This book was written by Michael Margolis with Nick Weldin to help you explore the amazing things you can do with Arduino. Arduino is a family of microcontrollers (tiny computers) and a software creation envi- ronment that makes it easy for you to create programs (called sketches) that can interact with the physical world. Things you make with Arduino can sense and respond to touch, sound, pOSition, heat, and light. This type of technology, often referred to as physical computing, is used in all kinds of things, from the iPhone to automobile elec- tronics systems. Arduino makes it possible for anyone—even people with no program- ming or electronics experience—to use this rich and complex technology.
上传时间: 2020-06-09
This reference design describes the design of a 3-phase AC induction vector control drive with pOSition encoder coupled to the motor shaft. It is based on Motorola’s DSP56F805 dedicated motor control device. AC induction motors, which contain a cage, are very popular in variable speed drives. They are simple, rugged, inexpensive and available at all power ratings. Progress in the field of power electronics and microelectronics enables the application of induction motors for high-performance drives, where traditionally only DC motors were applied. Thanks to sophisticated control methods, AC induction drives offer the same control capabilities as high performance four-quadrant DC drives.
标签: Reference Designer Manual Phase DRM 023 AC
上传时间: 2020-06-10
A kinematically redundant manipulator is a serial robotic arm that has more independently driven joints than are necessary to define the desired pose (pOSition and orientation) of its end-effector. With this definition, any planar manipulator (a manipulator whose end-effector motion is restrained in a plane) with more than three joints is a redundant manipulator. Also, a manipulator whose end-effector can accept aspatialposeisaredundant manipulator ifithas morethan sixindependently driven joints. For example, the manipulator shown in Fig. 1.1 has two 7-DOF arms mounted on a torso with three degrees of freedom (DOFs). This provides 10 DOFs for each arm. Since the end-effector of each arm can have a spatial motion with six DOFs, the arms are redundant.
标签: Autonomous Modeling Planning Robots Path
上传时间: 2020-06-10
Visual Assembly是一个绿色免费的汇编语言编译器,该软件提供了编辑、编译、运行、调试汇编语言程序的集成环境。目前支持MASM、TASM、MCS51三种编译器。 汇编语言编译器Visual Assembly目录说明 bin目录里为本软件 files目录为汇编语言写的用于测试的程序 source目录为本软件的源代码 masm为MASM类型的编译器,其中:masm.exe为编译器,link.exe为连接器
标签: 汇编
上传时间: 2020-11-11
This design uses Common-Emitter Amplifier (Class A) with 2N3904 Bipolar Junction Transistor. Use “Voltage Divider Biasing” to reduce the effects of varying β (= ic / ib) (by holding the Base voltage constant) Base Voltage (Vb) = Vcc * [R2 / (R1 + R2)] Use Coupling Capacitors to separate the AC signals from the DC biasing voltage (which only pass AC signals and block any DC component). Use Bypass Capacitor to maintain the Q-point stability. To determine the value of each component, first set Q-point close to the center pOSition of the load line. (RL is the resistance of the speaker.)
上传时间: 2020-11-27
选择文件 X 双色球彩票过滤器 绿色免费版
上传时间: 2020-11-27
选择文件 X 双色球彩票管理系统(LotterySystem)
标签: LotterySystem 双色 管理系统
上传时间: 2020-11-27
如果 PCB 用排线连接,控制排线对应的插头插座必须成直线,不交叉、不扭曲。 连续的 40PIN 排针、排插必须隔开 2mm 以上。 考虑信号流向,合理安排布局,使信号流向尽可能保持一致。 输入、输出元件尽量远离。 电压的元器件应尽量放在调试时手不易触及的地方。 驱动芯片应靠近连接器。 有高频连线的元件尽可能靠近,以减少高频信号的分布参数和电磁干扰。 对于同一功能或模组电路,分立元件靠近芯片放置。 连接器根据实际情况必须尽量靠边放置。 开关电源尽量靠近输入电源座。 BGA 等封装的元器件不应放于 PCB 板正中间等易变形区 BGA 等阵列器件不能放在底面, PLCC 、 QFP 等器件不宜放在底层。 多个电感近距离放置时应相互垂直以消除互感。 元件的放置尽量做到模块化并连线最短。 在保证电气性能的前提下,尽量按照均匀分布、重心平衡、版面美观的标准优化布局。 按电路模块进行布局,实现同一功能的相关电路称为一个模块,电路模块中的元件应采用就近集 中原则,同时数字电路和模拟电路分开; 定位孔、标准孔等非安装孔周围 1.27mm 内不得贴装元、器件,螺钉等安装孔周围 紧固件安装孔、椭圆孔及板中其它方孔外侧距板边的尺寸大于 3mm ; 发热元件不能紧邻导线和热敏元件;高热器件要均衡分布;
上传时间: 2021-06-25
ets gre 数学考试讲义, Mathematical Conventions for the Quantutative Reasoning Measure of the GRE revised General Test for the Quantitative Reasoning Measure of the GRE® revised General Test
标签: gre
上传时间: 2021-09-07
mkbus 一、安装原版程序安装文件; 二、安装 HASPEmulPE-XP_2_33_a002W .EXE 三、运行 KEYGEN.EXE 四、导入密狗注册表文件和上步生成的注册表文件 haspemul.reg 五、运行第 2 步安装的 HASP Emulator PE V2.33 六、启动 HASP Emulator PE V2.33 后点击左边第一个按钮“HASP EMUL" 七、你的程序就可以运行了。 展开
上传时间: 2021-11-11