计时器 Run mode: * - stop 0 - switch on backlight # - suspend/resume joystick - set next result 1-9 - set result for member with this number Inspect mode: *,#,0 - reset and start UP,LEFT - show previous result 1-9 - show result for member with this number
标签: backlight joystick suspend resume
上传时间: 2013-12-12
postfixComputer, Calculate the postfix expression, such as 45+,which means 4+5,and the result is 9. The program is very applied.
标签: postfixComputer expression Calculate the
上传时间: 2014-01-02
1. compile: mpicc cjacobi.c -o cjacobi -lm 2. run: mpirun -np 4 cjacobi 3. result: Input of file "dataIn.txt"
标签: cjacobi compile mpirun result
上传时间: 2016-08-24
compute the mimo channel capacity and plot the result.
标签: the capacity compute channel
上传时间: 2016-09-02
will let you know the result once they replied will let you know the result once they replied
上传时间: 2014-10-31
TI MSC121x This example uses floating point arithmetic to convert the A/D result.
标签: arithmetic floating example convert
上传时间: 2013-12-09
function [U,center,result,w,obj_fcn]= fenlei(data) [data_n,in_n] = size(data) m= 2 % Exponent for U max_iter = 100 % Max. iteration min_impro =1e-5 % Min. improvement c=3 [center, U, obj_fcn] = fcm(data, c) for i=1:max_iter if F(U)>0.98 break else w_new=eye(in_n,in_n) center1=sum(center)/c a=center1(1)./center1 deta=center-center1(ones(c,1),:) w=sqrt(sum(deta.^2)).*a for j=1:in_n w_new(j,j)=w(j) end data1=data*w_new [center, U, obj_fcn] = fcm(data1, c) center=center./w(ones(c,1),:) obj_fcn=obj_fcn/sum(w.^2) end end display(i) result=zeros(1,data_n) U_=max(U) for i=1:data_n for j=1:c if U(j,i)==U_(i) result(i)=j continue end end end
标签: data function Exponent obj_fcn
上传时间: 2013-12-18
H.264/AVC, the result of the collaboration between the ISO/IEC Moving Picture Experts Group and the ITU-T Video Coding Experts Group, is the latest standard for video coding. The goals of this standardization effort were enhanced compression efficiency, network friendly video representation for interactive (video telephony) and non-interactive applications (broadcast, streaming, storage, video on demand). H.264/AVC provides gains in compression efficiency of up to 50% over a wide range of bit rates and video resolutions compared to previous standards. Compared to previous standards, the decoder complexity is about four times that of MPEG-2 and two times that of MPEG-4 Visual Simple Profile. This paper provides an overview of the new tools, features and complexity of H.264/AVC.
标签: the collaboration between Experts
上传时间: 2013-12-30
Ring register[1 from 8] which seven speeds. The result is presented on 8 LEDs. After every cycle, speed grows. The process starts again after last 8 cycle.
标签: presented register result speeds
上传时间: 2017-03-24
VHDL driver of lift in building. result is presents on LED segments[decimal value].
标签: building presents segments decimal
上传时间: 2013-12-27