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  • 个完整的代码

    个完整的代码,虽然功能没有专业的软件强大,但是也算是比较好的软件。-a complete ftp client code, although the function of the professional powerful client software, but is relatively good ftp client

    标签: 代码

    上传时间: 2014-01-13


  • 个完整的代码

    个完整的代码,虽然功能没有专业的软件强大,但是也算是比较好的软件。-a complete ftp client code, although the function of the professional powerful client software, but is relatively good ftp client

    标签: 代码

    上传时间: 2013-12-17


  • 个完整的代码

    个完整的代码,虽然功能没有专业的软件强大,但是也算是比较好的软件。-a complete ftp client code, although the function of the professional powerful client software, but is relatively good ftp client

    标签: 代码

    上传时间: 2016-01-27


  • 图像处理

    图像处理,利用bilt 函数 Description: This example shows how to edit (cut,paste,copy) a selection of a bitmap using BitBlt function just like Microsoft Photo Editor does. It s really EASY! Take a look to the sample if you don t believe me and don t forget to VOTE FOR ME! Note: comments are in italian...i hadn t enough time to translate them all. Sorry..(VOTE!)

    标签: 图像处理

    上传时间: 2013-12-18


  • Returns weighted percentiles of a sample given the weight vector w % The idea is to give more empha

    Returns weighted percentiles of a sample given the weight vector w % The idea is to give more emphasis in some examples of data as compared to % others by giving more weight. For example, we could give lower weights to % the outliers. % The motivation to write this function is to compute percentiles for Monte % Carlos simulations where some simulations are very bad (in terms of goodness % of fit between simulated and actual value) than the others and to give % the lower weights based on some goodness of fit criteria.

    标签: percentiles weighted Returns sample

    上传时间: 2016-01-28


  • 这是我参考做的模型其中有三个文件:一个是初始化文件

    这是我参考做的模型其中有三个文件:一个是初始化文件,一个是s-function 的电机模型(静止两相坐标系),还有一个仿真图

    标签: 模型 初始化

    上传时间: 2014-01-20


  • 三分钟学会编程

    三分钟学会编程,易学,易懂,易用,易写,易交流等等,这些都是易语言的特点。 可是最近我在网上通过Q.......

    标签: 编程

    上传时间: 2014-06-06


  • 使用VC++开发的很棒的上网拨号工具的程序的源码,可以选择PING,UDP,TCP/IP等等方式,功能比较全面.Using Visual C + + development of the great

    使用VC++开发的很棒的上网拨号工具的程序的源码,可以选择PING,UDP,TCP/IP等等方式,功能比较全面.Using Visual C + + development of the great tools of the Internet dial-up program source code, can choose PING, UDP, TCP / IP, etc., function more comprehensive.

    标签: development Visual Using great

    上传时间: 2016-02-06


  • The algorm of viterbi. You talk to your friend three days in a row and discover that on the first da

    The algorm of viterbi. You talk to your friend three days in a row and discover that on the first day he went for a walk, on the second day he went shopping, and on the third day he cleaned his apartment. You have two questions: What is the overall probability of this sequence of observations? And what is the most likely sequence of rainy/sunny days that would explain these observations? The first question is answered by the forward algorithm the second question is answered by the Viterbi algorithm. These two algorithms are structurally so similar (in fact, they are both instances of the same abstract algorithm) that they can be implemented in a single function:

    标签: discover viterbi algorm friend

    上传时间: 2016-02-16


  • Matlab小问题 问: Matlab仿真中怎样编辑Scope中的图象??? 答: 实现的方法有以下的几种: 1)PrintScreen

    Matlab小问题 问: Matlab仿真中怎样编辑Scope中的图象??? 答: 实现的方法有以下的几种: 1)PrintScreen,然后粘贴到Windows位图编辑器,选择图像点击右键,选择“反色”即可; 2)在Scope中,它的参数设置的第二页,有一个Save Data to Workplace,将它选中,然后在下面的方框 中指定变量名,然后用plot命令画出; 3)直接在模型上再加一个,to Workplace模块,也用plot画出; 4) 等scope显示出来图像以后,在matlab上运行 set(0, ShowHiddenHandles , On ) set(gcf, menubar , figure ) 这时候你会发现scope的工具栏的上面多了一行,点击insert-axes,鼠标会变成十字形状,然后再图像的任意一处双击左键出现一个对话框PropertyEditor,选中style在窗口的右便会出现color,这时你就可以任意修改背景颜色了。 问: 怎样进行S-function的编程和使用??? 答: S-function也就是System-function的缩写。说得简单,S-function就是用MATLAB所提供的模型不能完全满足用户,而提供给用户自己编写程序来满足自己要求模型的接口。要了

    标签: Matlab PrintScreen Scope 仿真

    上传时间: 2013-12-15
