% 文件名:randlsbget.m % 程序员:余波 % 编写时间:2007.6.25 % 函数功能: 本函数将完成提取隐秘于上的秘密信息 % 输入格式举例:result=( scover.jpg ,56, secret.txt ,2001) % 参数说明: % output是信息隐藏后的图象 % len_total是秘密信息的长度 % goalfile是提取出的秘密信息文件 % key是随机间隔函数的密钥 % result是提取的信息 function result=randlsbget(output,len_total,goalfile,key) ste_cover=imread(output) ste_cover=double(ste_cover) % 判断嵌入信息量是否过大 [m,n]=size(ste_cover) frr=fopen(goalfile, a ) % p作为信息嵌入位计数器将信息序列写回文本文件 p=1 % 调用随机间隔函数选取像素点 [row,col]=randinterval(ste_cover,len_toal,key) for i=:len_toal if bitand(ste_cover(row(i),col(i)),1)==1 fwrite(frr,1, bit1 ) result(p,1) else fwrite(frr,0, bit1 ) result(p,1)=0 end if p==len_total break end p=p+1 end fclose(frr)
标签: randlsbget result scover 2007
上传时间: 2015-11-10
上传时间: 2015-11-30
As a result of additional product testing and evaluation, some specifications published in the S3C2440A User s Manual, Revision 0.01, have been changed. These changes are described in detail in the Revision Descriptions section below.
标签: specifications additional evaluation published
上传时间: 2015-11-30
VB student result management system management system, brings the entire wrap the paper, has the very high reference value to the graduation project.
标签: management system the student
上传时间: 2015-12-03
generation of rectangular shape signal. for a rectangular shape of width 1, sinc result also included
标签: rectangular shape generation include
上传时间: 2015-12-11
This forced me to write about more interesting and comprehensive sorting methods, the result of which is this one. Through this writing I have tried to give in-depth coverage of the entire sort algorithm I hope Peter wouldn t mind reading it. This article assumes that you really don t know about the iterations, looping, and so forth hence, it explains these in detail first.
标签: comprehensive interesting methods sorting
上传时间: 2016-01-10
test result form open view of internet
上传时间: 2016-02-15
The result is an IS-95CDMA forward link software simulation package ,which mimics real-time data communication from a basestation to a cellular unit. The package simulates an IS-95CDMA forward link cellular system consisting of 3 major components:Transmitter, Communication Channel and Receiver.
标签: simulation real-time software forward
上传时间: 2016-03-14
// This program measures the voltage on an external ADC input and prints the // result to a terminal window via the UART. // // The system is clocked using the internal 24.5MHz oscillator. // results are printed to the UART from a loop with the rate set by a delay // based on Timer 2. This loop periodically reads the ADC value from a global // variable, result.
标签: the measures external program
上传时间: 2013-12-27
This will sample all 8 A/D-channels. The result will be send out via UART1 and can be seen within any terminal-program (9600 Baud). With each pressed key the next channel will be converted. No interrupts are used.
标签: will D-channels sample result
上传时间: 2016-04-23