签返回的高速数据进行正确解码以达到正确读取标签的要求,提出了一种新的在ARM平台下采用边沿捕获统计定时器数判断数据的方法,并对FM0编码进行解码。与传统的使用定时器定时采样高低电平的FM0解码方法相比,该解码方法可以减少定时器定时误差累积的影响;可以将捕获定时器数中断与数据判断解码相对分隔开,使得中断对解码影响很小,实现捕获与解码的同步。通过实验表明,这种方法提高了解码的效率,在160 Kb/s的接收速度下,读取一张标签的时间约为30次/s。 Abstract: Aiming at the requirement of receiving correctly decoded data from the tag under high-speed communication which complied with EPC Gen2 standard in the design of UHF interrogator, the article introduced a new technology for FM0 decoding which counted the timer counter to judge data by using the edge interval of signal capture based on the ARM7 platform. Compared with the traditional FM0 decoding method which used the timer timed to sample the high and low level, the method could reduce the accumulation of timing error and could relatively separate capture timer interrupt and the data judgment for decoding, so that the disruption effect on the decoding was small and realizd synchronization of capture and decoding. Testing result shows that the method improves the efficiency of decoding, at 160 Kb/s receiving speed, the time of the interrogator to read a tag is about 30 times/s.
上传时间: 2013-11-10
This book evolved over the past ten years from a set of lecture notes developed while teaching the undergraduate Algorithms course at Berkeley and U.C. San Diego. Our way of teaching this course evolved tremendously over these years in a number of directions, partly to address our students' background (undeveloped formal skills outside of programming), and partly to reect the maturing of the eld in general, as we have come to see it. The notes increasingly crystallized into a narrative, and we progressively structured the course to emphasize the story line implicit in the progression of the material. As a result, the topics were carefully selected and clustered. No attempt was made to be encyclopedic, and this freed us to include topics traditionally de-emphasized or omitted from most Algorithms books.
标签: Algorithms 算法
上传时间: 2013-11-11
This example shows how to update at regulate period the WWDG counter using theEarly Wakeup interrupt (EWI). The WWDG timeout is set to 262ms, refresh window set to 41h and the EWI isenabled. When the WWDG counter reaches 40h the EWI is generated and in the WWDGISR the counter is refreshed to prevent a WWDG reset and led connected to PC.07is toggled.The EXTI line9 is connected to PB.09 pin and configured to generate an interrupton falling edge.In the NVIC, EXTI line9 to 5 interrupt vector is enabled with priority equal to 0and the WWDG interrupt vector is enabled with priority equal to 1 (EXTI IT > WWDG IT). The EXTI Line9 will be used to simulate a software failure: once the EXTI line9event occurs (by pressing Key push-button on EVAL board) the correspondent interruptis served, in the ISR the led connected to PC.07 is turned off and the EXTI line9pending bit is not cleared. So the CPU will execute indefinitely EXTI line9 ISR andthe WWDG ISR will never be entered(WWDG counter not updated). As result, when theWWDG counter falls to 3Fh the WWDG reset occurs.If the EXTI line9 event don抰 occurs the WWDG counter is indefinitely refreshed inthe WWDG ISR which prevent from WWDG reset. If the WWDG reset is generated, after resuming from reset a led connected to PC.06is turned on. In this example the system is clocked by the HSE(8MHz).
上传时间: 2013-11-11
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//此程序为ADC转换程序,可以选择向ADC0BUSY写1或用定时器0,1,2,3作为ADC的启动信号。////------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//头文件定义//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//#include <c8051f330.h> #include <stdio.h> //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------// 定义16位特殊功能寄存器//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sfr16 ADC0 = 0xbd; sfr16 TMR0RL = 0xca; sfr16 TMR1RL = 0xca; sfr16 TMR2RL =0xca; sfr16 TMR3RL =0xca; sfr16 TMR0 = 0xCC; sfr16 TMR1 = 0xCC; sfr16 TMR2 = 0xcc; sfr16 TMR3 = 0xcc; //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------// 全局变量定义//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------char i;int result; //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------//定义常量//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------#define SYSCLK 49000000 #define SAMPLE_RATE 50000 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// 定义函数//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------void SYSCLK_Init (void);void PORT_Init (void);void Timer0_Init (int counts);void Timer1_Init (int counts);void Timer2_Init (int counts);void Timer3_Init (int counts);void ADC0_Init(void);void ADC0_ISR (void);void ADC0_CNVS_ADC0h(void);//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// 主程序//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void main (void) { int ADCresult[50] ; int k; PCA0MD &= ~0x40; // 禁止看门狗 SYSCLK_Init (); PORT_Init (); Timer0_Init (SYSCLK/SAMPLE_RATE); //Timer1_Init (SYSCLK/SAMPLE_RATE); //选择相应的启动方式 //Timer2_Init (SYSCLK/SAMPLE_RATE); //Timer3_Init (SYSCLK/SAMPLE_RATE); ADC0_Init(); EA=1; while(1) { //ADC0_CNVS_ADC0h(); k=ADC0; ADCresult[i]=result; //此处设断点,观察ADCresult的结果 } }
上传时间: 2013-10-13
Abstract: Using a wafer-level package (WLP) can reduce the overall size and cost of your solution.However when using a WLP IC, the printed circuit board (PCB) layout can become more complex and, ifnot carefully planned, result in an unreliable design. This article presents some PCB designconsiderations and general recommendations for choosing a 0.4mm- or 0.5mm-pitch WLP for yourapplication.
标签: Considerations Guidelines and Design
上传时间: 2013-11-09
This application note shows how to achieve low-cost, efficient serial configuration for Spartan FPGA designs. The approachrecommended here takes advantage of unused resources in a design, thereby reducing the cost, part count, memory size,and board space associated with the serial configuration circuitry. As a result, neither processor nor PROM needs to be fullydedicated to performing Spartan configuration.In particular, information is provided on how the idle processing time of an on-board controller can be used to loadconfiguration data from an off-board source. As a result, it is possible to upgrade a Spartan design in the field by sending thebitstream over a network.
上传时间: 2013-11-01
FPGA 设计不再像过去一样只是作为“胶连逻辑 (Gluelogic)”了,由于其复杂度逐年增加,通常还会集成极富挑战性的 IP 核,如 PCI Express® 核等。新型设计中的复杂模块即便不作任何改变也会在满足 QoR(qualityof-result) 要求方面遇到一些困难。保留这些模块的时序非常耗时,既让人感到头疼,往往还徒劳无功。设计保存流程可以帮助客户解决这一难题,既可以让他们满足设计中关键模块的时序要求,又能在今后重用实现的结果,从而显著减少时序收敛过程中的运行次数。
上传时间: 2013-11-20