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  • SDP, Service Delivery Platform, is more for telecom operators who want to manage the Data Service be

    SDP, Service Delivery Platform, is more for telecom operators who want to manage the Data Service better delivered to the end device users by bridging with back-end content providers. Operators rely on the content provider to create & distribute data content to different types of devices. This is different from the open world in the internet communication. Operators must control who can access what content based on his rate plans. Also, based the content access results, the process will be recorded as the transaction records based on which billing statements can be generated to collected the money and shared by operators and content providers. I am working on the conceptual architecture level and the real implementation is very complicated due to too many types of service from different content providers to different types of devices based on the different types of the rate plans.

    标签: Service operators Delivery Platform

    上传时间: 2016-03-10


  • SDP, Service Delivery Platform, is more for telecom operators who want to manage the Data Service be

    SDP, Service Delivery Platform, is more for telecom operators who want to manage the Data Service better delivered to the end device users by bridging with back-end content providers. Operators rely on the content provider to create & distribute data content to different types of devices. This is different from the open world in the internet communication. Operators must control who can access what content based on his rate plans. Also, based the content access results, the process will be recorded as the transaction records based on which billing statements can be generated to collected the money and shared by operators and content providers. I am working on the conceptual architecture level and the real implementation is very complicated due to too many types of service from different content providers to different types of devices based on the different types of the rate plans.

    标签: Service operators Delivery Platform

    上传时间: 2013-12-03


  • 法国cromda编写的新版本MATRICE 2(矩阵和矢量运算单元)。 // ----------------------------------------------------------

    法国cromda编写的新版本MATRICE 2(矩阵和矢量运算单元)。 // ---------------------------------------------------------- // 12-01-02 : MODIFIED Matrice to Matrice2 (Delphi 6) // All routines now operate on rectangular matrix, except (InvMat and SysLin) // No more need to use the InitMat procedure (suppressed) : // - the routines detect automaticaly the dimensions of matrix and vector // - error code MatDimNul is generated if zero lines or column in matrix and vector (See DimensionMatrice and DimensionVecteur) // - error code MatMauvDim is generated if the dimensions of matrix/vector don t allow valid result // - // The result matrix is dimensioned automaticaly

    标签: MATRICE cromda 法国 编写

    上传时间: 2014-01-23


  • This document is designed to aid anyone considering whether to write an emulator for an arcade gam

    This document is designed to aid anyone considering whether to write an emulator for an arcade game machine. It will attempt to answer frequently asked questions, give a step by step tutorial, and provide the resources necessary for a capable programmer to begin work on an emulator for an arcade game.

    标签: considering document designed emulator

    上传时间: 2014-01-05


  • The second volume in the Write Great Code series supplies the critical information that today s comp

    The second volume in the Write Great Code series supplies the critical information that today s computer science students don t often get from college and university courses: How to carefully choose their high-level language statements to produce efficient code. Write Great Code, Volume 2: Thinking Low-Level, Writing High-Level, teaches software engineers how compilers translate high-level language statements and data structures into machine code. Armed with this knowledge, a software engineer can make an informed choice concerning the use of those high-level structures to help the compiler produce far better machine code--all without having to give up the productivity and portability benefits of using a high-level language

    标签: information the critical supplies

    上传时间: 2014-02-21


  • This example provides a description of how to use a DMA channel to transfer a word data buffer fro

    This example provides a description of how to use a DMA channel to transfer a word data buffer from memory (Flash) to memory (RAM). The dedicated DMA channel is configured to transfer once a time a 32 word data buffer stored as constant in the Flash memory to another buffer in the RAM memory. The received data are stored in the DST_Buffer. The DMA channel transfer complete interrupt is enabled to generate an interrupt at the end of the buffer transfer. As soon as the transfer is completed an interrupt is generated and in the DMA channel interrupt routine the transfer complete interrupt pending bit is cleared. The data counter is stored before and after the transfer to show that all data has been transfered. TransferStatus gives the data transfer status where it is PASSED if transmitted and received data are the same otherwise it is FAILED

    标签: description provides transfer example

    上传时间: 2016-04-24


  • 使用定时器产生PWM波

    使用定时器产生PWM波,可配合L298N用来驱动普通直流电机。适用于51单片机-use PWM timer generated wave, and with the drive for general L298N

    标签: PWM 定时器

    上传时间: 2014-11-17


  • A .zip file contains a series of scripts that were used in the MathWorks webinar "Using MATLAB to De

    A .zip file contains a series of scripts that were used in the MathWorks webinar "Using MATLAB to Develop Portfolio Optimization Models." The scripts generate 3D efficient frontiers for a universe of 44 stocks with time as the third axis. Additional scripts perform various ex-ante and ex-post analyses. Results are generated with and without market adjustments in the data. A readme.txt. file in the .zip folder describes each script and how to use it

    标签: MathWorks contains scripts webinar

    上传时间: 2014-01-04


  • Recent work by Petricoin and Liotta and co-workers (Petricoin et al. Use of proteomic patterns in se

    Recent work by Petricoin and Liotta and co-workers (Petricoin et al. Use of proteomic patterns in serum to identify ovarian cancer. Lancet. 2002 Feb 16 359(9306):572-7. PMID: 11867112) has generated a lot of excitement and controversy. This example shows some ways that MATLAB can be used to read, visualize, pre-process (base-line correction, resample) and classify the data. The data can be downloaded from http://home.ccr.cancer.gov/ncifdaproteomics/ppatterns.asp

    标签: Petricoin co-workers and proteomic

    上传时间: 2016-04-28


  • 支持向量机

    支持向量机,用于分类。Classify using (a very simple implementation of) the support vector machine algorithm

    标签: 支持向量机

    上传时间: 2014-01-11
