CCeFileFind - File finder class for Windows CE
标签: CCeFileFind Windows finder class
上传时间: 2013-12-19
Polynomial Root finder is a reliable and fast C program (+ Matlab gateway) for finding all roots of a complex polynomial.
标签: Polynomial reliable gateway finding
上传时间: 2015-04-03
path finder cool stuff, check it out
上传时间: 2015-07-25
A .NET Path finder Library Path finder Library is a .NET library that currently contains one type called SimplePathfinder. SimplePathfinder is a very simple and basic implementation of the A* path finding algorithm. It is extremely easy to use and integrate in your applications. It works very well and I hope you enjoy using it. 这是一个用C#实现的路径搜索算法,实现的了简单的A*算法!
上传时间: 2013-12-14
A* path planning (path finder) algorithm. 可以嵌入到网页中,程序揭示了算法的本质组成:开放列表和闭合列表
标签: path algorithm planning finder
上传时间: 2014-01-07
该程序用以查找任意两个整数之间的所有素数。 Prime number finder can find all primes between a and b and will write the results to the file PRIMES.TXT
上传时间: 2014-01-14
PHP-MYSQL FAST finder Just follow the instructions given in the text file and you are done. ENJOY
标签: instructions PHP-MYSQL the finder
上传时间: 2014-08-21
ultra sonic range finder data
上传时间: 2017-08-18
·关键词:关键字: 超声波发生器,超声波换能器,测距 英文关键词:Key words: Ultrasonic generator ; Ultrasonic wave transducer ;Range finder 简 介: 摘要: 由于超声波指向性强,能量消耗缓慢,在介质中传播的距离较远,因而超声波经常用于距离的测量,如测距仪和物位测量仪
上传时间: 2013-06-14
• Symbian OS basics, Memory Management, Descriptors, Application Structure, Client-Server, Active Object, Application UI Viewer, Screen Saver, File Handling, Simple 2D,3D games, Simple Banner, Scalable UI, Location finder GPS, HTTP client API, End-End Socket HTTP API,DBMS, Messaging Application.
标签: Client-Server Descriptors Application Management
上传时间: 2013-12-01