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  • Summary: Newton-Raphson method for all real roots of the polynomial. MATLAB Release: R11 Descrip

    Summary: Newton-Raphson method for all real roots of the polynomial. MATLAB Release: R11 Description: This M-file calculates all the real roots of the given polynomial. It calls syn_division, a synthetic division function, and derivate, differentiation function.

    标签: Newton-Raphson polynomial Summary Descrip

    上传时间: 2013-12-24


  • 运行程序

    运行程序,显示主菜单,要求做出选择: 输入 1 ,转到乐曲选择菜单,输入要播放的乐曲的序号,若输入正确(如 1 ),则要求输入播放次数,然后按输入的播放次数播放所选乐曲,输入非法或乐曲播放完后返回乐曲选择菜单。 输入 2 或者 3 ,程序提示“该部分功能未完成,按任意键返回”,按一下键盘返回主菜单。 输入 4 或 q 或 Q ,程序提示是否退出,键入 y ,程序退出,键入其它值则返回主菜单。

    标签: 运行程序

    上传时间: 2016-03-26


  • 最优化算法


    标签: 优化算法

    上传时间: 2013-11-26


  • 设计要求同过扬声器能完整演奏一首乐曲


    标签: 扬声器

    上传时间: 2016-03-28


  • upsd_flash.c These functions are provided to help you develop your initial code. They are optim

    upsd_flash.c These functions are provided to help you develop your initial code. They are optimized for speed rather that size. As a result, you will see very few nested function calls. If speed is not critical, you can use function calls for common tasks (like dat polling after writing a byte to Flash) The penalty is the extra processor time to make the nested calls.

    标签: upsd_flash functions are provided

    上传时间: 2013-12-23


  • A* sudo sudo/* B* adduser script adduser C* rmuser script rmuser E* tout tout/*

    A* sudo sudo/* B* adduser script adduser C* rmuser script rmuser E* tout tout/* F* dumdum dumdum G* lostfile lostfile H* Mkfl.localsys Makefile.localsys I* spacegripe spacegripe J* sendmail.cf sendmail.cf N* remote remote.c O* distributed conrol distrib/* P* hosts and name server makerevhosts Q* xargs xargs/*

    标签: adduser script rmuser sudo

    上传时间: 2016-03-29


  • 该源码只能在DOS环境下运行


    标签: DOS 源码 环境 运行

    上传时间: 2013-12-06


  • File name: main.c ** Last modified Date: 2006-09-26 ** Last Version: 1.0 ** Descriptions: The

    File name: main.c ** Last modified Date: 2006-09-26 ** Last Version: 1.0 ** Descriptions: The main() function example template ** **------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** Created by: ** Created date: 2006-09-16 ** Version: 1.0 ** Descriptions: The original version ** **------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** Modified by: Driver IC:ili9320 18BIT ** Modified date: vcs320240-2006-0 ** Version: ** Descriptions:

    标签: Last Descriptions modified Version

    上传时间: 2016-04-01


  • pav 反病毒源码 /*************************************************************************** * * * Fi

    pav 反病毒源码 /*************************************************************************** * * * File: ANTI-VIRUS * * Function: This program demostrating file anti-virus managment * * * * Author: Long Yun Liang * * First edit: 1995,3,10 * * Last edit: 1996,11,5 All Rights Reserved * * * * * ***************************************************************************/

    标签: pav Fi 反病毒 源码

    上传时间: 2014-01-14


  • 亲手所编



    上传时间: 2016-04-06
