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  • Expert Choice represents a significant contribution to the decision making process 工t assists a deci

    Expert Choice represents a significant contribution to the decision making process 工t assists a decision maker in solving complex problems involving many criteria and several courses of action . An Expert Choice solution to a problem reflects the expertise of the decision maker , not the computer . Behavioral scientists have spent many years studying the human mind and how it makes decisions . They have found that humans are influenced by their previous experiences and this causes them to have biases . Basic instincts , preferences and environmental factors also play key roles in how we analyze data and make decisions . There 15 way to remove these factors from human decision making , nor would we necessarily want to , but as the problems of our world become more and more complex , it 15 necessary for us to employ a framework to help make more logical and less biased decisions while still taking our feelings and intuition into consideration .

    标签: contribution significant represents decision

    上传时间: 2015-06-02


  • Writing an interactive Java program with a graphical user interface (GUI) running on the Java phone

    Writing an interactive Java program with a graphical user interface (GUI) running on the Java phone emulator bundled with J2ME Wireless Toolkit 2.2 or Sun Java Wireless Toolkit 2.3 Beta Release. The Jave program will provide a tic-tac-toe board for two players to play a typical tic-tac-toe game on a Java mobile phone.

    标签: Java interactive graphical interface

    上传时间: 2014-01-22


  • Writing an interactive Java program with a graphical user interface (GUI) running on the Java phone

    Writing an interactive Java program with a graphical user interface (GUI) running on the Java phone emulator bundled with J2ME Wireless Toolkit 2.2 or Sun Java Wireless Toolkit 2.3 Beta Release. The Jave program will provide a Gobang board for two players to play a typical Gobang game on a Java mobile phone.

    标签: Java interactive graphical interface

    上传时间: 2015-06-05


  • 我搜索了这个网站

    我搜索了这个网站,见提供的CD player都是 c++,delphi源程序的;我就提供一个用win32汇编写的CD player。功能跟界面绝对不输于用上面软件编写的,具体功能如下: 1. CD loop. 2. Track loop. 3. Random track play. 4. Track sample. 5. play list. 6. Track select. 7. Master volume control. 8. CD Speaker volume controls. 9. Multiple CD drive support.

    标签: 搜索 网站

    上传时间: 2015-07-14


  • 一.“ZHG_C”(ZHG自定义C函数包)中为ZHG本人创作的自定义C函数集

    一.“ZHG_C”(ZHG自定义C函数包)中为ZHG本人创作的自定义C函数集,现共包含8个C文件,分别是: BMP16.C——DOS图形模式下显示16色位图的函数。 BMP24.C——DOS图形模式下显示24位位图的函数。 BMP256.C——DOS图形模式下显示256色位图的函数。 BOX.C——DOS字符模式下画矩形框(单、双)。 HZK.C——DOS图形模式下显示汉字或英文(16×16、24×24、12×12、ASC8×16)。INFORMATION.C——DOS字符模式下以统一格式显示作者信息。 MOUSE.C——DOS图形模式下使用鼠标所需的一系列函数。 play.C——C语言中用键盘播放音乐的函数。 二.它们所包含的函数的作用及用法分别在相应的文件中有说明,在C/C++程序中直接调用这些函数,可以极大地提高编程效率,事半功倍。 三.该函数包将会随着本人学习的发展而继续改进、补充以及增加新的实用的文件。 ----Author: zhg 2006.12 E-mail: wudazhg@163.com All Rights Reserved

    标签: ZHG ZHG_C 自定义 函数

    上传时间: 2015-08-14


  • 曲谱存贮格式 unsigned char code MusicName{音高

    曲谱存贮格式 unsigned char code MusicName{音高,音长,音高,音长...., 0,0} 末尾:0,0 表示结束(Important) 音高由三位数字组成: 个位是表示 1~7 这七个音符 十位是表示音符所在的音区:1-低音,2-中音,3-高音 百位表示这个音符是否要升半音: 0-不升,1-升半音。 音长最多由三位数字组成: 个位表示音符的时值,其对应关系是: |数值(n): |0 |1 |2 |3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |几分音符: |1 |2 |4 |8 |16 |32 |64 音符=2^n 十位表示音符的演奏效果(0-2): 0-普通,1-连音,2-顿音 百位是符点位: 0-无符点,1-有符点 调用演奏子程序的格式 play(乐曲名,调号,升降八度,演奏速度) |乐曲名 : 要播放的乐曲指针,结尾以(0,0)结束 |调号(0-11) : 是指乐曲升多少个半音演奏 |升降八度(1-3) : 1:降八度, 2:不升不降, 3:升八度 |演奏速度(1-12000): 值越大速度越快

    标签: MusicName unsigned char code

    上传时间: 2013-12-15


  • java游戏编程导学系列三 使用说明 一个网络俄罗斯方块的游戏

    java游戏编程导学系列三 使用说明 一个网络俄罗斯方块的游戏,玩家可以在网络的任何地方互相对战。 注意:运行这个应用程序,需要安装JRE(Java Runtime environment,java运行 环境) 本章的资源文件包括: play.bat 读者可以直接运行这个批处理文件来运行“网络俄罗斯方块”(请 注意在同一目录下是否存在matrix.jar文件) matrix.jar 打包的“网络俄罗斯方块”游戏,它把所有网络俄罗斯方块游戏 的类和资源都集中到了一起,运行时只要存在它就可以了。我们可以在控制 台下通过命令行“java -jar matrix.jar”来运行,也可以直接运行play.bat 文件进入游戏。 \matrix JBuilder的project文件 所有网络俄罗斯方块游戏的源码和资源都 在这个目录下面。读者可以用JBuilder来打开matrix.jpx文件。 \JavaDoc示例 一个关于javadoc命令使用的例子。 a.java 示例代码 \doc 是由示例程序生成的文档

    标签: java 游戏编程 使用说明 俄罗斯方块

    上传时间: 2013-12-01


  • 一个人工智能的国际象棋游戏

    一个人工智能的国际象棋游戏,用VC写的,完全采用的win32 API,而没有用MFC。英文介绍为:The Genius is a chess engine that uses AI techniques to play against humans。

    标签: 人工智能 国际

    上传时间: 2014-01-06


  • In the process of copper flash smelting, lining temperature of reaction shaft and its inner wall slu

    In the process of copper flash smelting, lining temperature of reaction shaft and its inner wall sluggish play a very important role in lining life. Up to now, however

    标签: temperature smelting reaction process

    上传时间: 2015-10-03


  • madCollection full source This is not your every day VCL component collection. You won t se

    madCollection full source This is not your every day VCL component collection. You won t see many new colored icons in the component palette. My packages don t offer many visual components to play with. Sorry, if you expected that! My packages are about low-level stuff for the most part, with as easy handling as possible. To find the hidden treasures, you will have to look at the documentation (which you re reading just in the moment). Later I plan on writing some nice demos, but for now the documentation must be enough to get you started.

    标签: madCollection collection component source

    上传时间: 2014-01-18
