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  • The main file in this list of programs is "vblast.m". Type "help vblast" on the command line for det

    The main file in this list of programs is "vblast.m". Type "help vblast" on the command line for details.Study the coding by stepping through the program. These programs require around 5000 packets for reasonable plotting accuracy.This has been implemented for a 2x2 system. The reader can program other variations. The program has been tested on MATLAB version 6.0 and above with signal processing toolbox and communication toolbox options.

    标签: vblast programs command main

    上传时间: 2016-08-24


  • This directory includes matlab interface of the curvelet transform using usfft. Basic functions

    This directory includes matlab interface of the curvelet transform using usfft. Basic functions fdct_usfft.m -- forward curvelet transform afdct_usfft.m -- adjoint curvelet transform ifdct_usfft.m -- inverse curvelet transform fdct_usfft_param.m -- returns the location of each curvelet in phase-space Useful tools fdct_usfft_dispcoef.m -- returns a matrix contains all curvelet coefficients fdct_usfft_pos2idx.m -- for fixed scale and fixed direction, returns the curvelet which is closest to a certain point on the image Demos fdct_usfft_demo_basic.m -- display the shape of a curvelet fdct_usfft_demo_recon.m -- partial reconstruction using curvelet fdct_usfft_demo_disp.m -- display all the curvelet coefficients of an image fdct_usfft_demo_denoise.m -- image denoising using curvelet

    标签: directory functions interface transform

    上传时间: 2016-08-31


  • [LDPC码]是LDPC码相关论文 [WuYuFei]中是WuYuFei的论文 [WuYufei_matlab]是WuYufei做Turbo码的Matlab程序 程序实现在固定信噪比和卷积长度的

    [LDPC码]是LDPC码相关论文 [WuYuFei]中是WuYuFei的论文 [WuYufei_matlab]是WuYufei做Turbo码的Matlab程序 程序实现在固定信噪比和卷积长度的条件下,计算不同正常的帧错误概率和比特错误概率 turbo_sys_demo.m是主程序 其中trellis.m是构造网格的子程序 logmapo.m是LOGMAP译码算法子程序 sova0.m是SOVA译码算法子程序 encoderm.m是编码子程序 [22]是以WuYufei程序的改动,实现在帧长、信噪比和迭代次数固定的情况下,获得两个译码器的先验信息的变化情况 http://www.pudn.com

    标签: WuYuFei LDPC WuYufei_matlab WuYufei

    上传时间: 2016-09-03


  • 一种比较好的抗锯齿算法 Add myaa.m to your path and enjoy anti-aliased professionally looking graphics in Matla

    一种比较好的抗锯齿算法 Add myaa.m to your path and enjoy anti-aliased professionally looking graphics in Matlab at any time. Myaa works with any kind of graphic (3-D, plots, scatterplots, ...) and even adds anti-aliasing to text, ui controls and grids. Myaa is ideal for complex, cluttered and saturated plots. See attached screenshot for a demonstration. More examples included in the code, just run help myaa . Curiosa: For those of you who publish your code often, an undocumented anti-aliasing option is included in the snapnow.m function in Matlab. To publish a file called test.m you can do: opts.figureSnapMethod = antialiased publish( test.m ,opts) However, you will have more control over the process using myaa, which is also the best choice when using Matlab interactively.

    标签: professionally anti-aliased graphics looking

    上传时间: 2016-09-28


  • 对M=16的PSK系统仿真


    标签: PSK 16 系统仿真

    上传时间: 2014-01-25


  • m序列是无线通信中的常用序列


    标签: 序列 无线通信

    上传时间: 2013-12-26


  • 采用MATLAB编写的最新三维数据图形界面

    采用MATLAB编写的最新三维数据图形界面,运用GUI编程,输入函数名:volumization (data, n )即可。其中DATA的格式为:[n x m x p];n表示显示方式: 1 - all, 2 - every second, 3 - every third。

    标签: MATLAB 编写 数据 图形

    上传时间: 2014-11-22


  • This diskette (version 1.0) contains demonstration programs and source codes in MATLAB (v.5.2) for a

    This diskette (version 1.0) contains demonstration programs and source codes in MATLAB (v.5.2) for algorithms listed in the textbook Global Positioning Systems, Inertial Navigation, and Integration, by M. S. Grewal, Lawrence Weill, and A. P. Andrews, published by John Wiley and Sons, 2000. Contents: MATLAB (Version 5.2) Demonstrations & Scripts Chapter4 ephemeris.m calculates the GPS satellite position in ECEF coordinates from its ephemeris parameters. Chapter5 Klobuchar_fix.m calculates the ionospheric delay. Chapter6 (shows the quaternion utilities)

    标签: demonstration diskette contains programs

    上传时间: 2016-10-20


  • SCE算法: 简单进化算法的matlab标准实现

    SCE算法: 简单进化算法的matlab标准实现,内含3个m文件,英文说明。

    标签: matlab SCE 算法 标准

    上传时间: 2013-11-28


  • Matlab是Matlab产品家族的基础

    Matlab是Matlab产品家族的基础,它提供了基本的数学算法,例如矩阵运算、数值分析算法,Matlab集成了 2D和3D图形功能,以完成相应数值可视化的工作,并且提供了一种交互式的高级编程语言——M语言,利用M语言可以通过编写脚本或者函数文件实现用户自己的算法。 这是关于matlab的教程

    标签: Matlab

    上传时间: 2014-01-21
