design LP,HP,B S digital Butterworth and Chebyshev filter. All array has been specified internally,so user only need to input f1,f2,f3,f4,fs(in hz), alpha1,alpha2(in db) and iband (to specify the type of to design). This program output hk(z)=bk(z)/ak(z),k=1,2,..., ksection and the freq.
标签: Butterworth internally Chebyshev specified
上传时间: 2015-11-08
About: hamsterdb is a database engine written in ANSI C. It supports a B+Tree index structure, uses memory mapped I/O (if available), supports cursors, and can create in-memory databases. Release focus: Major feature enhancements Changes: This release comes with many changes and new features. It can manage multiple databases in one file. A new flag (HAM_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE) places an exclusive lock on the file. hamsterdb was ported to Windows CE, and the Solution file for Visual Studio 2005 now supports builds for x64. Several minor bugs were fixed, performance was improved, and small API changes occurred. Pre-built libraries for Windows (32-bit and 64-bit) are available for download. Author: cruppstahl
标签: C. hamsterdb structure database
上传时间: 2013-12-11
Make and answer phone calls Detect tone and pulse digit from the phone line Capture Caller ID Support blind transfer, single-step transfer/conference, consultation transfer/conference, hold, unhold. Control of the local phone handset, microphone and speaker of the modem Send and receive faxes Play and record on the phone line or sound card Play music in background mode Silence detection VU Meter Wave sound editor that allows your end-users to edit their own sound files. Voice recognition and voice synthesis. Full control over the serial port device ZModem file transfer utility File compression and encryption utility
上传时间: 2013-11-30
First of all, the Applet-phone is a SIP User-Agent with audio and text messaging capabilities. But i s also embedded in an applet where you can use it as usual if your firewall allow you to use the UDP transport. If not, you can use TCP to carry your voice in a voice messaging fashion. Your voice is recorded and encoded locally then sent as a message, decoded and played back by your peer. Voice messaging allow you to go through any firewall, so that you can continue to chat and talk with your friends from an applet !
标签: Applet-phone capabilities User-Agent messaging
上传时间: 2014-01-11
Floyd-Warshall算法描述 1)适用范围: a)APSP(All Pairs Shortest Paths) b)稠密图效果最佳 c)边权可正可负 2)算法描述: a)初始化:dis[u,v]=w[u,v] b)For k:=1 to n For i:=1 to n For j:=1 to n If dis[i,j]>dis[i,k]+dis[k,j] Then Dis[I,j]:=dis[I,k]+dis[k,j] c)算法结束:dis即为所有点对的最短路径矩阵 3)算法小结:此算法简单有效,由于三重循环结构紧凑,对于稠密图,效率要高于执行|V|次Dijkstra算法。时间复杂度O(n^3)。 考虑下列变形:如(I,j)∈E则dis[I,j]初始为1,else初始为0,这样的Floyd算法最后的最短路径矩阵即成为一个判断I,j是否有通路的矩阵。更简单的,我们可以把dis设成boolean类型,则每次可以用“dis[I,j]:=dis[I,j]or(dis[I,k]and dis[k,j])”来代替算法描述中的蓝色部分,可以更直观地得到I,j的连通情况。
标签: Floyd-Warshall Shortest Pairs Paths
上传时间: 2013-12-01
Implement a phone book system for employees of a company. Your program will output the following menu (1) Enter an employee and a phone pair to the system (2) Lookup an employee s phone number (3) Find out who is/are the person(s) of a given number (4) How many people are currently in the system (5) Delete an employee from the system (6) Output all employees name‐phone pair (7) How many phone numbers total in the current system (8) Quit When
标签: Implement employees following company
上传时间: 2013-12-17
basic.c */ /**//* Project:NeuroBasic, basic package*//**/ /* Survey:This is a simple Basic b-code compiler which*/ /*can be used as a comfortable command shell for */ /* any program. The actual compiler is found in */ /*compiler.c.*/ /*The functions m_fctptr() and user_server()*/ /*build an interface to an
标签: basic NeuroBasic Project package
上传时间: 2017-02-15
该程序用以查找任意两个整数之间的所有素数。 Prime number finder can find all primes between a and b and will write the results to the file PRIMES.TXT
上传时间: 2014-01-14
A few drivers for the Motorola C380 s celluar phone hardware with a simple test application. It s configured to build a binary that is to be uploaded at 0x03fd0000 and run at 0x03fd0010
标签: application Motorola hardware drivers
上传时间: 2017-05-01
The i-mode service by NTT DoCoMo is a mobile phone service in Japan that provides its customers with both voice and comprehensive data services. With an i-mode phone, users can exchange i-mode e-mail and obtain information from i-mode menu sites and i-mode compatible Internet sites. The i-mode phone contains a browser that displays i-mode compatible HTML web pages. Beginning with the 505i phones, you can view Macromedia Flash Lite movies from the i-mode browser. You can also use the phones’ My Picture and Standby Screen applications to view Flash Lite movies. Although a number of manufacturers produce 505i phones, all of them support the same Flash Lite functionality.
标签: service customers provides DoCoMo
上传时间: 2014-10-25