音乐播放器,可播放大部份与微软Windows Media Player兼容的媒体档案格式,当中包括非串流处理的档案类型(mp3,wav,mID,avi,mpg)以及串流处理的档案类型(asf,wma,wmv) 您亦可以使用预先制作好的播放清单 (如: pls,m3u)。如果您想要利用本程序做为串流媒体服务,您可能需要准备一些串流处理媒体的执行文件 (如: asx,wax,wvx)。为你的网页增加个音乐点播DJ.
标签: Windows Player Media 音乐播放器
上传时间: 2013-12-10
symbian s60 2rd声音播放源码,支持wav和mID等音频格式
上传时间: 2014-06-14
频道 劲爆,看《欢乐颂》第二季 上传 书房 登录 注册 菜单 收藏到书房下载文档 上一页 /386 下一页 全屏 < 返回首页 CNC初级教程/FANUC学校讲义 顶 8 踩 0 浏览 1,196 收藏 89 评论 1 加入豆单 举报 手机观看
上传时间: 2016-05-16
RK3288 DDR 支持列表,For mID、OTT 等设备。
上传时间: 2016-06-17
1.Describe a Θ(n lg n)-time algorithm that, given a set S of n integers and another integer x, determines whether or not there exist two elements in S whose sum is exactly x. (Implement exercise 2.3-7.) #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> void merge(int arr[],int low,int mID,int high){ int i,k; int *tmp=(int*)malloc((high-low+1)*sizeof(int)); int left_low=low; int left_high=mID; int right_low=mID+1; int right_high=high; for(k=0;left_low<=left_high&&right_low<=right_high;k++) { if(arr[left_low]<=arr[right_low]){ tmp[k]=arr[left_low++]; } else{ tmp[k]=arr[right_low++]; } } if(left_low<=left_high){ for(i=left_low;i<=left_high;i++){ tmp[k++]=arr[i]; } } if(right_low<=right_high){ for(i=right_low;i<=right_high;i++) tmp[k++]=arr[i]; } for(i=0;i<high-low+1;i++) arr[low+i]=tmp[i]; } void merge_sort(int a[],int p,int r){ int q; if(p<r){ q=(p+r)/2; merge_sort(a,p,q); merge_sort(a,q+1,r); merge(a,p,q,r); } } int main(){ int a[8]={3,5,8,6,4,1,1}; int i,j; int x=10; merge_sort(a,0,6); printf("after Merging-Sort:\n"); for(i=0;i<7;i++){ printf("%d",a[i]); } printf("\n"); i=0;j=6; do{ if(a[i]+a[j]==x){ printf("exist"); break; } if(a[i]+a[j]>x) j--; if(a[i]+a[j]<x) i++; }while(i<=j); if(i>j) printf("not exist"); system("pause"); return 0; }
上传时间: 2017-04-01
Received: from mail.creditcard.cmbc.com.cn (unknown []) by newmx82.qq.com (NewMx) with SMTP id for <714620454@QQ.COM>; Fri, 20 Oct 2017 03:56:09 +0800 X-QQ-FEAT: nHaaMjwLeTyzuDp5C5V++RVfPHSVEqOujK0vwZroSro= X-QQ-MAILINFO: MjJD59SVx+LnQ1oU2sDuZ8tZJyZAOGTJaybWFAYRjurknrZoc6gjmnU06 o+pkiTJsdtxgA5CmtpN2ggrWb/T2GoG07QFXqgJtIk+5X1iaz4UykQ9M2a782+Fdn83doxC 4Ej1t99JoZcj8dDkeM5dzZTSR8uZGwHEnIK9Uim+NcaroB2EUWgclSmSzIxUHIbJ1nTLA8G B4/wa X-QQ-mID: mx82t1508442969ti70kc84u X-QQ-ORGSender: master@creditcard.cmbc.com.cn Received: from sedm([]) by mail.creditcard.cmbc.com.cn(1.0) with SMTP id sedm587; Thu, 19 Oct 2017 17:48:11 +0800 Date:Thu, 19 Oct 2017 17:48:11 +0800 (CST) Message-ID:<0305-euid-31911508406491578> To:=?gbk?B?zsTS1SDFrsq/?=<714620454@QQ.COM> From:master<master@creditcard.cmbc.com.cn> Subject: =?gbk?B?w/HJ+tDF08O/qDIwMTfE6jEw1MK159fTttTVy7Wl?= X-Priority: 3 X-MSMail-Priority: Normal MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary="****MAIN_BOUNDARY****2727BD00F7949069C75FEDD44F1F2988" This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --****MAIN_BOUNDARY****2727BD00F7949069C75FEDD44F1F2988 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="****SUB_BOUNDARY****2727BD00F7949069C75FEDD44F1F2988" --****SUB_BOUNDARY****2727BD00F7949069C75FEDD44F1F2988 Content-Type: text/html; charset="gb2312" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
标签: 源代码
上传时间: 2017-11-17
Employing multiple transmit and receive antennas, namely using multi-input multi-output (MIMO) systems, has proven to be a major breakthrough in providing reliable wireless communication links. Since their invention in the mID-1990s, transmit diversity, achieved through space-time coding, and spatial multiplexing schemes have been the focus of much research in the area of wireless communications.
标签: Communication Systems Coding MIMO for
上传时间: 2020-05-26
Optical communication technology has been extensively developed over the last 50 years, since the proposed idea by Kao and Hockham [1]. However, only during the last 15 years have the concepts of communication foundation, that is, the modulation and demodulation techniques, been applied. This is pos- sible due to processing signals using real and imaginary components in the baseband in the digital domain. The baseband signals can be recovered from the optical passband region using polarization and phase diversity tech- niques, as well as technology that was developed in the mID-1980s.
标签: Transmission Processing Digital Optical
上传时间: 2020-05-27
Until the mID-1990s most readers would probably not have even come across the term soft- ware defined radio (SDR), let alone had an idea what it referred to. Since then SDR has made the transition from obscurity to mainstream, albeit still with many different understandings of the terms – software radio, software defined radio, software based radio, reconfigurable radio.
上传时间: 2020-06-01
The advent of modern wireless devices, such as smart phones and mID 1 terminals, has revolutionized the way people think of personal connectivity. Such devices encompass multiple applications ranging from voice and video to high-speed data transfer via wireless networks. The voracious appetite of twenty-first century users for supporting more wireless applications on a single device is ever increasing. These devices employ multiple radios and modems that cover multiple frequency bands and multiple standards with a manifold of wireless applications often running simultaneously.
标签: Architectures Wireless Receiver Design and
上传时间: 2020-06-01